Chapter 22

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Harumi fluttered her eyes open. She yawned, and groaned quietly. Her head ached."Oh! Right! Because we drank...Wait is that even.....Legal?"She asked out loud. She sort of chuckled. A year ago she didn't care if stuff wasn't legal. She destroyed the whole city for crying out loud! She then noticed that Lloyd was peacefully sleeping not even 8 inches away from her. She sort of smiled. Man, he looks cute when he is sleeping. She thought to herself. 

She shook her head. Let it go, Harumi. You can't be with him. She told herself firmly. She frowned. Then why did I even come back? She wondered. Because she missed him. But she couldn't help but wonder what she thought would have happened if she came back. Would it be different from what she had now? She shook her head once again. She then gently took the blanket off her, and hopped out of bed."Mmmm."She heard Lloyd say. She then turned around, and smiled. She then walked over to him, bent over, and kissed him gently on the cheek. When she got up, she slapped herself. Hard. Real hard.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! You are so weak!"She shouted at herself, running out of the room."How can you let your emotions get the best of you?! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"She yelled, while jumping up and down."Uhhh....Harumi? Are you okay?"Asked a voice. Harumi quickly turned around. Jay was standing there. What do I do? Play dumb? Yep! "Um...Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"She asked.

"Well, you were just jumping up and down saying that you were stupid."He pointed out."Ohh... I was kind of hoping that you didn't see that."She said, her cheeks going red."It's fine...I guess? You know, you remind me of when Nya said yes to a date. But I didn't say stupid stupid!"He said, reacting what she had done. Harumi chuckled."I did look like a fool, didn't I?"She asked."Totally!"He yelped."So, what did you do that made you think you are stupid?"He asked. She could feel her face growing red like a tomato."Uh...Why do you want to know?"She asked ruder than she pleased. Jay put his hands up.

"Sorry. I was just wondering."He said. Harumi sighed."I am sorry. All of this stuff is kind of new to me. When I was trapped in the palace, nobody asked what was going on. How I was feeling. And if they did, they would mock me while doing it. I never had people care about me..."She said, but she wasn't looking at Jay, she was looking at the closed door. Lloyd's door."He cares for you."Said Jay."Yeah. He is a good friend."She said, smiling."Yeah...You two would make great friends..."He said, quoting the word 'friends'. Harumi didn't know how Lloyd could live with this ninja without totally ripping his head off.

"So, what's the plan?"Asked Harumi."In my days, planning takes about a few days. So, the planners, aka my girl Nya, Lloyd, and Zane just do all the work while the rest of us kick back and just do a whole lot of nothing. Unless they call us."He explained."You are lazy."She said."Hey, there is a reason I am not on that list."He said. Harumi rolled her eyes."Have you ever played a video game?"He asked."How does that even work? How can you play a game while watching a video?"She asked, totally clueless. 

Jay's jaw dropped."You have soooooooo much to learn, young jeti."He said, re-quoting star wars."Jeti? But we are not-"And I thought Zane took things too seriously."He said."Hey! I was trapped in a palace all my life, and ruled Ninjago a year ago..So I don't really know what a teenager does."She defended."Come on. Let the master of lightning teach you how it is done! But it will takes years to beat me!"He exclaimed.

"Defeated."Said the TV. Jay was silent. Harumi was just a tiny bit scared, but took this as an advantage to rub it in his face."Years, huh? More like less than a half an hour."She teased."H-H-How?! HOW?!"He screamed. He then dropped down on his knees."WHHHHHHYYYYYY!"He screamed. Harumi laughed."You may be the master of lightning...But I am the master of video games!"She declared."You were the one who thought a video game was playing a game WHILE a video was playing!"He said, putting his hands up in the air."And yet, I still beat you!"She exclaimed. He groaned.

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