Chapter 36

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Silence. Her old friend and foe. Silence was what made people think she wasn't insane. That she was dealing with the pain of grief. But on the inside, she was. She was more than insane. After her parents died, she lost everything. Some people might say she got lucky. She got to live in a palace with food and nice clothes, while other people rot in the streets of suffering. But there was one thing she didn't get at all. The only thing she wanted in the world besides her parents. Love. Love was the thing she had lost, but she had gained when she met a certain someone. And it wasn't just that person. It was his family. They were so loving and welcoming when they first met her. Now, that didn't mean Harumi had second thoughts. She wanted to crush them. She wanted them to suffer. But now, she wants them to have the best now. More than that now.

"I wish to see him."Harumi stated to the doctor."No. He needs rest, Miss Jade. Let him have space."The doctor informed her. Harumi bit her lip."Please. I just need to see him. It's been three months, why can't I see him?"Harumi asked."We are doing everything we can, we will save him. And you can see him when you can see him."The doctor told her."How am I sure you are doing everything you can?"Harumi queried him."It is our job. And he is one of the great heroes that Ninjago has ever seen."The doctor said calmly."And yet, none of you or the people of Ninjago went to search for him."Harumi snapped."Please sit down quietly, Miss. Or I will have to ask for you to leave."The doctor warned. Harumi gave him one last glare before returning to the waiting room."Any luck?"Nya asked, waking up Jay who was asleep on her shoulder.

 Harumi shook her head. Kai angrily groaned."It's been three god damn months! Why can't we see them?!"Demanded Kai."They say that he needs rest and space."Harumi said, rolling her eyes."That's bull."Cole grumbled. Skylor then came into view."I am guessing they didn't let you in?"She asked."Yeah. How long until we see him do you think?"Harumi wondered."Dunno. But by the looks of it, it's going to be later than sooner."Grunted Nya."Skylor, where did you go?"Asked Pixal."Oh...I um, went to the girls room."She said nervously. Weird......Harumi thought."That's a long time, Sky."Cole commented."Hey, makeup takes time."Skylor defended. I still think she is hiding something....Harumi thought to herself.

"So, how does the leg feel Harumi?"Asked Skylor."Well, it took a while but it's almost healed. I sometimes have trouble walking though..."Harumi said, trailing off looking at the hallway. Harumi then looked at the clock. 2 hours till visiting hours close...Okay. I have had enough of these snooty doctors. I'm going to see him even if they put a brick wall as a door to his room. She thought to herself."Where are you going, Harumi?"Asked Skylor as Harumi got up."I'll be right back. Just need to take care of something."She replied. She knew where Lloyd's room was, it was on the third floor to the right. Number 302. She repeated that number until she got to the third floor. As if she would forget it.

She took a deep breath, and stared at the door. Her hands were shaking, and her eyes could not stop staring at the number."Are you supposed to be here?"Asked a nurse."Oh! Um...-"Don't worry, darling. She's with me!"Cried out a voice that belong to a man. She had known that voice. That voice belonged to a guy who had owned countless of dojos and kareokie places. This was the man who was obsessed with the color brown and Gayle Gossip. This man who was called....The brown ninja.

"Dareth?!"Cried out Harumi."Oh, hello brown ninja."She said, she then held out her hand."I am flattered, but I-"20 bucks."She said."Oh right."He said nervously. He then smacks the 20 bucks on her hand."So, this little girl is with you?"Asked the nurse."Yes Karen. She is my loyal number two!"He said proudly. Harumi looked puzzled. What in the name of Ninjago was this idiot doing?!"Go with it."He whispered."Uh...Yeah! I am his number two....Totally!"She said. The nurse known as Karen raised her eyebrow."Did the doctor tell you that you could go in there?"She asked."That doesn't matter. I can give you a free week for your great grandson at my dojo, Kar! If you let her in!"Dareth offered."Do I look like an old lady to you?! I am 26, you dope! And I have a daughter, you bastard!"The woman yelled at him.

 In Dareth's defense, she did look like she was as old as Wu was before he died."Right....."Dareth said, scratching behind his hair."Soooo, can you let her in?"He asked."Fine. Do you have any pipes I can use?"Karen asked."No. I don't smoke."Dareth said."Get a life."She spit at him."HEY! I have a life! I know the ninja! In fact, I am a ninja! The brown ninja!"He called at her, but she was leaving without a care in the world.

"Thanks Dareth. I owe you.....But why did you help me?"Asked Harumi. Dareth turned to her."Well, I was there when you were at court. And I heard that little guy's speech. Besides, I can tell that you are okay....Although you did hurt me too."He said."Oh really? What did I do? Hurt your little baby foot?"She teased him."Hey! That was traumatizing!"He defended."Well, thanks anyway. And again, I owe you."She thanked him."Anytime, princess."He said. She then grabbed his arm, and twisted it."OW!"He yelled."Call me a princess again, and you will only have one arm."She threatened. She let go of it."Geez."He said, while rubbing his arm."Where are the ninja?"Asked Dareth."Waiting room. And....Sorry about your arm."She said. She wasn't really that sorry, but like she said, she owed him."That's alright. I may look soft, but I am tough on the inside."He said, pounding his first against his chest. Harumi rolled her eyes.

As soon as Dareth left to chat with the ninjas, Harumi slowly turned the door knob, opened the door, and locked it. She then slowly walked in, eyeing the person laying in the bed. She closed the door behind her, grabbed a chair so she could sit next to Lloyd, and held his hand gently.

"Hey Lloyd. It's me. Harumi."She began."I don't know if you can hear this, but I am going to say this anyway."She took a deep breath."It's been four months, Lloyd. And...You have to wake up. I don't care what you are going through, but you need to wake up. Because if you die, I will kill myself. I will. And I think you already know that. And I also know you don't want that."She said. Nothing. She sighed."I will. I don't care for my life, at least anymore. Because life isn't worth living for when you are by my side. You are my best friend, Lloyd. And maybe....And I said maybe...You are more than that to me now."She said quietly.

"It's true. But I don't want to hurt you. But now I realize that life is short, and that I have to take risks. I did take a risk. And I don't know if it was worth taking until you wake up. So, that's why I need you to wake up. Not only that but also because....I like you. I like like you."She admitted."I know I already said that, but who knows if you heard. I don't know if you still have feelings for me, but I am tired of cramming all my feelings down in my whole being. I am tired of caring what other people think. I know, I am an idiot for doing that. But that stops now. Do you know why? Because I am done. Just done. When I said I always dreamed of being with you, that wasn't a lie. That was anything but a lie. That was the truth."She said. 

She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them."I wish you were awake right now, so you can hear this. But if you were, I wouldn't really be pouring my heart out like I am right now."She added."I guess what I mean by what I meant when I said I like like you. Is that....I love you. I don't know if I will have the courage to tell you this when you are awake, but it's a start...I guess."She said, smiling a bit. She was now rubbing his hand. There was banging and knocking on the door."I don't have much time left."She said, turning back to him."But let me just say, you are the only person who has come close to my family since my parents died. I never imagined that I would be here, pouring this stuff out to you. 

But I truly do feel this way."She said. She then chuckled."I always thought of us like a fairytale. A fairytale gone wrong......But maybe, there is still hope for this fairytale. She then stood up, and kissed him on the cheek, while tears were falling off her face. She then pushed some of his hair out of his face. Then as if like a miracle,  he flutter his eyes open almost halfway.

She gasped."R-Rumi?"He asked. She smiled."Did you mean all those things?"He asked her faintly. She nodded while tears fell off her face."I did."She said, hugging him, which he slowly but gladly returned. After they broke the hug, he looked around, trying to figure out where he was."Where-Where am I?"He asked her."Home. Because that's where the heart is."She said, hugging his head, and then kissed it. She let go of it, she couldn't stop smiling."Rumi?"He asked her."Yeah?"She asked, only a tad bit worried.

"I love you too."

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