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Yoora POV

"Sweetheart, are you sure you're up for this? I'm sure Sihyun would understand if we needed to reschedule." Soojin murmurs, knelt down in front of where I'm sat on the couch in our dressing room. We're waiting to be called out for the interview at this point, but most of the girls have been trying to get me to agree to us calling it off due to what happened yesterday. She makes sure not to touch me despite how close she is, everyone other than Eunha being careful and extra gentle with me since I finally quit hiding earlier.

"Good lord, guys. Quit fucking babying her like she's some fragile child. She's a damn adult who deserves to be treated as such." Eunha scoffs from where she's finishing getting her makeup and hair done. She's the last one to be getting worked on, the stylists glaring at her for disrupting their work for what's probably nearly the millionth time by now. Soo just rolls her eyes at the eldest though, attention still on me with a small smile.

"Just say the word and I'll give Sihyun a call, Ji." Soo adds on, still seeming hopeful that I'll give in. I don't bother offering a smile as I shake my head, not wanting to be more of a burden on my band than what I've already been. I've already refused to do much in the way of getting ready for today's interview, having reluctantly agreed upon swiping one of Yoongi's sweatshirts and wearing a usual pair of black ripped skinny jeans. I put only enough makeup on to have covered all of the bruises and cuts, Minnie having done my hair up in a messy bun for me so that I didn't have to deal with the fuss. We both know how it would've ended had I been left to do my own hair, and it's taken far too long to grow it out like this to have to start all over again now.

It's the least amount of effort I've put into for my appearance ever, but it's what I can manage after everything that's happened and come to light, after finally being forced to face what I've been dealing with for the last month.

"I'll be fine. It's a little late for canceling anyways." I mutter, not really wanting to do this interview but knowing that we need to. Our comeback is just around the corner and I can't afford to start taking a bunch of time off just to baby myself over what I've been going through, over what I've done to myself.

"Girls, you're on in two minutes!" Someone calls from the other side of the door after knocking. I take a deep breath at the news, forcing myself up onto my feet as everyone else reluctantly mimics my actions. Nobody seems thrilled with the fact that we're going through with this, but we don't need to be getting a bad reputation now for canceling last second on things.

Pursing my lips, I head towards the door once Eunha's finished getting her hair and makeup done, leading all of us out of the room and towards the stage where the interview will be taking place. We pause just out of view of the small audience that's allowed to be present, waiting for our cue to enter.

"Everyone, please welcome Comet!"

Letting out a small sigh before they turn our mics on, I force a smile onto my lips as I lead us out onto the stage, the six of us taking our usual seats in these kinds of instances. They've got a couch that'll seat three out of the six of us, the other three left to sit on barstools behind the couch so that they can be seen and keep us all grouped together easily. I'm sat on the couch closest to our interviewer, Soo sat next to me with Minnie on her far side, Eunha sat directly behind me with Dohyun next to her and Nari on the end.

"It's great to have you girls here with us today! It sounds like you're all working on a comeback for us, if I heard correctly?" He starts out. I suck in a deep breath, smiling as I nod lightly, doing everything I can to keep my composure for this interview. It isn't even supposed to last a full thirty minutes, something that should be easy for me to survive after everything.

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