Chapter 35

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Lloyd then walks closer to Garmadon."How long was it that you had the upper hand?"He asked. Garmadon backed up, which led him to fall to the ground, frightened by this being. Harumi had never seen Garmadon ever frighten like he was that day. She always saw him as a sort of god or devil, but that day and at that moment, he wasn't a god nor was he the devil. The devil was in fact his own son.

And then, out of the corner of Lloyd's eye, he saw Harumi. He then looked back at Garmadon."Get out of here Harumi."He said, surprisingly calmly."No. I-I came for you. I-I am not leaving without you."She stated, she was shocked that she could croak a word out, let alone whole sentences."I will not say it again, Harumi."He said, his tone was getting angrier, she could tell."I can't walk."She replied. And besides, where would she even go? This whole castle was surrounded by Garmadon's goons. She wouldn't get far, even with two legs that worked. Lloyd took a deep breath. She would have to see him like this. He wanted to avoid that, but not everything goes to plan.

"Are you really sure you want to do this again? Remember what happened last time?"Reminded Garmadon. Last time? What happened last time? Harumi wondered."Yes. And this time, I will win."Lloyd said, only hatred was found in his voice."Harumi will die. Maybe not today, but some day she will. And you will be left alone once again."Taunted Garmadon."I will protect her with my life."Lloyd stated."Then, you will both die."Garmadon replied."Better than stay on the same realm that you are in."Lloyd whispered.

Garmadon tried to stab Lloyd, but couldn't. In fact, once the blade touched his skin......It broke. Just like the knife had broken when Lloyd himself tried to cut Harumi while she was wearing the mask of hatred. Lloyd smirked."I am not in my weak human form, and my oni form has gotten stronger since we last fought. You just woke the beast."He said, walking around him with his hands folded behind him."Let this be a lesson to you, Garmadon. You may think that I am weak. Too weak to unleash my inner darkness....But I am not. When you hurt my friends.....My family...I will protect them no matter the costs, even if it means killing a worthless beat down bastard of an oni, like you, then so be it!"He yelled.

"It doesn't matter if you and I like it, I am your biological father. You have my blood. And you are just as a bastard of an oni as I am."Garmadon replied."Oh yes. I know that you are. But answer me this, you had the chance to kill me once I was born. I was a weak lil infant.....So why didn't you take it?"He asked Garmadon."You know your mother would never allow it."Garmadon replied. Lloyd chuckled."Surely the all 'mighty' wouldn't listen to an old hag like her."Lloyd taunted."Respect your own god damn mother."Garmadon muttered."Aw. You still care for her. Of course a demon like you would care for a monster like her."Lloyd said, smirking. Garmadon looked away, avoiding Lloyd's gaze. Lloyd cackled.

"You don't have the guts. Even in your oni form."Garmadon mumbled."What was that?"Lloyd questioned."You don't have the guts to kill me. On our last fight, you said this was the kind of man you wanted to be. But to be that kind of man, you have to kill me. And we both know you can't do that."Garmadon whispered."And why is that?"Lloyd asked, raising his eyebrow."Because you still hope."He answered."Hope? Hope is for the foolish."Lloyd stated."You miss your poor little daddy, don't you? And a deep part of you....A part of your heart hopes that it is still good in me. Isn't that right?"Garmadon asked him. Lloyd didn't say anything, but closed his eyes. But inside of him was boiling with anger. He felt the urge to ripped Garmadon's cold demon heart right out.

 Garmadon started to get up, but did not fully stand."I know what you saw. You saw you killing me, that is one of your greatest fears. Not just killing me, but being the monster that killed your own father. And rejection. Your family is turning their back on you. You know that when the time is right, they will. You know that deep down in your oni and dragon blooded heart."Garmadon said in a hush tone.

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