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Waiting for my brother to show up to the practice room I'm currently in, I can only hope that I'll be fast enough in covering up the damages from school today, knowing this conversation will be difficult enough without that hellish secret coming to light. I don't want to think about the fact that I'll be spending time alone with my brother for the first time so many years, why it was I'd even done so the last time, don't want to think about just what all it is that I have to hide.

There's soon a light knock on the door to the practice room behind me before it's being pushed open, and I'm grateful for having just finished up with getting all of the new damages covered. I spy Namjoon being the one dropping my brother off to me, a somewhat curious expression on both their faces once they find me within the room.

"Yoongi hyung said you wanted to chat with Tae for a few minutes?" Namjoon questions as the two of them stand uncertainly in the doorway. I muster up all the strength I have in order to form a smile at the two of them, spinning on my heel so that I'm not looking at them through the mirror as I nod. I don't bother to say anything yet, hoping my extra few seconds will be enough to gather up any last remaining courage I have as I put my makeup away into my bag.

"Think you'll be fine to find your way back to us when you're done here?" I hear Namjoon ask as I catch him turn towards my brother. He just nods in response as well, not seeming to bothered by any of this yet. With that, I hear the door soon closing, and I move to take a seat on the floor, motioning for Taehyung to do the same. There's curiosity still pouring out of him as he joins me on the floor, and I find myself mentally cursing my body for how difficult it becomes to keep my composure with our proximity.

"What did you wanna chat about?" Tae asks calmly, tilting his head to the side as he speaks. It reminds me of just how innocent he's always looked when at peace, looking just as innocent as he did back in our childhood. It makes me wonder how the hell he managed to get past everything that happened in that house, even if he'd managed to be out of it majority of the time. Surely it had its own lasting effects on him as well, right?

"Did you sleep well last night, Taehyung?" I counter, choosing my words and approach carefully. He frowns in confusion at my question, but nods all the same. I hum in response, nodding shallowly at his reaction.

"It turns out, Yoongi didn't. I was up late doing some work, last night. We ran into each other when he got up to try and get some tea to ease his nerves." I comment, trying desperately hard to keep my wits about me for this conversation. His frown deepens, sighing as he shakes his head.

"I knew he shouldn't have been the one without a roommate. It's no good for him, he doesn't do well on his own." Tae mutters bitterly, seeming rather displeased by this news. I purse my lips, focusing on the metal of my lip ring as it sits against both my lips, a hand subconsciously coming up to play with my double pierced ears.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk with you about." I speak up, deciding to push my luck despite his slowly diminishing demeanor. He shakes his head though, standing up in the process.

"It's okay. I'll talk to the others about it so that we can get this sorted out. I appreciate you bringing it to my attention, Jihyun." Tae breathes out, attention no longer on myself. I frown at this, glaring up at the man who's yet to realize he's my brother.

"Taehyung, sit down and listen." I snap, nostrils flaring in anger. I'm not at all settled down enough from school for his lack of cooperation, something that I can only hope won't get me into more trouble than I've already dealt with today. I watch the surprise develop on his face though, innocence making a reappearance as he reluctantly sits himself back down in front of me. I tuck my hands under my legs to try and prevent the shaking at this point, knowing that this conversation is seemingly only going to become more and more difficult.

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