Chapter 33

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Everyone in the room was too shocked to move. Harumi's lips were shaking. She didn't know if she should feel fear or relief or anything really. But this can't be happening! Why was everything so crazy? Now, don't get her glad, she was glad that this person...Or creature was here, but that just added more drama.....Or proved that she was crazy. Yep, she was crazy. Totally crazy.......

Basha began to walk towards them. Basha....The cat....Was talking...And Harumi only thought that happened in cartoons. And she didn't just talk.....She sounded EXACTLY like that crazy old woman Mystake! The cat walked past the ninjas and right to Harumi."I must be crazy..."She whispered faintly."Everyone is a bit cook coo nowadays."Said Basha. And that was coming from her. Harumi thought."H-How?"She asked. Basha tilted her head."You are acting like this is the craziest that has happened to you. Didn't you work for Garmadon and was brought back to the dead?"She asked. She then chuckled. She then transformed into an old woman. Not just any old woman....She was an oni, she was the keeper of a tea shop that has helped the ninja time and time again. She was.....

"MYSTAKE?!"They all screamed."In the flesh."She said, smiling joyfully."I think.....I am going faint."Jay said faintly. Mystake chuckled at that."How are yo-you alive?"Asked Skylor shaking a bit."I still have some tricks up my sleeve, amber master. You all should know that of all people."She commented."She is right...."Said Cole."But....You died. I know that for a fact! You helped me come back to the living!"Harumi cried out, pointing at her."She what?"Questioned Kai."Long story."She said, waving her hand.

"Yes. I brought myself back...Or more like young Garmadon's grandfather did."She said, still smiling."WHY? To torture me?"Asked Jay. Mystake glared at Jay."I would be careful about what you say around me, lightning ninja. Oni can be....Dangerous!"Exclaimed Mysake. Jay chuckled nervously."Noted."He said quickly.

"But really, why?"Asked Harumi."To help you all fight this battle. And someone needs to train young Harumi."Said Mystake."But I thought that he couldn't inter fear with the living. What about the merge?"Asked Harumi."The merge?"Asked Nya."You wouldn't believe me if I told you."Harumi said."Yes, he can't. But he can inter fear the dead...I hope so."She said."You hope so?"Asked Skylor."Nobody-Not even the FSM himself knows how this will end not only for you and your friend, but also for all of Ninjago."She explained.

"You said that he brought you back to train me? How would you be able ti train me? You know nothing about my power like everyone else. So why did he choose you?"Harumi sked, still not totally sold. Mystake shrugged."I see one more thing that you and young Garmadon have in common. Trust issues!"She said, wiggling her fingers."I do NOT have trust issues! I just find it very hard to trust new people and people I have already met!"She defended."When people look up trust issues in the dictionary, your name and Lloyd's name appear."Said Nya, giggling."What's a dictionary?"Whispered Jay."I think it's for old people."Kai guessed.

Mystake chuckled."I am quite surprised you two haven't tied the knot yet."Mystake said, smiling."Why would you say that!? We aren't even dating!"Harumi exclaimed, her face turning red."How many times have you two kissed again?"Skylor asked, having a huge smirk on her face. Note to self: Don't tell Skylor anything. Especially our last kiss...Harumi told herself."Okay! Are we here to talk about Mystake and my powers or my love life?!"Harumi demanded."So you admit it!"Pointed Jay. Harumi facepalmed."Why are we doing this!? We got way more important things to do!"Nya exclaimed. Thank you, Nya. Harumi thought to herself, sighing of relief.

"Mystake, you said you can train her. How much do you really know about this topic?"Nya asked."I did die after all, so there's that, young water ninja."Mystake reminded her. Harumi gasped."Mystake.....Does this mean...I get to talk with my parents?"She asked. No, it was too good to be true. Mystake smiled and nodded."Yes. And I think that would be a great benefit towards you ninja. Although the dead cannot really inter fear that much, they can still help you all quite bit."She explained."Where can we start?"Harumi asked. Mystake chuckled sweetly."Why don't you get some rest Harumi. In fact, I think you all should. It sure has been a long day."She said. Everyone nodded, and everyone left Harumi's room expect Mystake.

"What troubles you, my dear?"Mystake asked her."What if it's already too late? Or going to be? What if we spend all this time...And he's...He's just gone!"Harumi exclaimed."He is-"Stop it! I know he is strong. But....Maybe this time, darkness is stronger..."She said, trailing off. Mystake smiled sadly."Dark and light, they need each other. Without light, there is no shadow. Without shadow, there is no light. It is a never ending balance. But that does not mean that we let it tear us down. Even without a hero or a lord of darkness, there will always be light and shadow. And sometimes we may forget that. But Harumi, you mustn't let yourself stop fighting. You are better than that."Mystake said before leaving the poor girl alone.

Lloyd fluttered his eyes open, and blinked twice. He looks around, finding himself(Much to his surprise), not in a cage or cell. But in a room. He was chained to a big black and purple bed. He then noticed there was a black desk, and on top of that were some papers. There was also a closet and some weapons next to it. But what made him flinch was to his right side....Was a black mirror.

Not only that, but he also saw some dolls, and what looked like a remake of Ninjago city."That bastard."Lloyd cursed."Since when does the green ninja curse?"Asked a voice. Lloyd had thought it was Garmadon for a second, but this one sounded different........

Garmadon came into view. Huh, guess it was him. Not that I care. Lloyd thought bitterly."What do you want now?!"Lloyd demanded."Boy. It's been years and you are still that annoying little brat that stole his way to the top."Garmadon commented...Or was it Garmadon? His voice had turned into a female voice, sassy and sounded sinister."Wait, you aren't Garmadon. Who are you?!"Lloyd demanded. That thing rolled his eyes."Still dumb, I see."It said. Purple magic surrounded it, and when it vanished, Lloyd couldn't believe his eyes.

"Chamille?!"He cried out. She smirked."Yes, that is what it looks like, don't you think?"She asked him, playing with her purple hair."I heard you were a bad girl, but why are you working for my-Garmadon!?"He demanded. Stop it. He told himself. He isn't your father. He reminded himself."Aw. You really don't get it, do you, little brat? Being good is never fun. And besides, you always lose."Chamille said."Did you just come here to annoy the-"Yes. Plus I was bored."She said, with a smirk. She was bored. Yeah, she really is a 'bad' girl. He thought to himself."Be bad if you want. Shoplift, and do that useless stuff. But why work for Garmadon?!"He asked her."Because he has a plan. He always does."She said, looking at her nails.

"Yeah, yeah. To destroy me and Harumi?!"He demanded."We will deal with the girl soon enough. And let's just say, things are about to get pretty ugly for her."She said evilly. Lloyd gasped."You stay away from her!"He ordered. She chuckled."Aw. You still have your tiny little feelings for her, don't you?"She teased."So what if I do?!"He cried out."Haven't you ever noticed whenever you get attached to someone, you lose them. Your friends have been in countless dangers because they were protecting you! Garmadon is another example as well. You two had the best relationship, and then...He went bye bye."She said, waving her hand in a mocking matter."That wasn't my fault."He stated."That may be. But what about Harumi? You fell in love with her, she betrayed you, and then died. Because. Of. You."She said pointing at him, then she laughed madly.

Lloyd stayed silent. As much as he hated to admit it. She......Was right. Whenever he felt love towards someone, he lost them. He can't do that to Harumi, not again."Where is Garmadon?"He asked her quietly."He is training."She answered him, as if it was the easiest question of all Ninjago."For what? To finish me off?!"He demanded."No. The father and son battle will come later."She answered."Then what is he training for?!"He demanded."Well, it was going to be a surprise....But what the hell! I always hated surprises!"She said, throwing her hands up with joy."What. The. Hell. Is. He. Training. For."He asked intensely. She giggled.

"He is training for Harumi. She is going to come for you. And that will be a grave mistake on her part."She answered.

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