Chapter 37

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"I hate this."Mumbled Lloyd weakly."Oh really? Because it looks like you are having the time of your life."Harumi said sarcastically. Lloyd crossed his arms."How much longer do I have to be here?"He asked her."Month tops. Maybe two."She replied glumly. Lloyd groaned."They just want to make sure you don't die, dumb ass."She said."Is that really how you should be talking to me? I almost just died four months ago."He reminded her. And six weeks. She thought to herself."Oh, thanks! I didn't know if someone was bloody or beaten up badly could be dying! You really cleared that up!"She cried out, jumping out of her seat. Lloyd rolled his eyes."Who knew you could be a drama queen?"Lloyd muttered."Who knew you'd be this big of a baby?"Harumi asked, putting her hand on her hip.

"Look on the bright side, Lloyd."Harumi told him."Since when do you look on the bright side?"Lloyd asked raising his eyebrow."I don't. I am new at this, okay?"She said."What's even to look at on the bright side? I can't move, I can't walk, I have to have people taking care of me like I am some useless toddler!"Lloyd exclaimed."Okay. There is no bright side."Harumi admitted."Duh."Lloyd muttered."But pouting and whining about it won't help anything. You should be at least glad that you are alive."Harumi pointed out."But aside from you, I am the youngest. And that's what we basically do. Whine and pout."He said."Wow. You are acting like a child right now....Maybe because you are one."She said, with a frown on her face. Harumi sat back down, and rubbed his hand."I know this is tough. But we will get through this. Together."She said.

"Hey!....Oh, did I interrupt something?"Asked Skylor, who was now smirking at the two. Harumi quickly pulled away, which hurt Lloyd only a tiny bit. He got that she didn't want Skylor or his friends to find out, and he didn't want that either...But for some reason.......It hurt.

"No. You didn't, Sky."Harumi said."Sure I didn't."Skylor said, rolling her eyes."Anyway, where's everyone else?"Asked Lloyd."Some were on patrol. They wanted to skip and come see you, but things came up. You know....With the new mayor."Said Skylor."Nya and Kai are talking to your doctor right now. They are trying to sneak you out a little early."Said Skylor."I hope they do. I don't think I can even imagine  staying here for 1 month! Let alone 2!"Lloyd cried out."Well, I heard a little bit of their conversation, and it looks like they are going to be kicked out for...Well, you know how intense Nya and Kai can be when it comes to family."Skylor explained.

"Yikes."Harumi mumbled. Skylor nodded."Soooo, are you sure there isn't anything going on there?"Skylor asked."No. Nothing is going on."Harumi replied, a little too quickly."What's been going on with you?"Asked Harumi, changing the subject."I think I smell love."Skylor sang, inorging Harumi. Does Skylor ever listen?! Harumi wondered angrily. Nope. She should have known by now."Come on, you guys can tell me."Skylor said, winking. Harumi thought for a moment."Only if you tell me what's been going on with you."Harumi said. Skylor's cheeks soon became red."....There is nothing going on with me."Skylor defended.

"Come on! You have been vomiting in the morning! And what about when Nya borrowed your sparkly dress without asking? You went full godzilla!"Harumi exclaimed."No. SHE STOLE IT!"Skylor corrected."And last week I saw you go to the doctor's office! Seriously, what is up?"Harumi asked. Skylor locked her lips."Sorry, I can't say."She said."Then I can't say either!"Harumi said, crossing her arms."Ah! You are killing me Jade!"Skylor cried out. Lloyd chuckled at the two girls.

"Oh, I just remembered why I came here other than to say hello."Skylor said."A kid requested to come see you. He's a big fan of yours and wants to meet you and to talk to you."Skylor explained. Lloyd nodded."But if you are not up for it, I can tell"-Lloyd shook his head."No need, Sky. I always liked the little kids. And besides, I am sure he has a lot of questions. What's this kid's name?"Lloyd asked."I know it started with an A....Was it Adam...No, Arthur? No...Wait!"Skylor said."Arin! Yes. That's the one."Skylor exclaimed."Arin. When do I meet him?"Asked Lloyd."In a few minutes. He should be arriving pretty soon."Skylor replied. Lloyd nodded.

"You ready Arin?"Asked his mom as she got out of the car."Is he awake?"He asked."Yes, that's what that nice noodle lady told us."Answered his dad."You still want to do this, right?"Asked his mom."Of course I do! He is the green ninja, after all!"Arin exclaimed excitedly."Then, let's go champ!"Ordered his dad. As they went to the hospital, thoughts raced inside Arin's head. I am meeting the green ninja! I hope he's going to be okay. Of course he will! Ninja never quit!

"This is it! 302."Said his dad."Now, be sure to be polite and be kind to the green ninja."Reminded his mother."I will."Arin said."And just so you know, there will be machines that are going to be there to help him. So be aware of that."Added his dad. Arin nodded. Arin then opened the door, and was greeted by a smiling blond.

"Hello, Arin."Greeted Lloyd."How do you know my name?"Asked Arin."Skylor told me. It sounds like a cool name!"Lloyd said."Thanks Mr green ninja!"Arin thanked."Please, call me Lloyd."Insisted Lloyd."Okay, Lloyd."Arin replied."So, what do you want to know, Arin?"Lloyd asked."Well, do you ninja get scared? Like going on missions?"Asked Arin."Oh yeah. Tons. I mean, we are people."Lloyd answered."How did you first learn to do spinjizu?"Asked Arin."Funny story. Pirates were attacking the city, they also stole our ship. The ninjas wouldn't let me go because it was too dangerous. But what did I do? I hopped right there! And boom! Spinjizu!"Lloyd explained, full of pride."Wow."He said.

"You think I can do spinjizu?"Asked Arin."I saw a lot of things in my life, so why not? If you try and never give up like a true ninja, then there's nothing you can't do, Arin."Lloyd said, smiling. Arin's eyes lit up. I only talked to this kid for like 1 or 2 minutes, and I feel really connected to him. I wonder why? Lloyd glanced at Arin's parents who were talking to each other."Arin, I am going to give you some advice."Lloyd told him."Really?"Asked Arin."Really. Spend every moment of everyday with your parents. Make your memories last with them. Because time flies so fast, those memories will too."He told him."Okay....Where are your parents, Lloyd?"Asked Arin. Lloyd bit his lip."Well, one hates me, and I don't know where the other is. So, trust me on this."Lloyd said. Arin then jumped onto him, giving him a hug. After a moment, Lloyd hugged back.

"Aw."Arin's mom said. Skylor was now crying."What's wrong Sky?"Asked Harumi."It's....It's just beautiful!"She cried out. Why was Skylor acting like this? Harumi replayed all the things that had been going on with her. Then, that's when it hit her.

Skylor was pregnant!

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