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"I still can't believe you and Yoongi are together. That was both something that I entirely should've seen coming and also the biggest plot twist ever for me." Jungkook comments when we get to school. It's been a few days now since I agreed to give us a try, and we were going to try and just lay low about it for a while, but Yoongi blew that for us last night at the performance hall. I just smile and roll my eyes, feeling very much like he's being just a wee bit dramatic.

"I don't know why this is such a big deal or such news to you guys. You act as though we're the only two together between the bands and as though we were the least likely pair." I huff quietly, being careful not to let others hear our conversation. He hums in response though, shrugging lightly.

"I don't know. I mean, I wasn't really sure you were going to warm up to any of us at all back when we first moved in together. And as for Yoongi hyung, I wasn't all that sure that he would actually get close to anyone enough for there to be potential for a relationship to actually happen. It's not an easy feat for him to get close to people, especially with Tae. I'm happy for the both of you though. I feel like the two of you are kind of a perfect fit for each other." Jungkook mumbles, knowing our conversation is nearing its end as we draw closer to the dreaded classroom. We both fall silent for a moment as we round the last corner to enter into the hall where it's located, neither of us looking forward to it.

"Please tell me this is almost over. I don't know how much more of this I can take." His voice is a mere whisper at this point, our movements slowing in acknowledgement of what we know is to come once the school day officially begins. I just take a deep breath before nodding, thinking back over what I'd finally gotten in my locker yesterday.

"I think I finally have enough people willing to testify against him to actually create a strong lawsuit. I'll talk to my manager about it soon so that I can get it filed." I breathe out, eyes locked on the doorway that we're unfortunately nearing. He simply nods, not having it within him to be able to say anything more and knowing I don't either as we finally reach the classroom. We exchange a look as we reach the doorway, reluctantly heading in as much as we both wish we didn't have to.

The morning goes on as it normally does, myself suffering through the mild abuse that the morning usually entails as I continue to refuse him access to bully and abuse the other girls in the class, the abuse growing in severity as the morning goes on, growing as he wakes up more and continues to get increasingly pissed at me as he normally does. Lunchtime eventually rolls around, starting out no better or worse than any other day as he gains free access for the entire lunch period to abuse me as he will.

I'm all but thrown into the front table in the middle column, corner slamming into my hip as my head bounces off of the top, a small groan falling from my lips when I hear the sound of a belt buckle being undone. All I can manage to do is blink my eyes repeatedly in hopes of clearly my blurry vision, not initially alarmed by the sound of him undoing his belt. It's not the first time he's taken to using it to whip me with, something that's only begun in the last week or so now.

Sure enough, I feel the metal buckle snap against my back, and I gasp in pain, still not quite used to it as I turn myself over to protect the new injury, head spinning as I attempt to suck the air back into my body that had so rudely left upon contact. However, as I hear the belt get dropped to the floor and feel hands beginning to tug at the buttons of my uniform top, my eyes widen, wishing my vision would clear to make something easier.

"Rotten fuckers like you need to learn a goddamn lesson. If the beatings don't mean shit to you then maybe this will." Mr. Kwon growls seconds before I feel some of the buttons popping off at the top of my shirt. It's all I can do to grab at his hands and try to get them off of me, succeeding for only a second as I'm smacked across the face.

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