Chapter 2

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"Lloyd?"She whispered. Everyone in the monastery froze, including Lloyd. He felt as if his whole life was turned upside down. He didn't want to believe it. Not at all. He was just at her grave a few hours ago. Harumi was dead. He saw her die himself, he was sure of it. This had to be a dream, or had he gone insane? He went with the insane choice.

Lloyd folded his arms, and closed his eyes. He didn't really know what he was feeling. He never imagined what he would do if he saw her again in Ninjago. He knew he loved her, and so did everyone else...But that didn't mean he could forget what happened between them. He then slowly opened his eyes to see that Nya was glancing at him, in fact everyone was. What were they expecting him to just go up and lift her in the air, and kiss her on the cheek?!"Harumi."He said at last, with nothing but bitterness in his tone. Everyone but Wu and Nya gave Harumi a deadly grave. Wu frowned at Harumi, while Nya looked like she was going to kill her with her bare hands. And everyone in the monastery knew she could."Lloyd."Harumi said, louder and with a hint of anger.

Harumi's feelings were the same as Lloyd's. She loved him, but she just couldn't get over the fact that he had killed her parents. She wanted to, but at the same time she didn't."How are you alive?"He demanded."I came back. The greatest villain is the one that you never knew was there. Except it's different now."She said. He raised his eyebrows at her."What?"She asked."Aren't you going to go on?!"He asked."I am not the villain anymore. I came back to prove I can change."She lied."Yeah right. You fooled me once Harumi, but if you think you can fool me again, then you have another thing coming."He said. He then walked off, but stopped, and said:"Get out of my sight before I call the cops on you."He warned. Even though he could not see it, he could sense the frown on her face, as he could feel the stares of his friends. He then took a deep breath, then went into his room, and slammed the door behind him.

Once Lloyd had left, everyone looked around, giving each other worried glances, then giving Harumi one final deadly glare, and then went inside. Except for Nya."Go. Before I do something worse than calling the cops."Warned Nya. Harumi did not move at first, but after a slight moment, she slowly walked off. She wasn't afraid of Nya. But she felt stupid. Stupid for believing that Lloyd would be glad to see her. Stupid. She didn't know what she was going to do with herself. She walked until night fell, she then settled herself in some rags that was suppose to be a blanket, and fell asleep.

After Lloyd slammed the door, he locked. He wanted to stay in his room forever, maybe that was going to happen. After a few moments, he felt the tears roll down his face."This can't be happening. You are just crazy. Harumi didn't just talk to you. You are crazy, Lloyd."He told himself. He wiped his tears away.

Just then, there was a knock on his door. He didn't move, he closed his eyes, and prayed that whoever was there would just leave him alone."Lloyd?"Asked Wu. Lloyd opened his eyes, but didn't move."Lloyd, please open the door. The others are worried about you...As am I."He said. Lloyd still didn't move. He heard Wu sigh, as if he was expecting it."Lloyd, if you wish not to talk now, I understand. And I am willing for you to take a few days off. Relax. Play video games, or whatever you have nowadays. Just.....Feel better. Let your heart heal. And when you are ready, please talk to us."He said.

Lloyd heard his uncle leave. Lloyd closed his eyes again, then opened them. He didn't want to relax. He just wanted Harumi out of his head. For good. Of course, he couldn't kill her. He would probably just end up killing himself if he did that. He looked at a photo of him and Rumi that he had foolishly kept."I don't believe you changed. And I am not going to let you destroy my friends. I will be ready for you. If you show your face again."He said with bitterness. He wasn't going to relax. He was done being soft and useless. Done.

Nya, the water ninja watched her little brother very carefully. Although the others were worried about him, Nya was the most worried. She watched Lloyd push himself harder and harder each day. And as each day went by, he smiled less and less. She would offer him to join the boys in their video games, or jump in the hot tub with them. But he would decline every single time, and when she would ask why, he only said:"I can't go soft again."

Even though Lloyd didn't say anything, Nya knew this was all Harumi's fault. In fact, even a dummy could have known it was her fault. Thought Nya How she hated that witch. But what she hated even more is that mast Wu and the others, choose to pretend nothing is wrong! But to be fair, she wasn't really doing anything either, but still! And if Harumi ever has the nerve to show up here, then things will get pretty ugly.

Harumi woke up with the sound of yells and shouts from the city. She groaned."MOM!"Cried out a small little boy. That sent Harumi up and at them. She followed the voice to find that some low thugs were mugging a woman, and hurting her. Along with the little boy, crying and shouting. And what pissed Harumi off the most, was that nobody was doing anything to help! This is my chance. Harumi thought. She then ran over to them, and shouted:"HEY! Leave them alone!"

"Well, well, well! If it isn't the Quiet One. Have you come back from the dead to eat our brains?"He asked."I did come back. But I couldn't eat your brains, because I would have to find them first!"She exclaimed."Please. Help us."Begged the woman."Be quiet you!"Said a thug."Leave them alone."She said, surprisingly calmly.

"And what are you going to do about it?!"Demanded a thug."Now, run along, like a good girl."He said."You must have been living under a rock while I was ruling Ninjago along side Lord Garmadon. Because I am no good girl, and that's fine."She said."Well, then things might get a little-"He was cut off by Harumi punching him in the jaw. The thug held his jaw, and said:"You are in for a whole lot of pain for that!"He cried out. The thugs went after her, but Harumi wasn't scared. She blocked almost all of their attacks. One came with a knife, which she got out of the way in the nick of time, she also grabbed it, and stabbed it in the leader's side. The other two got frightened, and carried the leader off. But they didn't get far, police officers came after them. Harumi then turned to the mother and son, and noticed that they were the ones she had saved before the building fell down."Thank you....Harumi?"Asked the mother.

Harumi glanced over, she knew if she didn't get out of here soon, they would throw her in the slammer."Yes, I came back. And I am sorry-"You saved our lives. And if you need a place to stay-"No, no. I cannot go into your house. That would put you and your family in danger."Harumi said."But aren't you living on the streets?"Asked the boy."Well, yes...But I wish not to come and put you all at risk at going in jail."She said."It will only be for awhile...Until you get back on your feet. Please. You saved mine and my family twice already. It's the least I can do."The woman said."If it is only for a while, I guess I can stay. But what about your husband?"She asked."Vern is on a work trip and won't be back anytime soon. I am sure you will be gone by the time he is back."She said.

"Okay. But are you sure?"She asked. They both nodded."Thank you.."Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Dawn. And this-"Rowan."Replied Rowan."It is very nice to meet both of you."Harumi said. And with that, the three people set off back to their house.

"Lloyd! Dinner is ready!"Called out Zane. Lloyd groaned as he got up from his bed. He then slowly made his way to the kitchen. He then sat next to Nya and Kai. Zane then served his famous dumplins, along with some rice. Cole licked his lips, and dug in after Zane put his plate on the table. Lloyd looked at his food, and took a few bites before putting it in the fridge. Zane frowned."What is wrong, Lloyd?"He asked."I am going to save them for later."He said. But he knew he wasn't going to eat them later. Lloyd then returned to his room, and went to bed.

The others exchanged worried and uneasy glances."Okay, I am just going to say it: Does anyone know what's up with Lloyd?"Asked Kai Nya rolled her eyes."What?"Asked Kai."Isn't it clear Kai?! It's Harumi!"Exclaimed Nya. Nobody said anything. Nya sighed."I am going to talk to him. Someone has to."She said. She then got up, and headed to his room. She knocked. No answer. She knocked again. Still no answer."Lloyd! Open this door right now! Or I will kick it down myself!"Warned Nya."Okay Lloyd. You asked for it."She said in almost a whisper. With two good kicks, she opened the door. She then gasped. Lloyd was gone.

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