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"Did you talk to your manager at all yesterday?" Jungkook asks softly, glancing in my direction as we head towards our classroom once more. We hadn't received an email about being switched to a different classroom, so we're left slowly making our way down the hallways of the school towards where we had dipped out early yesterday.

"Minnie did. He said he would handle it." I breathe out, trying to ignore all of the heavy glares I'm receiving. Jungkook simply nods at my answer, neither of us saying much as we soon near the door. We exchange glances as we reach the entrance to the room, the elder seeming nearly as unsure and uncomfortable with all of this as I am, surprising me mildly. We just stay silent though, forcing ourselves to enter.

"Mr. Jeon, Ms. Koo, please come see me before taking your seats."

We don't get more than a few steps inside before we're freezing in our tracks, exchanging another look as we reluctantly wander over to Mr. Kwon. He appears nearly more agitated this morning than yesterday, though with knowing that Jungkook doesn't feel any safer currently than myself, I can feel my posture straightening the same way it did when I was little, the same way as when I used to protect my brother.

"Yesterday's behavior from the both of you was beyond unacceptable. I'm willing to give you both the benefit of the doubt that we all merely got off on the wrong foot though. Mr. Jeon, you're to stay out of matters that do not concern yourself. Ms. Koo, I do not allow students to write in pen, and most certainly not colored pen. I do not want to see you distracting yourself from my lessons again today. I don't care if the both of you have work for your bands or managers or whoever. The school day is for schoolwork and schoolwork only. Do not think either of you will be able to be able to just get away with whatever kind of behavior you so choose, solely because you're both in the music industry. That changes nothing here."

His tone is tight, expression on his face expectant as his gaze stays trained mainly on myself for the duration of what he has to say. I can feel the ugly anger bubbling up within me at everything he has to say, and I can only hope I'll be able to make it through this entire school day.

"Mr. Kwon, you cannot force anyone to do what you want them to do. It's for the sake of your job that Jungkook stepped in yesterday, something of which you should be grateful for. I will write with whatever writing utensil I so choose, and I will focus my attention on whatever I decide upon. The only time you rightly can intervene is if what I'm choosing to occupy myself with is a true distraction for the rest of the class, not just because it's not what you want me to focus on.

"Getting any managers involved yesterday was not because we felt privileged, but because your actions were out of line and unacceptable. Our behavior yesterday had been perfectly fine until you opted to target me. I suggest you reread your job contract and what all exactly is and is not within your boundaries as a teacher. I'm happy to do that for you if you suddenly can no longer comprehend what you read." I breathe out, trying to control the bubbles of anger forming within me. Jungkook jabs his elbow into my side, but I hold my ground, not interested in giving in.

"Ms. Koo, you had damn well better start watching that mouth of yours. You are in no place of control here. I decide what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behavior. I am attempting to allow the both of you to start today over on a new leaf. That is something you should not take lightly and something that you should be grateful for." Mr. Kwon growls, standing up as he begins to lean forward onto his hands atop his desk. My heart rate is through the roof at this point, but I keep my gaze challenging all the same, refusing to let him have his way so easily.

"I suggest reviewing the teacher's manual if I were you. You are well outside of your abilities with what you're attempting to do." I inform him, turning on my heel with that and tugging Jungkook to follow suit as I begin to walk away from his desk. Jungkook doesn't hesitate to stay at my side, soon scurrying off up the aisle towards his own seat. I don't make it nearly as far though, soon being sent to the floor from having been struck at the back of my head. My forehead makes contact with the corner of the table I'd been near in the process, not being able to catch myself when I hit the floor as my head bounces off the linoleum.

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