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Taking a deep breath, the six of us run on stage to get in our places as we're announced as the next to perform. At this point, everyone has performed but Comet and I've got one performance left just a few acts later, and all six of us are buzzing with energy as we get on stage and get into position. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest with adrenaline, the one time I don't mind the excited pace it takes on, the thought quickly dissipating as the music begins to play for us to perform our last title track we'd released.

The performance starts out strong, everyone hitting their correct places at the right times, coming in and fading out of their lines perfectly. Our moves are sharp as we continue to flow through the song, and I find myself beginning to wonder if this may just turn out to be our best performance of this song yet.

We're nearly to the end when things begin going sideways though, Eunha moving on the wrong count and heading for the wrong place just mere seconds before I'm supposed to come back in for the next part. I find myself tripping over Eunha's foot, rolling my ankle and it takes everything in me to let out nothing but a huff as I work to keep myself from hitting the floor, attempting to do what I can so as not to make it too obvious what's happening. I end up missing my lines entirely because of this, and it's all I can do to finish the performance out like nothing had happened.

As soon as the music cuts and the lights go out on us, I rip my mic off of me, panting heavily as I try to keep the tears at bay, trying not to limp too noticeably as I hurry off the stage with the others. Minsae hangs back as soon as she's off the stage, everyone else but Eunha glancing back at me worriedly as Minnie wraps her arm under my shoulders so that she can help me try to keep a little weight off of my injured ankle. The pain is enough to have my stomach churning, doing what I can to stay silent and just make it back to our dressing room for now. I know the boys will be in there, but it's the least of my concerns right now, knowing fully well that Eunha's about to give me an earful.

"Koo Jihyun, what the fuck is wrong with you! When the hell are you going to grow the fuck up and learn how to be a fucking leader for this band?! When are you going to quit fucking up and disappointing this band?! When the hell are you going to quit being such a damn disgrace?!"

I hardly have a chance to even react before her hand is flying across my face once I've set foot inside the dressing room, everything else deafeningly silent. I clench my jaw at the stinging on my cheek, taking a deep breath to try and collect myself so as not to completely lose my shit on her.

"It was never a good idea to have let the youngest of us be the fucking leader of this band! You're the reason we can't do anything! You're the reason this band is never going to go anywhere in life! You are nothing but a fucking problem for this band! When the hell are you going to wake up and take a fucking hint, Jihyun?! We would all be so much better without you, why the hell do you always have to hold us back and paint us such a shitty image?!" She's screaming at this point, causing my ears to ache at her volume and pitch, wincing at the way she's being right now.

"Eunha, go to fucking hell! You're the one who fucked up tonight! You're the reason she missed her part! You're the reason she's injured right now!" Minnie shouts from beside of me, giving me a sympathetic look when she notices me wincing once again.

"Just because you have a fucking hard on for her doesn't mean that she's some untouchable infallible god, Minsae! You're no fucking better than she is! Jihyun is supposed to be the face of this band as our leader though and all she fucking does is screw it up! She's nothing but a fat, pathetic, disgraceful excuse of a fucking human that does nothing but get in everyone's way! It's a fucking shame Sihyun ever let you debut! You aren't cut out for this industry, and you know it. You'd be doing everyone here and in this industry a damn favor if you got rid of yourself." Eunha snaps before storming past us, knocking shoulders with me as she exits the room so that she can leave.

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