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When I arrive back to the living room, I'm surprised to find Namjoon stood in the living room and chatting with my brother and Yoongi, my band being the only others still left in the living room. Minsae's attention snaps in my direction at the movement, and I can see the worry in her eyes as she watches me walk over to where the five of them are huddled around the hallway.

"'Bout fucking time you got your ass back in here. Namjoon's already given room assignments to the guys. They figured we could just split the rooms up evenly between the bands. There's four for them and three for us. The girls wanted to wait on you to decide how we were splitting the rooms. Don't even think about trying to room with me either." Eunha snaps once I've reached them. I don't miss the way the guys' heads all turn in our direction at the sound, and it's a difficult task for me to ignore their presence.

"That's fine. You can all pair up as you please. Minsae, take your room alone. We both know you need it." I respond, waving my hand dismissively as I walk off towards where I'd left my duffel bag earlier.

"Ji, no. You need a room just as much as I do." Minsae argues immediately. Eunha doesn't bother to hang around for the disagreement that I know is about to ensue, and frankly I'm grateful for it. I don't care to have her bitching at me more than what she already does. I just feel bad for whoever ends up rooming with her, even if she's got zero problems with everyone else. Picking up my bag, I turn my head to look back at Minsae, wishing I could be surprised when I find all four still stood there with disapproving expressions.

"I'll be fine. Besides, it works out for the best so that I don't have to disrupt any of you during the night due to my own schedule." I counter softly, forcing a small smile that desperately wants not to make an appearance when the guys are still around. Especially the three that are still out here.

"Ji, no. If either of us should be sleeping out here, it should be me. You and I both know this." Minsae pushes, and I find a small glare making its way onto my face at this. Nari, Soojin, and Dohyun all sigh, shaking their heads at the two of us and giving me a sad look before wandering off down the hall towards the bedrooms, knowing that they don't stand a chance against me and knowing that this is ultimately between Minsae and myself. Minsae's the only one who's ever stood a chance against me, and it's only because she knows what no one else here does, not that they understand that.

"Minnie, go." I breathe out, frowning when she gives me a challenging look. She crosses the room in stride, hands soon landing on my shoulders. She loses my attention momentarily when my brother groans angrily, gaze snapping in the direction of the three men still stood in the room at the moment as my brother tosses his hands up in the air, clearly pissed off as he storms off down the hall and disappearing into it. I can't help the way my entire body tenses when he leaves the other two, watching him in mild fear before relaxing again once he's out of sight with his luggage.

"Ji, please. We both know you need your own space more than me. A confined safe place. Please, take the bedroom." Minsae requests, tone gentle and quiet so as to not let the other two still in the room to hear. I bite the side of my lower lip at this, wishing that I genuinely thought that'd be in my better interest.

"I'll be further away out here. I'll be okay." I manage to whisper, returning my gaze to her. Her expression softens at this, sighing as she hangs her head. She wears a small frown when she lifts her head once more, rubbing my upper arms gently as she tugs a smile back on for me.

"Alright. You feel free to use my room when you need to though, okay? I mean it." She gives in, not sounding overly thrilled with the idea but also understanding now where I'm coming from. I take a deep breath to try and calm myself back down, nodding lightly with a small smile of my own. With that, she gives me a tight hug before wandering off to grab her own bags, soon disappearing down the hall to find her own room as well. Namjoon disappears almost instantly after her, and I find myself nodding to myself before shifting my hold on the bag and heading towards the living room.

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