Chapter 21

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This contains drinking.

"What is this place?"Asked Harumi. They didn't answer her. Just then, as if they were TV, appeared and showed two different familes. One was with the ninjas and with two browned hair with a child, and the other showed a cute family and the royal family."It's....Our memories."Said Lloyd at last."You are right."Said Harumi. 

The two smiled and frowned at the different memories."Why are you showing us these?"Asked Harumi."What you are seeing now, is your broken but happy memories. You hate these, but at the same time you love them-"Lloyd? What's wrong?"Asked Harumi. Lloyd was staring at a memory, but the way he was staring at it, seemed strange."It's my family. Kai and Nya almost killed themselves because of us."He said quietly."What?! How long have we been gone?"Asked Harumi."

Two months."Replied Msystake."What?! That can't be possible!"Exclaimed Lloyd."Time moves differently in not only this realm, but in other realms."He exclaimed."We need to go back! Before they go off in the deep end!"Cried out Lloyd."First, we need to show you where he is. We could not tell you because of important reasons, but we can show you."Said the FSM. 

They showed a temple that looked like the oni temple."THE ONI TEMPLE!"The two cried out."Yes. He had recreated it. Go. You must be strong. Both of you. Ninja or no ninja. My son needs to be stopped."He said. They both nodded. The next thing they knew, a bright light sent them into darkness....And then, there was light....

Lloyd fluttered his eyes, as he did before. He looked around, and found himself in a small white room. He turned his head, seeing Harumi's eyes were open."Harumi?"Lloyd asked weakly. He slowly reached out, and Harumi did the same, and they held hand.


"I'll get it."Said Nya."Who could be calling at this time?"Asked Nya. But it didn't really matter that much. They were all up from crying again."Hello?"Asked Nya. Her voice was cracked and weak, but it wouldn't be for long."THEY ARE!"She exclaimed with happiness."Thank you so much! We will be there as soon as we can! Bye!"She said."GUYS! WAKE UP! HARUMI AND LLOYD OPENED THEIR EYES! WE CAN SEE THEM IN THE MORNING!"She screamed. Everyone bolted out, filled with happy tears and joy. Sun rise couldn't come soon enough!

A few hours later, the ninjas arrived happily to see their two teenagers."Harumi Jade and Lloyd Garmadon."Said Nya."Room 234."Answered the nurse."It's a beautiful day, isn't?"Asked the nurse."It sure is!"Nya called back. They opened the door, and saw the two lit up when they saw them."LLOYD! HARUMI!"The ninjas screamed with joy. Harumi was quite shocked when they said her name with joy and hugged her like they did with Lloyd."Are you guys....Sick or something? Why are you being nice to me?"Asked Harumi.

"We didn't realize that we would miss you until we almost lost you. This time, we really are okay with you. And if you want....We can hang out for some time. Maybe catch a coffee."Said Nya. Harumi looked shocked again, and looked at Lloyd. He smiled, and gave her a thumbs up."I would love that, Nya!"She exclaimed. Nya smiled. They all talked and laughed until they had to go home because visiting hours were done. The car ride was quiet again, but it was filled with joy instead of grief.

After a few weeks, Lloyd and Harumi were released. But they needed to go to the doctor again next week for a check up since the doctors confessed why the two had woken up so early. But they didn't mind. They were just glad that they could go home to their own bed. When they got home, the two told them everything. After they were finished, Jay cracked a joke, but as normal, it was not the time."I think you guys are telling the truth. We got there tomorrow, but today? We PAAARRTTTYY!"Exclaimed Kai."What about Wu?"Asked Lloyd. The others got nervous."What?"Asked Lloyd and Harumi.

Lloyd couldn't believe it. Wu....Was gone. He was dead. And Lloyd didn't get to say goodbye. Lloyd slammed down another sip of beer. He then heard someone come out."Oh. It's just you."Said Lloyd. Harumi sat beside him."I am sad as you are. Okay, maybe not as sad since I never really knew the dude. 

But I could tell that he was a great man, like you."Said Harumi."I didn't get a chance to say goodbye..."Lloyd said."That's what always happens, Lloyd. You lose the people that you love most, and you never get to say goodbye. But that's not what tonight is all about. Tonight is a party. Tonight is about drinking until you drop. Tonight is about fun. So, forget about all the stupid and unfair things. Just for tonight?"She asked. Lloyd sighed."I don't know if I can."Said Lloyd faintly."There's going to be candy, ya know."She whispered into his ear. His eyes widen, and he zoomed into the monastery, and left Harumi laughing.

 The ninjas all decided to play truth or dare."Cole, truth or dare?"Asked Nya."Dare!"He exclaimed."I dare you to go a whole week without your girlfriend."Dared Nya."I don't have-"Cole then realized what she meant."But I went weeks without CAKE! When we were trapped! I cannot do that!"Cole yelled."Someone sounds like a chicken!"Cried out Nya. They all yelled out chicken over and over again."FINE! But I am using your shampoo!"He cried. Nya gave him a deadly look."O-Or n-not."He whimpered. Nya grinned.

"Lloyd, truth or dare?"Asked Harumi. Normally, Lloyd would pick truth, but he wasn't exscatly himself."Dare."He stated."I dare you...To kiss me!"Harumi said, not shy at all. Lloyd grinned. He then got up, and started to kiss her. Harumi melted into the kiss. Now normally, Nya would blow up, and kill Harumi with her very very cold hands, but...She was too busy making out with Jay to see. Lloyd broke the kiss, and grinned at her. She grinned back at him. Lloyd then returned back to his seat.

One hour later.....

Harumi tugged Lloyd's hand, and took him into their room. Harumi pinned Lloyd down, and started to kiss him. Lloyd then got her off, pinned her down, and started to kiss her."I loooove you."Whispered Harumi, when Lloyd broke the kiss."I loove you too, Rumi."Lloyd said. They giggled and laughed. They made out until they dropped.

And the next morning, they forgot all about their little fun.

Sorry if this chapter seemed kind of boring, the next one will be more exciting.

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