Chapter 17

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Llorumi time! 💚

The next month was torture for Lloyd. He was left alone with his thoughts, while the others were on missions. It was complete torture. He was stuck with his thoughts and the voices. The thoughts and the voices torture him.

Lloyd groaned."So bored."Lloyd said out loud. The ninjas had banned him from training, and video games for 3 whole months. And he could not leave the monastery for anything. Lloyd groaned again. He knew his friends were worried about him, but did they really have to make him this bored?! Uh, he hated it. Harumi peeked her head through the door,  threw some keys in the air, and then caught it."Wanna get out of here?"She asked with a smirk on her face."Can't. Grounded remember?"He asked, sitting up."Wanna break that rule?"She asked.

 Lloyd raised his eyebrows."You made that rule, remember?"He reminded her."Well, then it's not really breaking it then, I am letting you out of here....With me!"She explained."I don't know, the ninjas are going to blow their heads off if they find out."Said Lloyd."Who says they are going to find out?"She asked."Why aren't you blowing your head off?"He asked."What do you mean?"She asked."Well, you don't trust me being alone. In fact, the other day, you wanted me to let you feed me!"Lloyd exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. Harumi rolled her eyes."I was just worried about you!"She defended."I am two years older than you!"He shot back."And just because you are older, I shouldn't be worried about you?! And besides, you won't be alone! You will be with me. Come on! Live a little!"She said.

Lloyd thought about it for a moment, it had been a month...But on the other hand Nya would murder them both, then eat their flesh if she or the guys found out."Beg."Lloyd stated. Harumi groaned."Whyyyy?"She whined."Guess you are going out alone."Lloyd said, crossing his legs. Harumi groaned. Harumi got on her knees, and begged. He better be worth it. Harumi thought bitterly. Lloyd burst out laughing."What?!"Demanded Harumi, angrily."I never thought I would see you beg!"He said."So, you like to laugh, huh?"She asked.

"Yeah, why?"Asked Lloyd, puzzled. Harumi tackled him on the bed, tickling him. Lloyd burst out laughing, harder than before. He screamed for her to stop. Harumi finally stopped when she realized that Lloyd couldn't breathe anymore. After Lloyd could finally breathe again, Harumi asked:"So, are we going or did I beg for nothing?"She asked."Yeah, let's go. I am getting sick of this place!"Exclaimed Lloyd. Harumi dragged Lloyd out of the monastery, and into the city.

"Where do you want to go first?"Asked Harumi."I don't know. Maybe the candy store?"Suggested Lloyd."Sure. I haven't had candy in years!"Exclaimed Harumi. Lloyd stared at her like she had just murdered someone."What?"Asked Harumi."What do you mean what?!"He demanded."With my royal parents, they never really wanted me to have a sweet tooth. They said that candy was for the weak, I guess."Said Harumi.

"If they weren't already dead, I would kill them."Said Lloyd, with a very deadly look on his face."I don't really see the big deal, Lloyd. Isn't it just food?"Asked Harumi."FOOD?! It's like the greatest thing the FSM has ever created! Like duh!"Lloyd shouted, throwing his hands in the air once again. Harumi giggled."It's really that good? Isn't it really bad for you?"Asked Harumi. Lloyd gave her a small dorky smirk."What happened to live a little?"He asked."Hey! I live a little! I am just surprised."Harumi defended."By what?"Lloyd asked."Do you want candy or not, cookie monster?"Teased Harumi."Touche."Lloyd said, before opening the door to the candy shop.

Lloyd ordered a huge lollipop, and Harumi got pink cotton candy. Harumi's eyes widened when she took the first bite."WHAT IN THE FSM IS THIS AMAZING THING?!"She demanded with joy."Harumi Jade, welcome to the wonderful life of candy!"Announce Lloyd. Within seconds, the two teenagers devoured their treats. They walked through the city, and soon reached the canals. They talked for what seemed like ages, their laughs and questions overcame their fears and doubts. For once, they felt like normal teenagers, hanging out. They didn't have to worry about villains, or the ninjas, they were just themselves. And they had no mixed emotions. There was no balance. They were just filled with joy with just being themselves with each other.

"Lloyd, have you ever wondered how different our lives would have been if we had a normal life?"She asked, randomly."All the time. Why?"He asked her."I was just thinking. Where would we be if I was never a princess and you were never a ninja? Would we still meet?"She asked."That question wanders in my mind all the time. Sometimes I push it away, but like some things it always comes back."Lloyd answered sadly."Like what?"Questioned Harumi. Lloyd stared down at the water."So calm. So simple."He whispered. 

Harumi studied him."It's okay if you don't want to tell me what. But you will need to talk to someone sometime. You've been through so much. And you can't hide those feelings. And I am sorry if I am the reason that you are hiding your feelings. You deserved better."Harumi said, looking down. She then felt someone's hand wrapped around her back. It was Lloyd's."It's alright. I have made my fair share of mistakes. And we aren't humans if we don't make mistakes."Lloyd said."But aren't you-"Yes. But I am still human."Lloyd said, cutting her off.

"Fair."Harumi said. Lloyd unwrapped his hand from Harumi's back."Remember when we first can here?"Asked Harumi."Yeah, I told the guys about it, and they teased me and called it a date."Said Lloyd, smiling at the memory."Who says it wasn't?"Asked Harumi, looking at him."Because you didn't-"You don't know that."Harumi whispered. Lloyd laughed sarcastically."What?!"Demanded Harumi.

"I think I do know. You threaten to take everything-"CAN WE PLEASE GO ONE SECOND WITHOUT FIGHTING!?"Screamed Harumi. That both sent them into deadly silence."I am sorry....I just hate fighting with you."Harumi admitted, looking down at her nails. Lloyd wanted to say then why she always starts it, but instead he says:"I hate fighting with you too. Right now, you are the only person who gets me. Who gets my feelings."

On Harumi's face appeared a small smile."You are the only person who gets me too. You are my best guy friend. And I just hate when we fight or when I see you in pain. And when you got knocked out........I didn't know what I would do if I lost you."Harumi said. Lloyd looked at her."I told myself, if you didn't wake up, I didn't see any reason why I should live any longer."Harumi said, closing her eyes. Lloyd's eyes widen.

"Harumi. I wouldn't want that. I want you to live a full, long, and happy life. Don't you ever think about doing it! It isn't the solution! Trust me."He said, with a serious look on his face. They both began watching the sunset."Lloyd? Can I say something?"She asked."Sure."Lloyd said, blankly."Being with you, lets out the best parts of me. Today was wonderful. And I am sorry for all I have done to you. Which is why, I think you need to talk to someone. It doesn't have to be-

Lloyd groan."No. I don't need therapy."Lloyd stated."You didn't let me finish. And how did you know that was what I was going to say?"Asked Harumi."Okay, smarty pants...What were you going to say?"Asked Lloyd. Harumi didn't say anything."Okay. That was it. But really Lloyd, are you going to spend the rest of your life keeping your feelings inside of you?! And I admit, it was all my fault. And I want to make it up to you, what do you say?"Asked Harumi."Let me think about it....No."He said."Come on! Please?"Asked Harumi. Lloyd thought about it for a moment."Okay, but on two conditions."He said.

"That is?"She asked."1. you need to come with me."He said."I don't-"Oh really? In that case-"Okay, I will. What's the second?"She asked. The only reason she gave in, was because she really didn't want to fight."I think you know."He said, with a smirk."NO! NO! I already did it for today!"She exclaimed."Guess I am not doing it."He said, crossing his arms. Harumi groaned."Please! Don't make me!"She said. Lloyd turned around.

"FIIIIIIIIINNNNNNEEEE!"Harumi whined. Lloyd smirked, and turned around. Harumi got on one knee, and begged. Lloyd laughed, resulting Harumi chasing him home.

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