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"Koo Jihyun, are you fucking kidding me?! When the hell are you going to quit embarrassing this band?!" Eunha shouts, throwing a pillow at me after Jungkook, Yoongi and I get back to the house.


"No! I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses! When the fuck are you going to learn to grow the hell up, Jihyun?! When the fuck are you going to quit disgracing this damn band?!" She hollers angrily, glaring darkly at me. It leaves me pressing my lips into a thin line as I look away from her and instead at the wall beside myself, despising the fact that she's doing this in front of everyone. All of the guys are still here along with the rest of the girls, all of us congregated in the living room. I don't bother responding to her, knowing fully well that she'll just cut me off and start screaming again.

"You're a goddamn adult, Jihyun. Grow the fuck up and act like it for once in your life, would you?" She sneers before standing up and storming out of the living room. It leaves the room falling dead silent as I await someone else to berate me, certain one of the guys will speak up next, though surprisingly nobody does. It's only once I look back over in everyone else's direction that I find all of the guys wearing shellshocked expressions, the girls all wearing looks of annoyance with our eldest.

Minnie soon stands though, saddened smile on her face as she walks over towards me before wrapping a careful arm around my shoulders. She doesn't say anything, but motions with her head for me to come with her as she leads me down the hall and soon into the bedroom that I'm left to believe is hers. She shuts the door gently behind us once we're inside, waving for me to take a seat at the desk in her room as she goes and sits on the edge of her bed.

"You okay, babes?" Minnie asks gently, watching as I gingerly sit down on the desk chair. I just shrug in answer though, knowing she'll understand fully.

"I think you need to give Sihyun a call, Ji. You won't make it through the next two weeks if you keep going back to an abusive teacher and you don't need to get trapped back into that cycle." She suggests, worry in her eyes as she takes my somewhat defeated form in. I let out a shaky sigh at this, knowing that conversation wouldn't go over well. Not when it's hardly even an hour into the school day.

"He won't hear me out, Minnie. It's not even been an hour and not only did I get myself into trouble, but Jungkook got himself into his own trouble as well all because of me. He'd murder me." I argue breathlessly, wobbly smile on my lips as I glance up at her. She frowns at my argument, knowing fully well that I wouldn't make it through explaining what happened before everything goes to shit. It has her sighing, nodding as she pulls her phone out of her sweats pocket. The next thing I know, she's got her phone on speaker and ringing.

"Minsae, what can I do for you?" Sihyun answers in a calm tone when the phone quits ringing. My skin crawls at the sound of his voice, tugging my legs up to my chest as the nerves for the conversation settle in.

"Good morning, Sir! There's something important I needed to discuss with you, if you've got a minute for me?" Minnie responds, effectively silencing the sound of typing coming from our managers end.

"Of course. What's going on?" His tone is much more serious this time, full attention now on Minnie's call.

"I'm actually calling on Jihyun's behalf. Jungkook called a little bit ago to request someone to come pick the both of them up from school, and they're home now, but Jihyun is still shaken up, which is why I'm calling. Sir, it sounds like the teacher Jihyun was assigned to hit her this morning. From what Jungkook has told us, he was picking on her from the moment class started, and at some point decided he wanted to confiscate her notebook for no reason. He started threatening her and assigning her tons of unnecessary detentions when she didn't immediately give him the notebook, and when she got up to leave the classroom so that everything could calm down, he hit her hard enough to send her to the floor. If there's anything you can do to intervene and make sure this doesn't continue happening, I think we all would appreciate it." Minnie explains carefully, eyes locked on my figure.

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