Chapter 11

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"I AM GOING TO MURDER THEM!"Screamed Nya, blazing with rage. Everyone were trying to hold her back, but they didn't know how long they could keep her from murdering Lloyd and Harumi in cold blood."Nya! It's alright!"Said Cole."Yea-Yeah! No reason to go on full mama bear!"Joked Jay."Oh, I have every reason to go full mama bear mode!"She yelled."Come on! Leave them alone for now! And when was the last time Lloyd had a good night's sleep?"Asked Kai."He will have nothing but sleep when I am done with him!"She yelled."And nothing can stop me!"She yelled."Zane! Do we have any vengestone?"Asked Cole. Zane nodded."Jay! Go grab it quickly!"Yelled Cole. 

Jay quickly ran down to the base, and grabbed the venegstone. a half an hour later, Nya was tied up to a punching bag."Lloyd and Harumi will not be the only people hanging out in the Departed Realm when I am done with all of you!"Threatened Nya."Sorry, sis. But you need to calm down. It's not like they are going to marry each other! And I am sure Lloyd just offered Harumi to come to bed! She had been sleeping on the floor!"Exclaimed Kai."I don't care!"Exclaimed Nya."Maybe Nya needs some time to think."Said Zane. Everyone left the room, leaving Nya with her thoughts, but that wasn't the only thing they left her with. Or should I say someone?

Lloyd and Harumi screamed when they woke up next to each other. They knew they were sleeping with each other, but they didn't know they were sleeping next to each other that close."Why are you so close to me?!"Demanded Harumi."Why are you so close to me!?"Demanded Lloyd."Answer me first!"She yelled."No!"He yelled."What are you a child?!"Harumi yell back."Let's just forget this whole thing ever happened!"Yelled Lloyd."Okay!"Yelled Harumi."Why are we still yelling?!"Lloyd yelled."I have no idea!"Harumi yelled back. They both took some deep breaths, and headed out of the room.

"Morning!"Said Lloyd."Morning Lloyd."Kai said awkwardly."Lloyd, can we talk to you for a sec?"Asked Cole."Sure..."Said Lloyd. They all pulled Lloyd into a corner."What were you thinking?!"Demanded Kai."Look, I know it looks bad, but I didn't mean to get that close! And in fact, it was the last thing I wanted to do!"Lloyd said."Yeah, you looked like you HATED it!"Exclaimed Jay."Shut up, Jay."Snapped Lloyd.

"I hate to say it, like really hate to say this...But Jay's got a point."Said Kai."Look, all I was trying to do was be nice. She has been sleeping on the floor for awhile!"Lloyd said."Nya was going to murder you two if we didn't tie her up."Said Zane."I know...Wait what?! You tied her up?!"He demanded."We kind of had to."Said Cole, scratching the back of his neck."I promise that I will never do it again, okay?"Asked Lloyd. The others looked at each other."Do you swear it?"Asked Kai."Yes. I swear it."Said Lloyd."Are we done?"Asked Lloyd."Yeah, for now."Said Cole."Thank you."Said Lloyd.

"Those boys will be begging for mercy when I get out there!"Nya muttered."Hello water ninja."Said a voice."Lord Garmadon?!"Nya whispered. Garmadon slowly walked towards her, his red eyes blazing into hers. Nya struggled, but Garmadon only grinned."Don't worry, master of water. I won't hurt you. I want to offer you something."He said."And what's that?!"She demanded."You give me Harumi. I know the ninjas are having second thoughts. But you....You want to see her suffer, just like you saw my son suffer."He said."Don't you dare call him your son! Not after all you have done!"Nya yelled. He chuckled."You remind me of your parents, always had a fierce side when someone would hurt the ones they loved."Garmadon said randomly.

"As I was saying, You saw Lloyd suffer. You felt his pain. And you want revenge. But you are a ninja, you know you can't. So, let me do it for you. Revenge taste sweet, water ninja. You should know that."He said."What if I don't?!"She demanded. He chuckled again."I think you know what will happen."He said. His hand turned a dark purple. Nya closed her eyes, thinking that he might hurt her. But he didn't. The chains that tied her up broke, and then she fell on to the floor. Garmadon looked at her, and grabbed her jaw."If you tell anyone about this...Let's just say I know where your parents live. And you will lose them again. That isn't what you want, is it now?"He asked. Nya eyes were watering."I hate you."She whispered. He grinned."Music to my ears."He said. He let go of her jaw, and left. Nya then burst into tears.

"Nya! What's the matter?"Asked Jay, bursting into the room. Jay dropped down next to his girlfriend, filled with fear and concern for Nya. Nya buried her face in Jay's chest, sobbing. Jay wrapped his arms around her, and closed his eyes."I-I love you."Nya whispered, in between her sobs. Jay smiled sadly."I love you too, my queen."He whispered. They sat together, in each others arms.

"Nya, are you okay?"He asked. Once she calmed down a little bit."No."She whispered. After a few minutes. Nya hugged Jay even tighter."Promise me something?"She asked softly."Anything my girl."He said, stroking her hair."Never leave me."She said."And why would I ever leave you? You are amazing."He said."Promise?"She asked."I promise. And if I do, you can kill me."He said."I love you too much to do that."She said."Want me to take you to your room?"He asked. Nya nodded. Jay gently picked her up, normally she would fight back, but this time she didn't mind. In fact, she wanted to be in Jay's arms. Jay gently put her down on the bed."Can you stay? Just for a little while?"She asked."Of course. Anything for you."He said. He then laid down next to her, and kissed her on the cheek. 

Nya rested her head on Jay's shoulder, but didn't go to sleep."I am sorry, Nya. I should...We should have never tied you up. And I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me what's wrong."He said."I know."She said, quietly."So can you?"He asked."I don't want to talk about it, okay?"She asked. They both laid in silence, not even daring to speak.

Lloyd wandered through the city streets, this was becoming a habit of his. And he didn't mind it. He smiled at the laughter of the children as he walked into Ninjago City's park. He remembered what it felt to be free. With nothing to do. He remembered what it felt like to not care what adults told him. He remembered what it felt like being a kid. 

It had seemed so long ago, so long that he could breathe. Without having to worry that he would be kidnapped or even murdered. Even as a kid, he felt fear all around him. After he left Darkley's, no one was there to protect him. To care for him, that was until the ninjas showed up. And the only way he felt no feat was when he spread it, he was so stupid back then. So stupid. And he paid the price for being stupid and careless. 

He had killed Harumi's parents, making her evil, and then.....He didn't even want to think about it. Did he hate her? How many times did he have to say it? Until he drowned in his own thoughts? He closed his eyes."Why is loving so hard?"He whispered. A slight tear dropped down his face. He wanted all these feelings to go away. He just wanted to think of Harumi as a friend, but at the same time he wanted her. He wanted her to be his. All his. But he knew he couldn't have her. Not after everything. He closed his eyes.

"There is nothing more powerful than a blow to the heart."

He shot them open. He looked around to see that he was on top of Borg Tower. How in the FSM did he get up here?! He was just in the park a second ago! He started to breathe heavily. Nothing was making sense, but then again did anything in his life did? The answer was no. Not at all. He was at the edge, and before he knew what he was doing......

He jumped off.

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