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"Would the two of you hurry up already?! I don't care if the two of you are dating or not, nobody gets to hog Yoora all damn day!"

I giggle brightly at Minnie's shouts from the other side of the bedroom door, looking over to Yoongi who's just walking out of the bathroom finally dressed and ready to go. He merely rolls his eyes at her antics, small smile on his face as he walks over to where I'm sat on the end of his bed. He leans over and pecks my lips before taking my hand in his, motioning with his head for us to get going.

"Somehow I have a feeling that door is coming off it's hinges if we don't get outta here soon." Yoongi murmurs before we're both giggling again. It's been around a month since my brother apologized at this point, and things around the house have surprisingly gotten quite better. There's a lot less tension floating around, especially with Eunha having been kicked out, and Dohyun even got back together with Tae again. Having won the lawsuit again Mr. Kwon has also helped immensely for Jungkook and me both, relieved that we'll never have to worry about him again and nor will anyone else.

"Where the hell are we even going? It's mid morning on a Wednesday." I question as we exit the room, finding an impatient Minnie on the other side. She just grins and takes my hand in her though, not bothering to answer as she drags us down the hall and towards the living room.

"We've already told you, we're all going out to brunch." Minnie huffs with an eye roll once we exit the hall. Everyone else is in the living room as well, everyone dressed in clothes a little nicer than a simple casual.

"Yeah, but why?" I counter, still not understanding what's going on. We never go out for breakfast or lunch or hardly ever dinner unless we're doing takeout, especially during the week when Jungkook and I still have classes and we all have work of all sorts to be doing. My question has Minnie and Tae both halting in their tracks, everyone else glancing back and only stopping once they see the four of us still stood in our places instead of continuing on towards the cars outside.

"Kim Yoora."

I scrunch my nose up at just how in unison Tae and Minnie are, but it doesn't reduce my confusion whatsoever. I pout at this, wanting to understand but disliking the fact that nobody seems to want to fill me in. I've long since come to the conclusion that I'm the only person here who doesn't know what's going on, something that adds an uncomfortable element to my confusion.

"You'll figure it out when we get there, baby. It'll be okay, I promise. Come on, let's get going before everyone starves to death, yeah?" Yoongi murmurs with an amused smile, rubbing my back gently. I huff but nod, giving in and accepting the fact that I'm apparently not about to be let in on this secret.

"Is she always this way every year?" I overhear Tae ask Minnie. I frown at this, hurrying to catch up so that I can flick the back of his head. He whines at this, though there's still a smile on his face when he turns his head around to give me a playful glare.

"It's not usually this bad. I'm kinda surprised to be honest." Minnie answers, looking back at me with a knowing smile. I scrunch my nose up at her once more, not appreciating them talking about me right in front of me or the fact that I still don't get to know.

Yoongi soon catches up to me again though, wrapping his hand around my own and I find myself letting out a small sigh as I lean my head against his arm, letting us all fall silent until we're splitting up into the cars. There's not much conversation on the way to wherever it is we're going, but my curiosity begins to pick up once more when we're parking and heading towards a small hole-in-the-wall type of cafe. It's a cute little place, one I've not been to before, and I only wish I could see the color scheme they've set it up with, knowing it must be something to give a nice cozy vibe.

Even once we're seated, I still don't get to find out what's going on. I find that I don't mind it much at this point, deciding to just appreciate the atmosphere of the little café we're in and how empty it is. There's very few other customers, only the occasional older couple here and there. Everyone breaks off into small groups of chatter, looking over menus and figuring out what we're all going to order.

"You know what you're gonna go with, baby?"

I hum at Yoongi's question, leaning against him as I try to spot where the dish I want to order is located on the menu so that I can point it out to him. He just nods when I do, reaching a hand up to play with my hair lightly. We just stay like this until we've ordered, everyone's attention turning to me as soon as our waiter walks away.

"So have you figured out what we're doing here yet, Yoora?" Soojin speaks up, excitement lighting up her eyes. I frown, growing confused once more as I look around at everyone, having given up and begun to thought that simply coming out here to a cute little place for brunch was what we're doing by now.

"Seriously? You still haven't figured it out yet?" Jungkook questions in surprise. It only makes my frown grow, completely and utterly lost all over again as I finally give up and look up at Yoongi in hopes to find some sort of answer.

"Cut her some slack, guys. She's had a lot of stuff going on lately more than she usually does this time of year." Nari steps in, causing me to look over at her next. She just wears a warm smile, though her eyes are still alight with excitement.

"Yeah, but doesn't everyone always pay attention to when their birthday is coming up?" Hobi questions, sounding just as confused as I've felt all morning. My eyes widen at his comment, but my heart sinks and races all at once in my chest, nervous as I glance over at my brother, wondering if he understood all this time that that's what we're here to do. He doesn't seem in the tiniest bit bothered by it, doesn't appear surprised in the slightest, and it's enough for me to be feeling befuddled once more, surprised that he's okay with this. Never once had my birthday been celebrated up until the first one that came around while I was with the girls, and with knowing what else happened on that day, I can't help but be just the tiniest bit shocked that Tae doesn't even seem bothered. Doesn't even seem sad.

I just shake the thoughts off though, deciding that if he's not going to let it bother him, that I don't have to let it bother me either, even if there's still the tiniest bit of guilt.

Everyone seems relieved that I've finally gotten the memo, all of us giggling and laughing before there's tons of cards and gifts being passed my way, surprising me just the same as it does every year, still struggling to wrap my head around the fact that people always do this every year to celebrate my birthday even if I know we do it for everyone else's. The rest of brunch goes along smoothly, everyone teasing me about how oblivious I'd been, even once we're leaving the café once more.

"Happy birthday, baby." Yoongi murmurs when we get back in the car once more. I just smile up at him, grateful that he's had my back all along.


A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this story!! Thank you all so much for reading, please let me know what you think! Love you all and hope to see you again in another story! 🥺❤️

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