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Kim Yoora POV

Pursing my lips, I read back over the last verse that I've just gotten written, hoping to make sure that it flows together smoothly and that it'll lead into the next the way I want it to. I barely manage to finish reading it over though, before I feel my phone buzzing on the table beside of the notebook I've got set in front of me. I frown at the sight of it lighting up with a call, not understanding why anyone would be calling me so early in the morning.

"Yes?" I answer, confused as to what my manager could possibly be doing up at this hour.

"Gather everyone and have them pack their things, and I mean everything. I have a surprise for the band. I'll text you the address, I expect the lot of you to be here at eight. Three hours should be more than enough time, so don't be late." He breathes out before ending the call. I scoff at how short he was, rolling my eyes before heaving myself out of the chair I'd been sat in all night.

It's with a quiet yawn that I meander over to the lone bedroom that we'd managed to fit two bunk beds into, knocking roughly on it before opening it up and flicking the lights on. I'm greeted with groans and grumbling from the five in the room, though I just smile lightly at the sound.

"Koo Jihyun, what in the name of fuck are you doing waking us up at ass o'clock in the morning?" Eunha snaps tiredly, rolling over on the top bunk to glare down at me. I just quirk an eyebrow at her, used to her shitty attitude by now.

"Sihyun just called. He wants all of us to pack quite literally everything up. He's got a surprise for us and we're supposed to meet him somewhere in three hours for it. You all need to get up and get moving so that we're not late. It's my ass that takes the heat if we're not there on time." I inform them all, yawning as I turn on my heel to wander back out of the bedroom.

"What the hell kind of surprise could anyone have for us at the ass crack of dawn?" I hear Minsae whine. It brings a small smile to my face, shaking my head lightly at the older girl.

"It's a great question that I don't have the answer to, unfortunately." I call back, making my way over to the table I'd been sat at earlier. It's hardly big enough to fit two people at, let alone the six of us together, but since I'm the one with the most work in the band, the girls had allowed me to use it as my own personal desk.

I just glance in the direction of where my single duffel bag is laid underneath the one of the couches in here, nodding to myself since I won't really need to pack anything up. I just let out a quiet sigh, returning my attention to the notebook in front of me. I know the girls will need at least the next two hours to truly wake up and get their things packed, but since I don't need to worry about such tasks, it grants me the additional time to just continue focusing on the work I'd previously been accomplishing.

I'm not on any deadlines yet to be getting things finished, we've had the last month off since we'd done a two month tour right before it. I know the shitstorm is coming though, have known since the last round of album releases, so while I've not been rushing to get anything done, I've certainly not sat around and just lazed about in this last month either.

Glancing up at the clock, I'm surprised to find that it really is just barely five in the morning, taking a deep breath and shaking my head as I try not to dwell on the unknown "surprise" and instead attempt to continue focusing on the work that should be getting done. It takes a little bit, but eventually I manage to absorb myself back into the song I've been writing for the past however long now, completely lost in the words and music I have made up in my mind.

I hardly notice the time pass, but all too soon, I feel a hand lay gently over my shoulder, jolting me from my work as I flinch and fail at stifling a gasp. The pen in my hand slips with ease, staring in fear for a moment at the wall across from me before I let out a soft sigh, swallowing as I look up to find Minsae stood beside me. She gives me a small saddened smile, the second youngest in our band and the only one who has any idea of why I react the way I do every time anyone touches me.

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