Chapter 20

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The monastery was dime and quiet. Filled with sadness and grief. It was empty. The ninjas were so used to waking up hearing yells from Lloyd and Harumi. They were fighting over the stupidest things. Like who ate the last piece of candy, or who would be able to beat them in training. They would sometimes think they heard them fighting, and rush out..Only to find out it was just their cruel imagination. 

They didn't care that Lloyd was over training anymore. They didn't care if Harumi was hanging out with Lloyd or sneaking him out. Heck, they didn't even care if she was the Quiet One. They just wanted them back. They wanted them to come back to them. 

And it didn't make it any better that people were giving them pity, sure it was nice, but it only made them miss Lloyd and Harumi even more. They had taken them for granted, and now they had to pay the price. They had learned their lesson. If they got them back, they would never take them for granted ever again. If. If. How they hated that word now. Everyone of them. If only they kept them more safe. If they were willing. If they didn't let them go alone. If they would wake up. If they were still alive. If. 

They all would walk around the monastery, as if this was a new place. A horrible place. Before, it was home. Now, it was just a reminder of what they had lost. They lost their joy and laughter. But it would only return if the missing parts of their home would come back. If. There was that word again. If.

They wouldn't train. Training was Lloyd's thing. It was another reminder that they were missing. Lloyd trained all the time, and they couldn't train without bursting into tears. But they didn't play video games, that was another reminder. They did nothing. Nothing. If Harumi and Lloyd saw them, they would feel empty inside, but they couldn't. They couldn't. All the ninjas would do was cry when nobody was around, and hope that they would get the call from the doctor that they were awake. But that phone call never came. At least not yet. 

If they weren't walking around the monastery or crying, then they would visit them, but that gave them pain. They were pained to see them like this. It pained them not living their lives. They deserved better. Better than this. They were just people that made grave mistakes, they didn't deserve to be at the edge of death. And if they had to die, why have a slow and painful death? Why? None of them knew. And they didn't know if they wanted to. If.

The ninjas didn't eat too much anymore. They ate enough to stay alive, but still. They could barely sleep either. They would stay up crying. Some of them were loud, but some were quiet as mice. Sometimes they would scream at night. Not from nightmares, but the nightmare they were living in right this second. But it was more than a nightmare. It was like living in the underworld, filled with rage, sadness, regret, and grief.

But it would only get worse. Their master, Master Wu? He had died in the middle of the night. The ninjas didn't think much of it, I mean the man was over a thousand years old. But he was murdered. And by this time, I think you all know who. How, is it still unknown for now. Now, the ninjas were filled with grief completely. They had lost their master, and their leader was on the edge of death, same as the  former Quiet One. In just a couple of weeks, they had lost so much. They wanted it all to stop. All of it. But it couldn't. It just couldn't.

Some of them wanted to meet their master and the two teenagers at the end. They wanted themselves to be free from the pain and the suffering. All at once. They tried....I think you know what. Nya and Kai were them. They were the closest to Lloyd. The grief hit them hard. Jay, Cole, Zane, Pixal, and Skylor were screaming and crying when it almost happened. 

Cole strike his power at Kai, and Zane freeze Nya before it was too late. Thank the FSM it wasn't too late. When the two siblings woke up, they were greeted by angry and glad tears and shouts of doing somethings so stupid. And being the children of Ray, the former fire ninja, they screamed back on them. It was the most horrible and dreadful day. And the day that the ninjas would try to block their minds, but would always fail. From that day forward, the ninjas and allies would watch the two Smith siblings, making sure they wouldn't try anything like that again. Because if they let that happened, they would never forgive themselves.

The ninjas had no master, no leader, they had no hope. The only hope that they had was that Lloyd and Harumi would wake up. But even that seemed too far away from the truth. Lloyd and Harumi were dead to them at this moment of time. They would still visit them, but they could not last a few seconds before bursting into tears. It has become normal to them now. And they hated it. 

The crime had died down. It seemed as if they were settling down after Lloyd and Harumi were shot. The ninjas didn't really care, which was very dumb. But nothing really happened. And that was the problem. They didn't care if Ninjago was going to get destroyed. If they were all going to die. They just wanted to die together. But that couldn't happen. There were no villains. It seemed like the light was destroyed, so was the darkness. But no darkness was crueler than the darkness that had filled their hearts. They needed to wake up. They needed to. Because they didn't know how much longer they could handle being alive much longer. They didn't know. Not at all.

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