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"I thought you said you couldn't sleep the week leading up to your album release? You guys had your comeback today, what're your still doing awake?" I question with a smile as I glance in Yoongi's direction. We're sat together on one of the couches in the living room, facing each other with our legs bent up so that there's the tiniest of spaces between our toes on the middle cushion. I've got my laptop opened and laying back against my legs as I work on composing the music for the songs that I'd finished up the weekend prior, a position the two of us have been in most nights since he'd decided he wanted to spend the nights out here with me.

He giggles at my question, and I don't miss the way his cheeks darken just a hair as he looks up at me from the notebook that I know is leaned against his own legs. He's been working himself while out here with me, working towards a new album for himself from what he's told me. He's shown me most of his songs when he deems them finished, wanting my opinion on them for whatever reason each time before he'll move onto the next.

"I enjoy spending time with you and this is the only time I get to do that with no expectations or prying eyes or ears." Yoongi mumbles with a shrug, gaze still locked on me through his lashes. I smile and shake my head at this, at his antics, at the fact that he could and should be sleeping and instead is choosing to be out here instead.

"You know you don't have to spend every night out here right? You need your sleep, Yoon. It's been a long day with that comeback party you guys had earlier and your schedule is only going to get busier now." I counter warmly, returning my gaze back to my computer so that I can continue to work.

"Says the girl who's got the busiest schedule out of everyone in this house and yet somehow rarely ever sleeps. You've had just as big of a day, you were there with all of us for the party and then still had a ton of work to do afterwards and a performance tonight too. If either of us needs the sleep here, it's you. Besides, you're the one that's been yawning nonstop tonight." Yoongi argues, tone still light and playful. I gasp, quietly slapping a hand over my chest as I give him a wide eyed look.

"I do not yawn that much, I'm not even tired right now. You act like I do anything at all during my days." I huff teasingly, though soon enough I'm yawning and we're both giggling at the fact that I seem to have proven him right over myself.

"Come on. Let yourself get some sleep, Ji. We both know you need it and I have no doubt that you'll still get everything done by the time it needs completed by. If you want, I can even wake you up in say, two hours? At least allow yourself that much?" Yoongi murmurs, sitting himself more upright so that he has a better view of me. I frown, knowing how serious he's being about this, but not liking the idea one bit.

"I don't know. Sleep and I don't tend to get along very well, Yoon. I don't... I don't have a good track record when it comes to that." I mutter, gaze falling to my lap. I can already feel my insides churning at the idea of sleep despite knowing how desperately in need I am of it, afraid to allow myself to do that in front of someone. I don't always sleep all the way to an alarm, the nightmares occasionally get to me first, and I don't want him to see that side of me if I can help it.

"Ji, please? You need sleep pretty badly, you're hardly able to keep your eyes open tonight. I'll wake you up if you have a nightmare, it'll be okay. I promise. You don't have to be afraid to get some sleep. You do need to get some though. Even if it's only a couple hours." Yoongi presses, sitting up to cross his legs in front of himself so that he's able to reach out and place a hand on my knee. My gaze snaps up at the touch, staring through my computer at where I know his hand is, where I can feel the warmth from his hand, where he's rubbing his thumb gently across the top of my knee.

"I don't want you to witness me have a nightmare. They're ugly, awful things." I whisper, afraid for what my subconscious could possibly do while I sleep.

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