Chapter 48

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Nya and Jay quickly closed the door, their backs facing the door, trying to keep the angry pirates out."Nya! The traveler's tea! It's not enough."Jay cried out."Only one of us can go through then..."She said to him. Jay shook his head."Go. Take the poison. I promised that I was going to protect you."Jay told her. Nya looked at the poison fearfully, then at him."Oh Jay. This was the reason."She said in realization."What? What reason!"He asked her."The reason that you are the only person I let in my heart. 

When you said that you saw us in your future.......I saw it too. The first day we met."Nya admitted. Jay's eyes widened."That's great!"He exclaimed, extremely happy."And that is why I am the one who has to protect you. Because you have the wish....Save me Jay Walker! There's going to be a wedding, and I want you to do something about it!"Nya exclaimed. Jay leaned in and tried to kiss her, but she threw him into the portal. She looked down at the floor. Regretting she didn't kiss him back. She sighed as she looked at the door, they would come in any second."You better come quick, Jay Walker. I need you to save me from this nightmare."She whispered.

Nya bolted from her bed. She rubbed her head. Jay Walker. That name sent her to feel.....Things she wasn't supposed to feel....At all. But she did. Why? Why was she having these dreams......Or were they memories? Memories that seemed to be out of reach......For the both of them. She got up and looked in the mirror."Who am I?"She asked herself. That was a very good question. A question that was missing an answer. An answer she needed very badly.

"Hey Nya."Jay said waving at her."Hey.....You are Jay, right?"She asked him."Yep! That's me!"He said pointing at himself. Nya giggled."I like your dress, red looks really good on you."Jay told her. Nya smiled. Gosh, she really can light up the whole world with that one big beautiful smile."Thanks. Although not sure it's me really, I guess."She shrugged. Jay raised his eyebrow at her."But you wear red all the time! Not that it's an old color on you! Ha! Is it getting hot in here? Because I feel-"Calm down, Jay. I know what you mean, cutie."She told him. Wait......Did she call me cute? I must be hearing things......

"I mean, I like red and all. But it's getting boring I guess. I prefer a different and more exciting color."She told him."What color?"He asked. Please, please, please, let it be-"Blue."She replied casually smiling slightly. YES! She said blue!  I can't believe it! I might as well won a lottery! To her heart........Wait, why do I sound like Kai? Nya giggled."Huh? Did someone tell a joke?"He asked her."No. You were drooling."She told him still giggling. Oh no! I am such a freak!"Don't worry Jay. My brother Kai drools some much on his pillow, that it would have enough water to become a swimming pool!"She exclaimed. 

Jay laughed."Ew!"Jay cried out. Nya let out a laugh."I know. Luckily, I don't have to sleep in the same room with him anymore. You do though."She sang happily. He should have been a bit annoyed that he had slept in the same room with a drooler, but her smile and her voice......Did she just get hit by an angel? Or is she an angel? At this point it didn't matter. Did he even deserve her? No. Nobody deserves her, that's just how wonderful she is. Although....I wish she was mine...

Jay shook off the memory. It wasn't an important one from someone else's eye....But it was important to him. Every single moment they had together was important. Every. It didn't matter if they were on a normal date like regular teenagers or if they were saving the world....Side by side....Expect this time, they would be side by side. They would be fighting on different sides...He didn't want to face her. He couldn't. Even though he knew it wasn't her fault, he still didn't want to face her. He wouldn't accept this. At all. He didn't know how, when, where.....But he was going to get her back. At ALL costs. She deserved that much.

"Jay? You okay?"Lloyd asked him putting his hand on his shoulder."Y-Yeah! Of course I am! Why would I be?"Jay asked. Lloyd looked behind him, seeing the others tease each other and smiling."I know how it feels."He said softly looking at Harumi, but whispering so only Jay could hear."Feel what? I am great!"Jay exclaimed, trying to convince him. But he didn't. Lloyd knew better.

"When Harumi betrayed me, I thought it was all my fault...And it was. But none of this is your fault, Jay. It's Garmadon. And I promise you, we will stop him and get Nya back."Lloyd said."Lloyd, I am-"I've been in your shoes before Jay, don't you think that I can't see through you. Because I can. And if you ever need anyone to talk to about this stuff.....I am here. Because nobody understands what you are going through more than me."Lloyd said. Jay forced a smile."Thanks. But we don't have time. We need to stop Garmadon and save Nya."Jay told him.".....Jay. I think we should come back."Zane said quietly joining in.

"WHAT!? ARE YOU CRAZY?! I NEED TO GO SAVE NYA!"Jay screamed."Lower your voice, Jay! Or we will be caught!"Exclaimed Cole."Okay! FINE! But are you crazy!? I am NOT going anywhere with out Nya!"Jay exclaimed."Yeah! I am not leaving my sister!"Kai agreed."Kai. If Nya was the figure helping Garmadon, what happened with Skylor, Pixal, and Mystake?! They could be hurt, in fact we all are. I think we should come back with a plan B."Harumi told him. At the sound of that, Kai was silent, clearly thinking hard."No! I promised Nya a long time ago that I would protect her with my life! I am not running away from her!"Exclaimed Jay."Jay, master Wu once said that we cannot win this battle today....We will come back....For the war."Cole said."I can't lose her."Jay whispered. Not again. He thought. He shivered as he recalled the memory.

"Guess it's true, love stories do always end in tragedy."

She had said that. It wasn't true back then, and he wouldn't let it be true now. Lloyd bit his lip, Harumi noticed that he had been quiet during this whole conversation about them retreating. He wasn't seriously siding with Jay, was he? No, Lloyd isn't that reckless.

"Jay. As much as I hate to admit it, they are right. You guys should go."Lloyd said, finally speaking. While I, need to do something of my own....Jay looked at the floor. Tears began to escape his eyes. He didn't want to leave her. He didn't want to. She was his girl. His girl and only his girl. She was his sun. She was the reason he woke up everyday and never gave up. She was the reason. She was always the reason. Cole and Kai put their hands on his shoulder trying to comfort him. But they wouldn't understand.........Wouldn't understand his pain.

He still didn't think it was right. It wasn't right at all......To just leave her there with that psychopath....Er, no offense Lloyd. Nya was the love of his life, he knew there was something about her that was just breath taking even when they first met. She was his other piece......And now he was leaving her. What kind of boyfriend was he?! No, they would come back for her......But what if it wasn't enough?! What if she died right in his arms again!? He couldn't handle that. Not again. He had wishes that time, he didn't have anything if something happened to her."Put me down, KAI! I NEED TO GO TO NYA!"Jay screamed."No, Jay. We told you! We will come back for her!"Kai told him. They all ran and didn't stop.....Little did they know, they forgot someone......Someone who was ready for a fight.

"Why did you let them get away?!"Demanded Chamile. She was having too much fun torturing the ninjas, she was pissed that it had to stop."Because...I never really wanted those four ninjas. They would come later...."Garmadon said."What?"She asked."I wanted Lloyd and Harumi to suffer. I let them go because I knew.......They would come back."He explained."Go."He spoke softly. Just as she left, the door to the room was destroyed by purple magic. Standing there was a golden Oni figure. He knew that Oni well. He had once held that Oni in his once-caring arms....That Oni was the being he brought into this world, Garmadon could sense his revenge....His taste for blood. His taste for his death. 

"Let's finish this. For good."The Oni roared. Garmadon chuckled."What took you so long!?"He demanded grabbing a sword. They both charged at each other....And that is when the final battle between father and son........Had finally begun.

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