Chapter 6

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I know I said I would publish it tomorrow, but here it is!

Ninjago had a month of peace. A month without feeling tense and unsafe. In Ninjago everyone thought it was the perfect time in Ninjago, but even they knew that it wouldn't last. Garmadon was free. And the tense and unsafe feelings returned. But the thing was, Garmadon didn't cause any trouble. He wasn't seen in the city or anywhere. So where could he be? That's what worries everyone. Kids would wake up screaming from nightmares of Garmadon hurting them or their parents. Everyone locked their doors tight, making sure no one would go in. But no one was more tense than Garmadon's son. Lloyd Garmadon. 

He was finally getting some sleep, but after he heard his father's escape from prison...He kissed any chance of him getting to sleep goodbye. Even though Harumi had given him his bed back,(while she put a bunch of blankets and pillows on the floor.) He still couldn't get to sleep. His father could be hiding in the shadows, waiting to hurt everyone he held dearly to him. He knew his father could and would. And that led him to train again. Wu and the other ninjas lifted the rule that he couldn't train awhile ago now, so there was nothing stopping him from training. Or doing anything to get his mind off his father.

Lloyd stared at the blue sky, he was sitting on the edge of the monastery. The others were very worried about him, but no one was more worried than Harumi. But maybe worried wasn't the right word. Guilty. She knew this was all her fault. If only she hadn't brought the evil side of his father. If only she never chose the wrong path. Then none of this would have happened. None of this. But she also knew she couldn't keep herself in the past. She wanted to keep herself in the future. And nothing would stop her.

Lloyd squeezed his arms, and closed his eyes. He wanted his father to be out of his life. He hated his father. He missed the father who would ask him to go on a walk. He missed the father that would love him no matter what. He wanted that father to be alive. Not this monster. Not the person who would do anything to destroy him and his friends. All he wanted to do right now was just get away from this terrible world. That's what he wanted to do. That's all he wanted to do.

Harumi watched Lloyd from a distance. Just a few weeks ago he was somewhat normal. Lloyd reminded her of what she used to be like after her parents died."Hang in there, Lloyd."She  would whisper every time she saw Lloyd up on the edge of the monastery, and that was quite often nowadays. She just hoped that Lloyd would be okay, but she knew that would take time. Because it pained her to see him like this.

"Nya, I don't know about this."Said Jay."Don't know about what?"Asked his girlfriend."About well, Harumi. I mean, she makes Lloyd happy."Said Jay. Nya put down the book that she was reading."Happy?! Where have you been?!"Demanded Nya."Oh come on, Nya! You know he's unhappy because of......You know who. And his heart is healing."He said."We can't be sure of that."Said Nya."But we also can't drive the two apart. What if someone did that to us?"Asked Jay.

"Are you saying-"Maybe-"No way. I will roll ov-"Nya. I am not saying that I would like it if they hit off, but Kai didn't like that we were dating, but we did."He said."Jay, I want to forget what she has done to Lloyd. I really do. But I just....I just can't."She said."Hey, I haven't forgotten either."He said."But you didn't see how heart broken Lloyd was while you all were in the First Realm."She snapped back."You are right. And I don't care if you never give her a chance again, just don't do anything we might regret."He said. He left his girlfriend alone with her thoughts.

(Pixal and master Wu are at the library. Don't ask why.)Lloyd sat down next to Harumi, and once he did, she passed him a note. Huh. She must have written the place where she will kill me. He thought bitterly before opening.'It'll get better. I promise♡' It read. He glanced at her, and mouthed:"Thanks." Harumi smiled shyly. He put her note in his pocket. After a few bites, he excused himself to his room. And just after he did, Harumi excused herself, so she could take a walk.

With Harumi and Lloyd gone, Nya was the first to speak."I understand that some of you feel uneasy after I said...Well, you know what."Said Nya."What are you talking about, Nya?"Asked Zane."Shoot, I forgot you were here."Nya mumbled. After Nya explained...Zane said nothing."Look, I know it seems wrong, but Harumi is a terrible person. And we can't let her hurt Lloyd anymore. Lloyd has already enough to worry about."She said."But we can't just kill her or harm her in any way either, Nya. I mean, I hate her guts as much as you guys, but we can't do it. She has lost a lot too, ya know."Said Kai."I understand that, Kai. And maybe I was a bit too dramatic."Said Nya. 

Everyone looked at her as if she was insane."Okay, okay, okay. Maybe a lot. But she-"Yes, we know. But aren't we ninjas?"Asked Cole."And even if we agree to this crazy idea, how are we even going to do it?!"Demanded Kai."I can help with that."Said a voice from the dark."Wh-wh-w-who said that?!"Asked Jay, with nothing but fear in his voice. They all heard footsteps. Nobody moved, even though some may not have showed it, they were filled with fear. Garmadon came into the light, and repeated:"I can help with that."

"G-Gar-ma-madon?!"Stuttered Jay."What do you mean you can help with that?"Nya asked finally."I can take Harumi, we will go where you will never hear from us. You will never see us anymore."He said. The ninjas glanced around at each other."What will you do to her?"Asked Cole."Does it matter?"Asked Garmadon."We will think about it."Said Nya."I hope to hear from you all very soon."He said. And with that, Garmadon disappeared into the shadows as he came. 

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