Chapter 32

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Harumi's words were lost. Her whole body was shaking, she felt pale. She felt like the only emotion that was left in her body was fear. She wanted to scream or yell, but no sound would come out. She wanted to move or do something, but it was like she was frozen. Harumi had no idea what to do at that moment other than just stand there, but she needed to do something because if she didn't...Who knew if she could have another chance to get Lloyd back. 

Then, what seemed like a miracle, she spoke."W-Wh-What are you talking about?"She stuttered. He didn't answer. And somehow, that was worse than anything he could say."L-L-Lloyd, you don't deserve t-this torture."She said, trying to comfort, but even her own words could not even comfort her. She didn't know what Garmadon had done to Lloyd, but knowing Garmadon, it was nothing dull or pleasant. Their eyes burned into each other, like they were trying to burn them alive.

"It is no surprise that I am a monster."He said quietly that it was almost creepy. Almost. Sure."You are not a monster."She said, the clearest thing she had said when facing him. He laughed. But it wasn't his normal cute, soft, welcoming laugh. This laugh was almost.......Pure evil."You don't have to lie. I am. And everybody knows it. Even my so-called family.''He said blackley.''What do you mean by your 'so-called family'? They are your family. They always have been."She reminded him, surprised by his words.

"Not anymore. And I am pretty sure they never were."He said."They are. They almost went out into a dangerous storm just to save you. What has gotten into you?!"She demanded. At first, she was scared, then she was surprised, or even shocked. Now? She was angry. Angry at him for believing such nonsense. Garmadon had really gotten into his mind, didn't he? It shouldn't have been hard, he is awfully naive. Sometimes it was good, and sometimes it was bad. Like really bad.

"Please. Let's just go, Lloyd!"Harumi begged. She hated begging, but she needed to get him out of here. He was already messed up by Garmadon, who knows how much more messed up he would be the next time she returned.....If she would ever return. He laughed. He laughed.

Laughed at her begging, laughed at her attempt to try and help him. Why was she even trying to help him when all he was going to do was laugh and be crazy like some sort of sick maniac. Harmi took a step back, and took a deep breath."I am going to say it one more time ... .What the hell have you gotten into?!"She demanded with pure rage. He laughed again. He really was crazy now."You don't get it, do you!?"He demanded, now he was angry."You are an idiot to believe that I was right. But you were right, all along."He said. What now? She wondered. Lloyd licked his lips.

"They weren't my family. They were only there for my power. They didn't and don't care. Nobody does...At least anymore."He said pitfully. Harumi wanted to say that it wasn't true. But that last part....That was true. If it wasn't, then the people of Ninjago would still be there for him. They would still look for him, they would still never give up on him......But that wasn't the real world. They had given up on him. He didn't give up on them, even when they took everything from him. And what did they do to repay for all he had done? Gave up. Broke the ninja's code. Sure, they weren't ninjas, but they should know not to give up. Especially to the person who would sacrifice everything and anything for them."I know how it feels, Lloyd. I know the feeling where you think nobody cares for you. That they just want you for power, that they just want to use you for an image! Trust me, I know the feeling. I know that feeling too well!"Harumi cried out. He didn't respond, cueing her to go on."My royal parents just wanted me to take the throne, they used me like a toy or some doll. They only took me because they wanted to show people that they were good hearted people! But they weren't. But we are different, Lloyd. We are two very different people, but at the same time, we are the same in the same story."Harumi said."How so?"He asked in a whisper, raising his eyebrow."We were both left with no one. I got tooken in with probably the worst people in the world.....But you? You got tooken in with the best. People who care about you, Lloyd. They care about you so much! They sacrifice so much for you! When you were possessed by the ghost, Morro. They did everything in their power to save you! And when me and Garmadon were ruling Ninjago, they were willing to give up their power for your life! No one other than them would ever do that for you!"Harumi yelled. Lloyd was silent. He was thinking hard, maybe she was getting to him.....Or at least starting to. But that was still good. Harumi then felt a shot of pain sent to her chest, she held her chest tightly and closed her eyes.

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