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"Yoora, honey, you're gonna need to talk about this at some point. We need to get this sorted out, and we've got another interview this evening that we're going to need you to attend. We need to get you back and present, honey."

I squeeze my eyes shut at Minnie's words, not wanting to acknowledge what happened, not wanting to acknowledge that it's my fault again that I'm suffering the way I currently am. I've hardly calmed down since the incident, have been locked up in the dance room since we got home, Minnie the only one who's been allowed in since we arrived.

"Don't wanna talk about it. It's my fault." I manage to mumble out, letting my head fall to my knees as I feel my cheeks been to get soaked with tears all over again. I'm still in the clothes that I'd been in when she arrived to the school yesterday, not having the strength in me to be able to deal with much more than sitting here and crying on and off.

"Yoora, this is anything but your fault. This is not at all your fault, honey. Don't blame yourself like that. You didn't deserve any of this." Minnie murmurs, and I know she wants to reach out but after the last eighteen hours, she's figured out that touching me doesn't accomplish anything at all. I just shake my head at her words though, knowing it's not true, knowing just how wrong she truly is. She hums sadly at my reaction, and I hate that I feel as though I'm letting her down. I'm letting everyone down and I know it, and it only leaves me feeling worse.

"Does Jungkook know what happened, Yoora?"

I frown at the question, lifting my head up so that my chin is rested on my knees once more, finding a thoughtful expression donning her face. I don't bother with verbally responding, shrugging in confusion.

"He knows most of it. I don't know what he saw yesterday before he called you though." My voice is hardly a whisper, not wanting to think about what he may or may not have seen.

"Okay. How about this? You go get a shower, I think we both know that's what you need most right now. A shower, or a bath, whatever is going to work best for you. Seems like that might help you to at least start getting back on the right track. Meanwhile, I'll talk with him and see what he knows. That way you won't have to relive much at all, depending on how much he can fill in the gaps. Sound okay?" Minnie proposes gently. I purse my lips at the idea, not entirely fond of it but knowing it's probably the best way to get anything accomplished at this point.

I heave out a small sigh, nodding reluctantly in agreement as my gaze falls. I don't bother moving though, knowing my control over my own body is still rather minimal and that Minnie knows this as well. I still flinch when she picks me up, squeezing my eyes shut so that I won't have to see everyone that I'm sure is out in the living room by now, so that I won't have to see the man I'd agreed to try dating just earlier this week that's been sitting outside the dance room's door since we all arrived home yesterday.

Minsae POV

Closing the bathroom door for Yoora once we've gotten a bath drawn up for her, I take a deep breath and let it out in a heavy sigh, running my hands through my hair as I walk away from my bathroom and head out towards the hall so that I can go talk with the others. Everyone except for Eunha has been hanging out in the living room, no one having gone to bed last night except for her. She hadn't cared when we got Jungkook's call yesterday, and she's been hiding out in her bedroom aside from coming out to get food since everyone's attention has been on Yoora and nothing else.

"How's she doing?" Yoongi's the first to speak up when I finally reach the living room, sitting on one of the couches with Jungkook and Hoseok. I purse my lips at the question, heading over to where Jimin's sat with an arm extended out for me.

"Not much better honestly. We've got an interview this evening though, and I think it's the only reason she agreed to do something. She still won't speak much and still flinches at any advancement towards her or touch." I breathe out, curling into Jimin's side. I'm exhausted to say the least at this point, but it's not about me right now. I'm more worried for Yoora than anything, and I need to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible so that I can at least be able to help her start recovering from whatever it is that's happened. I've got a pretty good idea of what happened yesterday to result in Jungkook calling us, but without knowing the full extent of it, I can't do much.

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