Chapter 5

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The ninjas walked in the living room to see that the green ninja was peacefully sleeping. Zane pulled a blanket over Lloyd's body, and smiled."Glad he's finally getting some sleep."Said Kai."But how can he even sleep now? Harumi is in this monastery! And why isn't he sleeping in his own bed?!"Asked. Nya."Because he gave his room to Harumi."Answered Pixal."HE WHAT NOW?!"Screamed Nya. Lloyd shifted over, facing the other way."Nya! If you wake him up, he will never get back to sleep!"Exclaimed Kai."Who are you, his mom?!"She demanded."I am just saying-"Enough!"Said Wu.

"If Lloyd is willing to give her another chance, then so am I. And so should you all."Said Wu."But master, you do know what she has done."Said Zane."I do indeed. And I do not trust her. But I do trust Lloyd. As all of you should."He said."But master-"I wish not to hear it, from any of you. Lloyd isn't a child anymore. He can make his own choices."He said. And with that, they were defeated."I will end you."She whispered, looking at the door."Just don't know how."She added.

Garmadon stared at the newspaper. Harumi was alive."Mm. Quiet one escaped death."He said."She went to my son."He whispered, as he read the next text. He crumbled the newspaper. He gave her everything. Everything. And she didn't come back for him. Traitor. She would pay. And so would his son. He knew how he was going to get his revenge, but he would have to wait. Wait in the shadows. And come back on top.

Harumi sat on Lloyd's bed thinking. Why is he doing this? Why is he doing any of this?! Why did he save her from death? Why is he letting her in his home? Why is he letting her take his room?! It didn't make sense. Harumi looked at herself in the mirror. She then tied her hair in a bun."Time to make things right."She said. She walked out of the room, and noticed that Lloyd was peacefully sleeping on the couch. 

She smiled. She slowly walked over him, and gently touched his cheek."You let me back in. And I will prove to you and everyone that I have changed. But all I really want to prove to...Is you."She whispered. She slowly walked away, but then stopped. She turned her head around just a little bit."I promise."She whispered. She didn't know if she promised that she would prove herself, or that she promised never to betray him ever again. Maybe it was both. She knew she had a long path to prove herself, but as Lloyd had once said:"Ninjas never quit!" And although she wasn't a ninja, she wouldn't give up. Giving up would be like giving her life away. And she already did that once.

Harumi went down stairs to the ninja's secret base. She was glad to see only Pixal down there, the others must have gone out. She did not doubt that the reason was her. Pixal glanced over, and then smiled at her."Aren't you-"Disturbed to see you?"Asked Pixal."Yeah."Replied Harumi."I am a bit. But I am sure we will get past it."She said with a smile."Wow. Even after everything....You are being nice to me?"Asked Harumi. Pixal shrugged."It doesn't hurt. And besides, if you had planned anything evil, then me or Zane would have seen it in our scanners."She explained."Pixal? Can I ask you something?"She asked."Of course."She replied."Do you believe I can change?"She asked. Pixal didn't answer at first."I believe everyone can change. You changed once before, is that right?"Asked Pixal. Harumi nodded slowly."Well, maybe you can change again? But instead for the worse, for the better."She said.

"Thank you. Can I ask for some favors?"She asked."As long as it's for the greater good."Said Pixal."I want to prove that I can change. But after my trial, I am pretty sure some people aren't going to be too happy about that. I don't want to steal Sam X, but can you make me some sort of armor?"She asked."What do you have in mind?"Asked Pixal. Harumi smiled."Alright. Let's get started."She said.

Lloyd fluttered his eyes open. He then saw Pixal coming."Hey Pix!"He said."Hello! Glad to see that you are awake!"She exclaimed."To be honest, I am too. How long did I sleep?"He asked."24 hours. I am surprised that you didn't sleep longer from the lack of sleep you have been having."She said."Where are the others?"He asked."They all went on dates except for Zane. He's helping around the city."Said Pixal."Wait, Cole has a girlfriend? Since when?"He asked. Pixal sighed."Since he tasted cake."Replied Pixal."So, he's eating cake?"Asked Lloyd."No, right now he is taking the cake out to watch movies at the movie theater."Said Pixal."Please tell me you are kidding."Lloyd said. Pixal shook her head."I wish I was."She replied. Lloyd laughed. He liked that feeling. This must be why Jay likes joking so much. He started towards the door, then he remembered something."What about Harumi?"He asked."She is down in the secret base."Replied Pixal.

Lloyd went down to the secret base, to see Harumi in some sort of suit. It was covered in gold and green jade. She had two small knives on the table that were painted golden."What are you doing?"He questioned. Harumi glanced over at Lloyd, and forced a smile. SHe looked like she hadn't slept all night."Remember at the trial, that you said there was no way I could change?"She asked. The green ninja did not believe that even though he said it. And it wouldn't hurt to let her know."And do you remember people saying things that they don't really mean?"He asked. Harumi stared at him."I know I said that. But that's not what I believe. I believe anyone can change. Even you. You didn't change me that much. But that doesn't mean that I trust you."He said."Well, I like to help you and the ninjas fight crime...If that's okay."She said. Could she be trusted? Of course not. 

And the others would never agree. But...This would let him keep an eye on her."Okay. But like I told the judge: If you cause any trouble...I have to bring you back. And I mean any trouble."He said."You have my word."Harumi said, bowing."So, are we good?"Asked Harumi. They both laughed."Good joke."Said Lloyd, wiping his tears."Thanks."She said. They weren't ready to forgive each other....Not yet.

When the others heard the news, they were furious. How could Lloyd trust her so quickly?!"We have to do something about her."Said Cole. They were all down at the secret base. Zane, Pixal, Lloyd, and Harumi were already asleep."I agree. We need to do something."Said Kai."Maybe we should frame her?"Asked Jay."No, she deserves more than to be locked up for what she has done. We will think of something. And I know for sure something will come up. We just have to wait."Answered Nya. And something did come up. After a month, Garmadon escaped. 

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