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"Kim Yoora, what in the name of hell has been happening to you?" Yoobin breathes out the next evening after the rest of her bandmates save for Siyeon have left the room. Siyeon is stood by the door of the practice room to prevent anyone else from coming as well as to keep me from leaving, arms crossed over her chest with an expectant look.


"No, answer her question, Yoora. First, you move in with a male band over the weekend, then you start school this week. We're now halfway through the week and suddenly you're looking like you're getting abused. What the hell is happening and who do we need to go kill?" Siyeon steps in, knowing me far too well to have allowed me to continue where they both knew I was going. I let out a heavy sigh at her words, wishing we didn't have to be having this conversation. Wishing none of what she'd said is true. Wishing there weren't any reason for any of it to be an issue.

"My brother doesn't even recognize me, so don't go hunting him down. The guys in his band seem pretty decent too. It's not them." I mutter, taking a closer look at the gash on my forehead for the first time since I'd gotten it yesterday. It's by no means the only injury I sustained yesterday or today for that matter, but it's one that looks far too familiar. Looks too easily like it could've come from something else.

"Then what the hell is going on, Yoora? What is happening that's leaving you looking like this?" Yoobin questions gently, walking up behind me and carefully resting her hands on my shoulders. The bruising both shoulders wear is visible through my tattoos, something that somewhat disappoints me though, I try not to think too much about it.

"The teacher Jungkook and I got placed with is an abusive fuck in a few different meanings. I'm putting an end to it." I reluctantly answer, knowing all too well what their reaction is going to be. I've already made my mind up about it though, and there's no going back on it now.

"And why the fuck hasn't he been removed yet? Have you not told Sihyun about it yet?" Siyeon pipes up, failing miserably at withholding her anger. I purse my lips at the thought, knowing why that is and knowing that it also happens to be my own fault.

"He's been sued before. He has connections and the school has money. They've shut lawsuits down multiple times now with that money. I'm putting an end to it, so no, Sihyun hasn't been informed yet. Neither of you are going to say anything either, just like Jungkook has promised to keep his mouth shut. Nobody at the house knows, and it's staying that way until I'm ready. I'm not going to let this continue on beyond me. I'm not going to allow him to abuse the other girls in there just because of what I've gone through in the past. The fact that I've suffered and survived before means I can do it again. Especially when this won't last remotely as long." I explain, tone far more confident than it should.

"Kim Yoora, no. How long are you even thinking you're going to let this go on for? This needs to be dealt with, and it needs dealt with immediately." Siyeon argues, head tilting forward to let me know just how much she's against this idea.

"One month. I have to collect evidence, evidence that will be permissible in court. Evidence enough to shut him down for good. Siyeon, as much as I love you both and am grateful to the both of you for always having my back and helping me through everything, you're not changing this. If I leave, it'll just make some other poor girl his target. We both know I would never do that to anyone." My tone is firm as I speak, gaze focused on the girl at the back of the room from where Yoobin and I are currently stood. I just watch as she leans her head backwards against the wall behind herself, frustration flooding her.

"Just be careful, Yoora, okay? The abuse is familiar to you, that's what concerns us. We don't want you getting stuck in that loop and getting used to it and nothing good comes of it. We're just worried for you. That's all." Yoobin murmurs, rubbing my upper arms comfortingly. I just sigh at her words, nodding in response.

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