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"You're still in school too?" Jungkook asks in surprise, sitting beside myself in the second row of the van taking us further and further away from the house we'd just moved into two days ago. I've got headphones sitting atop my head, one side moved to sit off my ear so that he can talk to me as much as I wish he wouldn't.

"Yeah." I mutter quietly, head turned to watch the view outside of the vehicle.

"Do you know who your teacher is? I could show you around when we get there if you want." He offers lightly, and it takes everything in me not to snap, knowing he means well even if I don't want anything to do with it.

"Mr. Kwon." I answer, reluctantly turning my head to look over at him. He grins at this though, and somehow I get the feeling that we're in the same class.

"Well that makes things easy. I don't figure you have anything to drop off at your locker yet, so we can just head to class once we get there. From what I hear, he's pretty strict, but he's also supposed to actually be decent at his job for once." Jungkook responds, offering me a smile. I just hum in return, nodding lightly as my tongue pokes my cheek lightly in attempt to keep my focus off of his attention being solely on me.

"You're not much of a talker, are you?" He questions next, soon averting his gaze to out his own window. I'm appreciative that he does so, relaxing mildly into the seat as I return my attention outside as well.

"Not exactly." I murmur, pursing my lips at the thought. I don't want to think about why I'm not much for conversation, especially as the leader of Comet, but it's not exactly my fault either, something I find myself having to constantly remind myself of.

"Hopefully you don't find me too annoying then. It's just nice to actually have someone going to school with me again, and it's fun to have new people to live with and get to know. We're always so busy that I never have the time to really talk with anyone outside of the band unless it's our staff members anymore." Jungkook mumbles softly, causing me to look back over at him. He's not looking in my direction though, attention still out the window on his side of the vehicle.

"You're not annoying, Jungkook. I don't think any of you are. I'm just not the best with people. That's all." I counter gently, wishing my heart could at least quit racing this morning. I know the way my energy and attitude is going to twist when we get to school, and I can only hope I can prevent Jungkook from thinking I'm a total ass, even if I've practically avoided interacting with everyone as best I can. He keeps his head leaned back against the headrest as he glances over in my direction, small smile on his lips at my response.

"Fair enough. I suppose we all kind of thought similarly to Yoongi hyung when we all met him before actually getting the chance to know him. You should hang out with us this evening. I'm sure everyone would love the chance to get to know you." Jungkook says with a sigh, seeming to feel only marginally better. I purse my lips at the idea, shrugging lightly.

"Maybe. We'll have to see how today goes, Jungkook. I've got a lot of work to manage outside of classes. I'm not trying to hide from all of you though." I counter, averting my gaze out of my own window once more. I know what I've said is a lie, I'm most certainly trying to hide and avoid all seven of them, without a doubt. It's not a lie that I have a fuck ton of work to be doing though, my saving grace for this lie.

"Everyone in Comet is single, right?" Jungkook prods curiously, causing my head to snap in his direction with wide eyes. I frown cautiously at the question, hoping my fear isn't showing too prominently at the moment. 

"Why?" I push, not worried by the answer but concerned as to what's driving his question. He smiles at this though, turning his head to look out his own window, only for us to discover that we're pulling into the parking lot of the school.

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