Chapter 8

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Skylor Chen knocked on the monastery's door. Skylor didn't know if Harumi could be trusted, so she decided to test her. The test would prove that Harumi has changed or could change. The test would start today, but she would just question Harumi, and just try and have a good time. Kai opened the door."Sky! What are you doing here? Missed me?"He asked."Hey Kai, I am here to pick up Harumi. We are going shopping."She explained. Kai had frowned on his face."Just be...Careful. I can't lose you again."He said."Kai, I know better now than to take that much power. And I can take care of myself."She said. She then planted a small kiss on his lips. Kai's face matched his red gig perfectly, which made Skylor giggle.

Harumi then came out, and Lloyd followed."Be careful."He said."Lloyd! I am not a little girl! I'll be careful!"She said for the 10th time."At least I am worried about you!"He said."Well, you don't have to worry! There is no reason, okay?! I can handle it! And Skylor's going to be with me."She said."Promise you will-"Call if anything happens. I promise."She said. Kai and Skylor looked at each other. Harumi and Lloyd argued back and forth for 10 more minutes before Skylor and Kai broke them up.

Skylor took Harumi's hand, and dragged her out of the monastery. They both entered the mall, Harumi looked around at all the different shops. Skylor then took her to her favorite shop. Skylor picked out an orange and red sparkly dress, some jeans, a cute orange top, and some dark red lipstick. Harumi picked out a black leather jacket, red lipstick, and a green dress."Green, huh?"Teased Skylor."Shut up."Snapped Harumi. Skylor made her pick out a fancy top, and some other things. Once they paid, they walked around. This gave Skylor a chance to ask her some questions."Is it true? That you saved that family?"Asked Skylor. 

Harumi nodded."After I came back the mother and son allowed me to come into their home."Explained Harumi."Did they tell you to turn yourself in?"Asked Skylor."No, I did."Said Harumi."Why?"She asked."Before I called Lloyd-"You called him?"Asked Skylor."Yeah. He saved me and the family. I wanted to thank him."She said."Wow. He must really care about you if he went there alone."She said."He what!?"She demanded.

"Yeah, the guys said that he got injured pretty badly. He needed stitches."She explained."Stitches?!"She repeated."Yeah. You didn't even notice it?"She asked. Harumi felt stupid for not noticing it before, but in her defense, he hid them pretty well..."Don't feel bad. It wasn't even your fault. You can't control his actions."She said."It just....Doesn't make any sense! Why would he help me?! Me! Of all people!"She exclaimed. Skylor shrugged."Like I said he must really care about you."She said."But why?"Asked Harumi, her tone was filled with hurt. Skylor felt bad for her. She was just like Harumi once. She thought what she was doing was right. But it wasn't."Come on. Let's go get you some food."Said Skylor, with a smile. Harumi forced a small smile. They both then headed towards the food court.

After shopping for two more hours, they both headed back to the monastery."Thank you, Skylor. I really needed more clothes."Said Harumi."You are welcome. I really enjoy this, to be honest."Said Skylor. This made Harumi smile brightly."Sky!"Exclaimed Kai. They both turned around to see Kai running towards them."How was it?"He asked."It was fun! Me and Rumi really enjoyed it!"Said Skylor."I am going to go take a shower."Said Harumi. They both watched her leave."Sooo, wanna stay for dinner?"Asked Kai. Skylor smiled."I would love to, hothead."She said. Kai was about to say something back, but Skylor kissed him on the cheek. Frankly, it was the only way to shut him up. She had learned the trick from Nya. They both had blabbermouths for boyfriends.

Everything was somewhat peaceful for the rest of the day,  but at night? That was a different story. Everyone woke up to the alarm going off. They all raced down to the secret base, where Zane and Pixal were waiting for them."What gives, Zane?! I thought you were on patrol!"Exclaimed Kai."My apologies, Lloyd and Harumi."Zane said."What?! Why are you apologizing to them?! You ruined my beauty sleep!"Exclaimed Jay.

"And me not hearing Jay's annoying voice!"Exclaimed Cole."Yeah-HEY!"Shouted Jay. Zane and Pixal had uneasy faces."The Sons of Garmadon."Answered Pixal. Everyone turned to Lloyd and Harumi."I'll fight. I have been meaning to get some anger out, anyway."Said Lloyd."Yeah, and I need to teach these guys some manners."Harumi said, cracking her knuckles."Well, then that settles it! NINJA-GO!"Exclaimed Cole. They all began heading towards the door, but then stopped because they forgot they were in their sleeping clothes.

After they all got dressed, Pixal told them where the sons of Garmadon were, in the same place where they met for the first time since Wu disappeared. "What did Pixal say what they were up to again?"Asked Jay. when they were in the hallway."They are stealing some sort of artifact I guess."Answer Kai. The ninjas and Harumi ran until they heard some voices."Why does the boss need this stupid artifact?!"Asked a thug."Dunno. But whatever it is, it must be important."Said another thug."Hurry up before the ninjas show up!"Exclaimed one other thug."Not so fast!"Exclaimed Kai.

"Really?! That again?!"Exclaimed Jay."Must we do this every time?!"Demanded Cole."What? That's all I got!"Defended Kai."Guess so."Said Cole."Kai, Jay focus. I wanna punch someone."Answered Lloyd. Everyone looked at him with concern. Normally, this was Cole's thing."Lloyd's right! Enough chit chat!"Exclaim Harumi."get them!"Exclaim the leader. They all charged at each other. Lloyd went after the leader, while the ninjas and Harumi went after the rest. The leader ran out to the roof, and tried to escape, with Lloyd following him. Lloyd then noticed that the artifact was just some creepy mask, why would the Sons of Garmadon want a creepy mask that could gain them nothing? He had a feeling he would find out.

The leader jumped from building to building, hoping that he would lose the green ninja. He didn't. The green ninja finally caught him, and tackled him to the ground."Who is your leader?! What do you want with the mask?!"He demanded."The mask isn't what we wanted. We wanted you. Why do you think the alarm went off? The boss wanted to make sure you were there. But he only told me."He explained."Why do you want me?! Who is your leader?!"He demanded. The thug pushed him off."Isn't it clear? We want revenge! On you and the Quiet One! And to answer your second question he is your greatest enemy."He said. The green ninja charged at him, but he blocked it, and gave him an attack of his own.

"You already know. You just don't want to."He added."Also, he wanted me to deliver a message: He wants you to feel hopeless. He wants you to feel that you have nothing left. No one left."He said."My friends have sur-"I wasn't talking about your friends."He answered. What happened next Lloyd wasn't quite sure. But the last thing he saw, was that the leader blew some sort of dust at him, that made him feel weak, he began to fall to the ground. That was when he blacked out, seeing nothing but pure darkness.

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