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"Baby, you know you've gotta get up eventually." Yoongi murmurs, rubbing my shoulder gently. I frown at this, shaking my head against his chest, not wanting to get up and face the day and everyone else yet. I heard their conversation yesterday, heard Minnie tell them everything, heard the way everyone felt about the matter. I don't want to have to go face them, I don't wanna see how they think of me now. I managed to convince Yoongi not to make me leave the room for dinner last night, him having instead brought dinner for both of us in his room to eat together so that I wouldn't have to eat alone.

"Jungkookie's waiting for you before he starts with his schooling, ya know." Yoongi tries again, though I can hear the smile in his voice. I snort at his poor attempt, rolling my eyes.

"Kook can do it on his own. It's online for a reason." I mumble in a pouty tone, genuinely not wanting to face any of them. Yoongi laughs lightly at this though, causing a pout to grow on my lips.

"Baby, you know you're going to have to face them eventually, Yoora. You'll have me right by your side the entire time too, and you know Minnie and Jiminie will back you up one thousand percent, just as much as I will. You won't be going out there alone, baby. But you've got to face them eventually and the sooner, probably the better." Yoongi counters gently. I whine at his argument, picking my head up to look up at him, frustrated that he really wants me doing this. It's enough to have tears in my eyes, genuinely afraid for what kind of drama it'll cause simply by me leaving the room again.

"Oh, baby. Hey, it's gonna be okay, Yoora. You know I won't let anything happen to you as much as I can, baby. You're safe in this house, Yoora. You're safe, baby. I'm not gonna let you get hurt again. I promise." Yoongi coos, sad hues tainting his tone as he reaches up to brush his fingers through my hair, brushing my hair out of my face.

"I don't want the drama though. I'm tired of all the drama and all the anger and all the upset. I'm tired of being belittled and constantly having to live on edge. I'm tired, Yoongi." I mumble, breaking down crying at the end as I burrow my head into his chest, cries quickly turning to sobs. Yoongi just holds me tightly to him, rubbing soft circles into my back with one hand and cradling my head with the other as he lets me cry. He just hushes me and whispers sweet nothings as he holds me, letting me sob until the tears eventually subside.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, baby. If they start drama, we can come right back in here and I won't make you go out there anymore, okay? I don't think there's going to be anymore anger or belittling or drama though, baby. We'll come right back here if things get messy, but I think it's going to be okay, Yoora. Don't you think we can give them all one more chance?" Yoongi murmurs softly once my tears subside. I pout, leaving my eyes closed as I shake my head once more.

"Don't you think I've given everyone more than enough chances by now? It's only been twenty years worth, only been a couple weeks worth now. I know who's on my side and I know who isn't. And all it takes is one person to ruin it all. Dad taught me that." I mutter weakly, still severely against the idea. I hear him sigh, and I can only hope he'll let me get away with this. Going to the doctors office yesterday took way more out of me than anyone has any clue, took way more mental strength than it should've, I feel like I've nearly had two consistent weeks of nothing but activities that have nothing but take energy and mental strength that I don't have.

"Okay, baby. Okay. What if we have Kook come in here so that the two of you can do your online schooling together at least though, hm? Think we can let Kook come and hang out for a while? I can go grab your things and grab you some breakfast, baby." Yoongi suggests, clearly trying to find a compromise. I huff at the thought but nod nonetheless, knowing without a doubt that Kook's been on my side from the very beginning.

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