Chapter 41

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Nya woke up tied to a chair, pretty low for a kidnap in her opinion."So, you are finally awake."Said a voice."You do know that for a all powerful crazy warlock it is pretty stupid of you to tie a elemental master to a chair right? And here I thought you carried cages in your pocket."She said rolling her eyes."I will admit that was pretty foolish of me...But no matter. I got you, and that is what counts."He said."Why do you even want me? Is this about me giving Harumi over to you? Then the answer is no. Harumi has proven to me that she has changed."She replied."Although she still needs her manners."Nya muttered.

"I had a feeling long ago that you would feel this way....But I have a solution."Garmadon said."And what might that be?"Nya asked raising her eyebrow. Garmadon held a little bottle that held a weird black and purple liquid."There's no way you are turning me into a zombie again!"She exclaimed."Oh no. I am not. Besides, that was the Overlord's idea."Garmadon said. Garmadon shook his head, and held his hand up. Two sons of Garmadon appeared and came to walk towards Nya. Garmadon popped open the bottle."Bottoms down, Lily."He whispered. The two held her mouth open as Garmadon began to pour the liquid down her throat.

That was three weeks ago. But for some reason, it kept replaying through her mind like a horror movie that kept you awake at night. But she thought it was weird, she was only a little bit grumpy than usual.....But other than that she hasn't been too different. The question that wandered in her mind was.....Why did Garmadon do it when nothing could affect her?"Nya? You okay?"Asked Jay."Fine.....I just can't believe that Lloyd is coming home today."Nya said forcing a smile."I say about time! I miss that kid!"Kai exclaimed as he sipped his drink."Yeah finally things won't be too depressing anymore with him around. And I'm sure he misses us!"Exclaimed Cole.

"It'll wear off once he hears Jay and Kai fighting at 6:00 in the morning!"Nya joked. They all laughed."What time do we have to go to the hospital again?"Asked Jay."9:00 a-clock."Answered Zane. Kai looked at the clock: 7:00."We could wait two whole hours.....Or....We could go right now!"Kai suggested."Sounds like a plan."Said Skylor who was just entering the room, followed by Pixal, to give Kai a kiss."Is Harumi up yet though?"Asked Nya."Not yet. And she usually wakes up by 5:00."Answered Pixal."I'll wake her."Skylor said with a smirk."HARUMI! WAKE UP!"She screamed."5 MORE MINUTES!"Harumi screamed back."WE ARE GOING TO GET LLOYD!"Skylor screamed."FINE! COMING!"Harumi yelled back. Just as everyone was about to leave, Nya stopped the boys."Jay, Cole, Zane, and Kai, we are going to have to ask you to stay back."Said Nya."WHAT?! WHY?!"Demanded Kai."You guys need to start the party."Nya explained.

"What party?"Asked Cole."Welcome home Lloyd? Do you boys even listen!?"Demanded Nya."You didn't say anything about a party!"Kai defended."Pix?"Sky said."Boys. You are in charge of the Welcome Back Lloyd party."Nya said through recording."Yeah, yeah! Let me beat this boss!"Exclaimed Kai through recording. Pixal stopped the recording and all of the girls frowned at the boys while they gave them helpless looks. Nya sighed."They are lucky they are cute."Nya said, shaking her head.

"Hey Lloyd! Ready to get out of here?"Asked Nya when they got to his room. The nurse frowned."You are two hours-"Cram it lady! We are taking him home!"Exclaimed Harumi. Lloyd facepalmed."You do know you are talking to the lady who has been taking care of me for months now, right?"He asked her."Not anymore!"Harumi said happily."You are welcome."The nurse muttered sarcastically while rolling her eyes. The girls then helped Lloyd get in a wheelchair and rolled him out of there.

"Okay, the car ride was WAY too quiet. What's going on?"He asked as they arrived at the monastery."You'll see."Said Pixal."That means trouble."Lloyd muttered.

When they opened the monastery door, everyone was shocked and hid their faces, except Lloyd who was happy things were finally not going to be boring. The boys had paint EVERYWHERE, their clothes, the walls, the TV, doors, everything! All except....The paper where they were supposed to write: Welcome Home, Lloyd!"H-H-Hey girls!"Jay said nervously."We gave you ONE job!"Exclaimed Nya."In our defense, we don't decorate! Girls do! So, this is all your guys fault!"Kai defended."Yep. I am home."Lloyd said with a smile."You can't have a home without.....Cake!"Cole declared, who was holding a two layer birthday cake, which was Lloyd's favorite."Thanks guys!"Lloyd said. Then, everyone expect Zane, dig in, before spitting it out."I should have mentioned....I didn't bake it, Cole did!"Zane said."Why did you let Cole in the kitchen?!"Asked Nya."We didn't know!"Exclaimed Jay."Remind me never to let you guys do anything!"Nya exclaimed. Definitely home. Lloyd thought as he was smiling at his messy family.

"Is there any more messy surprises I should know about?"Lloyd asked."If we told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"Harumi asked him smirking."Well, we do have one more. But it comes later tonight.....And it isn't just for you, it is also for everyone."Kai declared."It better not be arts and crafts. Because we all know how that will end."Pixal chuckled."Hey! We could be great artists!"Cole exclaimed.

"Sureeee."The girls said rolling their eyes."You guys will just have to see I guess."Skylor said smirking. Harumi smiled and winked at Kai and Skylor."Now you know the surprise?"Lloyd questioned her as she moved him to their room."Yep. And right now my lips are locked."She said smirking."You know I hate surprises!"Lloyd whined."This one will be worth it. I promise."She whispered. In fact, it's life changing. She thought to herself, smiling.

"Harumi. I don't need any help, you know. My therapy really helped me! I can almost walk just fine! And I am planning on training-"You are what now!? Training? No way, Lloyd! You just got out of the hospital! You still need to work on walking even with your therapy."Harumi reminded him. Harumi sat on the bed, coming closer to him."I just...Wish that things weren't like this, you know? Like I wish I could walk and train just fine!"Lloyd exclaimed."I know, it sucks. But that's the way things are. And who knows, maybe things might return to somewhat normal?"Harumi said. Lloyd frowned.

"Cheer up! You are out of that dump and that's what matters!"Harumi exclaimed lightly punching his shoulder. Lloyd smiled."I don't know....Whenever things just get a tad bit normal or good....Garmadon always ruins it!"Lloyd groaned."Don't let him bring the mood down. You are here, not him!"She said."You know what? You are right. I am not going to be sour about being home. I am home, and that's what matters."Lloyd said smiling at her. They both then slowly leaned closer and closed their eyes, until.......

"Surprise time!"Exclaimed Kai. Harumi and Lloyd quickly pulled away. Moment over. Lloyd thought bitterly, As Harumi helped him up. At least I get to see what this whole surprise is. He wondered as they both headed to the living room. 

After everyone gathered around with drinks in their hands, Kai and Skylor stood in the middle ready to reveal the big surprise."Okay you two, are you going to tell us....Or are you going to all make a beg?"Nya asked."Okay, okay! Let me just say that we are all glad to have our little brother back! Our depressing days are over!"Kai exclaimed. Everyone clapped and smiled. Kai cleared his voice."And let me also say how thankful I have been to be with idiots like you! Especially you Jay! You have come over the top with these idiots!"Kai exclaimed."HEY! But....Aw!"Jay cried out.

 Kai chuckled."I am lucky to have a family like you guys. Before I came along, I thought it was just going to be me and my sister forever. But now I see that this family could have cared for her and me way better than I could care for the both of us alone. I love ya all, and may the FSM bless you all!"He exclaimed."Aw, I knew you were a big softie!"Lloyd exclaimed. Everyone laughed. Joy and laughter filled the room."Okay.....You guys have been nothing but warm and welcoming to me and my little sis....And my biggest hope is that you give that same love...To the future Smith!"Kai exclaimed."YES! I AM GOING TO BECOME AN AUNT!"Nya screamed."FORGET THAT! WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE UNCLES!"Jay screamed. Everyone was now cheering and screaming with excitement before Skylor told them there was more news.

"That's not all.....Just like Kai, you have all been warm and welcoming to me. Even after you all found out I was a spy. Kai's hope was that you all gave the same love to our child.....But MY hope is you give twice as much love!"Skylor exclaimed. Kai's eyes widen. Skylor turned to Kai."That's right hot tamale. You are having twins!"Skylor told Kai. Kai then stood on the kitchen table and said:"I AM THE KING OF THE WORLD!"

After everyone congratulated Kai and Skylor, Jay  went to the game room to play video games. Nya, Pixal, and Skylor went to chat, Zane was trying so hard to keep Cole from the kitchen and eating all of his cake. 

"So, where were we?"She asked."Um...I don't know about us, but I am going to.....Get a drink! Yes! I am going to do that!"Lloyd exclaimed randomly. Harumi then fished out a misotoe."It-It's not even Christmas!"Lloyd said."Christmas is in a month. It's close enough for me."She whispered."Are you sure? Nya-"Just kiss me, you dork!"Harumi exclaimed as she locked him into a long meaningful kiss.

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