Chapter 23

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He didn't scream because of the pain. He didn't scream because of the shock. He didn't know why he screamed. He just needed to let it all out. It made him sick. He was scared, but that wasn't what made him sick. What made him sick was that he was helpless to do anything about it. About all of the pain. He was weak. He couldn't do anything alone. He had to have someone around him in order for him to feel safe. He needed to depend on someone for everything! It made him sick. So sick he could vomit. And he would, he knew that for sure.

He was laying on the ground. Helplessly. Weakly. Soon, someone would come. They would find him. They would save him. But would they save him from himself? All of his suffering, the villain wasn't the enemy. It was him. He was the real monster. The voice. The voice that would tell him such things like he was weak, that nobody cared about him. The voice that told him that he was better off dead. That everyone was better off if he was dead. He knew now, that voice...That monster was his oni side. And he knew that the oni in him, was stronger than him. He wouldn't say it, but he knew.

He felt like he was on the floor forever."Someone always had to save you. What kind of hero are you?!"Demanded the voice."Stop it."He said weakly."Why? It's true. You always have someone to save you. And you couldn't even save the person you love most. You are a failure."Whispered the voice."No. I got her back. She is safe."He said."For how long? How long is it until you lose her again?"Asked the voice."That won't happen."He stated.

The voice laughed. It won't happen. It won't. It won't. It won't! Another voice came, but it wasn't the same voice. He knew this voice as a good person. He saw this voice as a son. A brother. A wife. He saw this voice of a master. A friend. A father. But now, he saw this voice as a complete monster.

"Hello son."Said Garmadon."You don't have a son. So, I don't have a father."He said. It hurt him even to say it, but he meant every single word."Finally, you learn."He said."You were a terrible teacher."He said, trying not to sound weak."I did not wish to teach someone who is weak as you."He spatted."I am not weak."He said. Garmadon chuckled."You should hear yourself, you sound like you are dying. And maybe you are."He said."If that is the case, I wish to talk to someone who I hold dear to my heart. Or even a stranger if it's not you, fa-Lord Garmadon."He said. He struggled to not say the word 'father'.

"Now, that's rude."He said. Lloyd didn't care, and he didn't think Garmadon did either."What do you want?! And why can't you get out of my damn life?!"He demanded with all the power he had."I was never in your life, and now I came back. Isn't that what you wanted?"He asked. The thing that Lloyd hated most, was that he was right.

"Now, what I want. You already know. I want you to suffer. I want you to feel alone. I want you to feel that you have to escape yourself."He said."People have tried that, and failed."He said firmly."But I will be the first."He said in a hush voice. It gave Lloyd the creeps.

Lloyd then screamed once more in pain. His-Garmadon was getting him. He shut his eyes tight. Hoping the pain would go away. It never does. His eyes started to water. He knew his father was laughing at him now. He opened them, hoping to see a light. But all he saw was pure darkness. Pure darkness. Pure. Darkness.

"Lloyd!"Cried out Harumi. Harumi rushed up to the attic, waiting for no one. If Lloyd was in trouble, the sooner someone got there, the better."Lloyd!"She called out. She climbed up the ladder as fast as she could, but it seemed like she couldn't get up there fast enough. She shouldn't have left him. She should have stayed, or at least dragged him down from any danger. She was so crazy for leaving him.

"Whatever happens, I will be by your side."  Where was she then?! Not by his side, like she said she would. And now he paid the price for her mistakes. Again. Honestly, I should have stayed dead. She thought. Then, Garmadon wouldn't be doing this. Then, Lloyd wouldn't be suffering like he had been."Lloyd!"She called out again when she reached the top. She searched beyond the flowers and the photos..Until...

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