Chapter 28

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When he finally saw light in his eyes again, he noticed he wasn't in the monastery anymore. And any hope of hoping it was all a bad dream had faded away, much to his dismay and horror. He had just enough strength to lift his head and turn a bit. The rest of his body aches for only lifting it slightly. He hasn't even looked at his wounds that the sons of Garmadon had given him. And he would delay that moment no matter what. But he did know that it was bad. Really bad. And he was dreading the most to look at his hand that oni version of himself had done. He hoped it was all a dream, but deep down he knew that it wasn't. And he didn't want to confirm that information either.

Lloyd turns his head slowly to the left, then to the right. Everything in the room was dim and dark. There were chains hanging from the walls, the same kind of chains that were holding his wrists and ankles. They felt sharp as knives on his wounded skin. There was also a table filled with weapons, and they looked like they hadn't been cleaned in ages. Lloyd flinched at the sight of wet blood. His wet blood.

There was a window with bars, but only one. He could barely see the moonlight within the darkness that surrounded him. There wasn't much else in the room other than a few other deadly items, and a few other things too. The door then slammed open, Garmadon entering. Lloyd was surprised that the door was still standing by how hard Garmadon had opened it. Garmadon then stood in front of him, staring at him intensely

Garmadon chuckled lightly, and shook his head."What?"Lloyd demanded, trying not to sound weak. He failed, of course."And I thought you would try to resist the darkness...I thought you made it clear you wanted to do everything in your power to not be like me."He said."I still do! You are a monster!"Lloyd said, trying to yell."Oh really? Then why did you give in? Mm? Why did you quit? Isn't the first rule of being a ninja is that ninjas never quit?"Question Garmadon. Lloyd looked away from Garmadon, trying to plug out his words."You know, I used to think that Wu was a poor teacher...But turns out that you were a poor student and nephew!"Said Garmadon. Lloyd still didn't look at him, trying to force the tears and angry screams away.

Garmadon then held Lloyd's jaw, and made him look at him."I must have told you I was a proud man when I held you in my arms. But really, all I ever wanted was for you to get out of my life. Of Misako's life. Of any life."Garmadon said coldly."Yo-Y-You are lying...."Lloyd said faintly."No."Said Garmadon shaking his head.

"Your mother's parents disowned her after she told them she was pregnant. When you were born, you and my mother dropped you off at darkly, and never looked back."Explained Garmadon."No...Mom-"That was a lie. And an excuse. You see? We were both bad parents, but is it fair to be good parents to a bad and disappointing child?"Asked Garmadon. Lloyd couldn't hold them in any longer. Garmadon let go of his jaw, as the tears rolled off Lloyd's face. Garmadon turned to leave, but then stopped, looked at Lloyd, and said:"I should have not listened to Harumi. I should have killed you that night You foolishly came to fight me. I wish you were dead."Garmadon said bitterly, showing no sign of regret. He then left the heart broken, crying boy with his own thoughts.

"So? What now, Garmadon? Do we kill him?"Asked one of the sons of Garmadon."No. He has not suffered enough. His greatest fear is harming anyone, that he will turn out like a monster. Like me."Said Garmadon. Garmadon didn't answer him, and walked off to his room."Man. What is it with him and secrets?"Mumbled one of the thugs.

Garmadon picked up a sword, and held it with gentleness. He touched it from the bottom to the top. He then purposely cut his palm, and watched himself bleed. Normally, he would grin at the sight of his blood. The blood of the oni. The blood of his father's. Garmadon frowned at the thought of his own father. Much like him and Lloyd's relationship, it was anything but pretty. Garmadon hated his father. Hated that Wu was his most valuable child. There was a time, when Garmadon tried to be a valuable child, but he ended up failing, of course. 

It was at that time he realized that his relationship with his father could never be fixed. At that time, it broke his heart to even think that, but now? He didn't care one bit. He hated that man. That's why he hated Lloyd. He could see his father in Lloyd. Always caring, always helping others, and always being good. He hated it. Maybe that is the reason. He wanted to destroy his spirit, like his father broke his. 

Now, he was sure his father didn't mean to, but he still did. And Garmadon never forgave him for that. But he didn't show it. He hid it....Or at least tried to. The evil was growing stronger, and as it did, it was getting harder and harder to bite his feelings to not rise. Half the time it worked. And half the other time it didn't. They would always end up in horrible fights, that was when Garmadon didn't mind showing off his evil. But after his father passed, he had mixed emotions....Most of them were joy, pride, and relief. He had no regrets. The other feelings he had were...Emotions. But that made him weak. He hated being weak. Hated it more than his father and Lloyd.

After bandaging his hand, Garmadon practiced with the sword, it had been a while, but he was still fluent. His body was here, in his room, but once again his thoughts were not. They were in his memories. Memories that made him gag. Some of them were with his brother, and some were with his love, Misako. But most of them were with Lloyd. Ugh. His memories seemingly were returning, but that changed nothing. He was still cold as ice, his heart still black and twisted like the devil. And he would not change his plan. Not to change his mind on what he was doing to Lloyd and what he was going to do to Harumi. Nothing was going to change any of that. Nothing.

Garmadon sighed as he made an 'X' with his sword. He then started to put it back, but then stopped."He is the reason why I am like this. He needs to suffer more."Garmadon said faintly. Garmadon gripped the sword tightly, and then opened the door hard enough to break it. Thugs looked at him strangely, but he paid them no mind. He had gotten a lot of those stares, and that taught him to just keep walking and to not change whatever his plan was. He opened Lloyd's cell or whatever you call it."Okay, green ninja! You better prepare yourself for what you are about to feel!"Yelled Garmadon. He then turned over to where they had hung him, only to see that the chains had broken off, and Lloyd was no longer there. 

He then heard sinister laughter. That made Garmadon extremely ticked off."SHOW YOURSELF OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN, SKIN YOU, AND FEED YOU TO THE WOLVES!"Screamed Garmadon. The laughter continued, but stopped. He heard someone take a deep breath."You don't seem to get it don't you?"He heard someone say. Just then, that same boy who had been sobbing, looking weak just a few hours ago, appeared. But he looked different. He was still bloody, but only this time there was blood in his mouth. 

He had long fangs, that blood dripped off of. He had white horns that were on his head, tall and mighty they were. And his eyes....They were dark purple, filled with pure evil and hate. And he had claws, that were dripping dark purple. Lastly, he was carrying a sword, but not just any sword. The FSM's sword. That's what caught Garmadon. His father's sword. The boy demon licked his lips."I am not trapped in here with you....YOU are trapped in here with ME!"The boy demon cackled.

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