Chapter 46

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 Harumi groaned as she fluttered her eyes open. She rolled her head from left to right. Her head hurt like hell, and she had scars all over her body. She was also chained to a wall just like Lloyd was. Just then a purple haired woman opened a door."Chamile?"Harumi asked. Chamile smirked."Why hello quiet one."She said."What do you-you want?"She questioned her."That is none of your concern, weakling."Chamile said."I am not weak."Harumi stated. Chamile laughed in front of her face."You went to Garmadon and asked him to kill you! Oh Garmadon daddy! Please kill me! My life is terrible! I am a horrible person! That green ninja deserves better!"Chamile mocked."Come closer so I can punch you to hell."Harumi ordered."And just how are you going to do that?! You are chained to the wall, you idiot."Chamile reminded her.

"I can kick you though."Harumi snapped back. Chamile cackled."How you ended up leader the most dangerous gang of all Ninjago is beyond me! You are way too good! Always wanted to do the right thing! I almost feel pity for you!"Chamile cried out. Harumi could do nothing but listen to Chamile's taunts.......And plan different ways to murder her in her own dead bloody hands........

"Chamile, your poor insults just want to make me die even more. I was better at throwing insults when I was a six year old!"Harumi exclaimed. Chamile rolled her eyes. A smirk appeared on her face as she had a terribly wonderful idea. A frightful incredible idea."What are you so peachy about?"Harumi demanded."Oh nothing. I should get going. Can't let the big man wait!"She exclaimed. Once she touched the door she added:"Oh. By the way, I kissed your weak little green boyfriend."

Lloyd sighed as he looked at the picture of his entire family standing on his night stand. Everything was better than....Well, almost. Master Wu was alive, his father was locked away in prison, almost everything was perfect.......Almost.......Only one person was missing back then."No. I won't be stuck in the past. I have to be stuck in the future."Lloyd told himself. He then opened his door as quietly as he could, and ran until he reached the door, where he was stopped."Where do you think you are going alone?"Asked Kai crossing his arms, following everyone who lived in the monastery.

"Just a quick little jog. I won't be-"Cut the crap Lloyd. We know you are going to face Garmadon. We also know he has Harumi."Snapped Nya."What!? Me?! Go out alone? Pfft!"Lloyd lied."Lloyd...."Cole said raising his eyebrow."Fine....I am going. And I know Harumi's done some pretty bad stuff and hurt a lot of people.....But I can't just let her die. Whether she likes it or not."Lloyd stated."We were never going to stop you, Lloyd. Harumi is a part of this family as much as you. But you aren't doing her nor yourself a favor if you choose to come alone."Skylor told him. Lloyd sighed."You guys are right...But I don't want to get anyone killed...."Lloyd said quietly."Hey, no one is going anywhere. And even if we do die......We would be proud to die for Ninjago and you."Kai pointed out. Lloyd forced a soft smile."Well, that settles it. Let's get ready!"Skylor ordered."Um........We?"Kai asked her nervously.

Skylor turned around and gave him a frown."Yes we, Kai! I am going!"Skylor exclaimed."Skylor.....You are almost due. In two months! If not less! You can't fight!"Kai protested."I can still fight. I am not weak, Kai! I can handle myself!"Skylor yelled."I know you are not, Sky. You are the strongest, smartest, hottest, and best fighter I have ever seen! And I know you can handle yourself, but.....It isn't just you I am worried about, okay? I am worried about our children. If you go out there.....Our children might not make it....You have to understand that."Kai told her by taking her hands. Skylor avoided his gaze, knowing that for once he was right this time."What if......You have no one who can save you?"She whispered softly. Kai tightened his grip."I promise you, I won't die. I have you and my kids to live for. I will come back. I promise."Kai said touching her cheek lightly. She grinned."And I thought you were cursed to be cocky and irresponsible for the rest of your life."She teased. Kai chuckled."I guess that's what makes love crazy. It turns you into a completely different person."Kai answered. She then lifted his chin, and gently leaned in for a nice, smoothing kiss.

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