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"I had a feeling you'd still be up."

My head snaps up at the sound of Yoongi's voice, heart rate only spiking at the surprise before it shockingly calms once more. I don't know that I like the fact that my body seems to be accepting the fact that Yoongi's a safe person, knowing it should be something that's a good thing but not being able to shake off the doubt. After all, the devil started out as an angel.

"What're you doing up? It's late, you should be getting some sleep. Especially for how close you guys are to having your comeback at this point." I question softly with a frown, not understanding at all what he's doing awake at this hour. It's half past midnight at this point, and everyone headed to bed somewhere around an hour and a half ago. Both bands are gearing up for busy schedules to start soon, the boys having barely a week left at this point before their album release and Comet's first performance of the season being just a few days away now. It leaves me running out of time to try and get things done, knowing that there will be performances and interviews galore coming up once the schedule finally begins.

"I have problems sleeping in the week leading up to our release. Too many nerves about how it'll be received. I really enjoyed hanging out with you the other night too. Thought I might hang out with you during the nights, if you wouldn't mind the company too much." Yoongi murmurs with a small smile, soon moving to take a seat across the table from me once more. I look up at him curiously as the pen in my hand flows smoothly over the page to continue writing down the lyrics in my head, wondering how he could've possibly enjoyed my company the last time he'd been up with me when he hadn't wanted to be awake in the first place.

"I don't mind the company. You should go lay down if you get tired though. You should be taking care of yourself as much as possible leading up to your comeback." I respond, dropping my gaze down to the page that I've been working on. I don't miss the sight of him smiling, my curiosity growing when he's soon standing again.

"Says the girl that appears not to have bothered with sleep herself tonight." Yoongi shoots back in a teasing manner, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Didn't you know I was an alien who functions exceptionally without sleep?" I retort, glancing in his direction in hopes of figuring out what exactly it is he's doing. He's in the kitchen, seemingly fussing with a couple of mugs, bringing a tiny smile to my lips. I just shake my head, knowing I need to wrap up with these songs so that I'll be able to get started on the music this weekend.

"Do you mind if I read some of these over? I'm just curious." Yoongi mumbles as he sits back down across from me a few minutes later, setting a mug down in front of me as he holds the other in his hand. My hand freezes mid word at the idea, eyes snapping up to the piles of papers in front of my notebook, heart racing once more just for a moment before settling once more.

"You can, but I don't have any music to go along with it other than what's in my head at the moment. None of those stacks are finalized though. I may still cut or need to add to the albums yet. And they're by no means in any sort of order." I agree reluctantly, teeth beginning to play with my lip ring as I attempt to focus on the song I've got in front of me that's yet to be finished.

"How many more songs do you have left before you start finalizing?" Yoongi asks, head tilting to the side sweetly. I hum in thought as I look over the song, knowing it needs just a little more before it can be deemed finished.

"Mm... probably somewhere around five more after the one I'm currently working on. The albums don't have to be the bare minimum nor the same length in songs, but I need to have enough that if I end up deciding to cut certain songs, that I'm not completely fucking myself on the matter. I don't want to risk scrapping songs rightfully from an album and be left with a severe deficit. I still want to add one more song to Dreamcatcher's pile, a couple for Comet, and a couple for BlackPink if I can help it." I mutter, crossing out the second to last line I'd just written before jotting down something different in its place.

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