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"How're you holding up, Yoora?"

My eyes snap up at the sound of my name that so few people know, relaxing when I find Minnie stood just in front of the closed door to the dance room that I've been hiding out in since I got back from my hair appointment. I let out a small sigh of relief knowing that the door is shut so that no one else could possibly overhear her use my unknown name, gaze slowly returning to my reflection in the mirror rather than her own, taking in the black nature of my hair.

"I'm okay. He doesn't seem to recognize me in the slightest, neither of them do, and I think they've all taken interest enough in all of you that I've been able to fly under the radar." I breathe out, mixed emotions still drowning my entire being over the sight of my hair. It looks just as dark as it had when I'd been signed on, something that makes it difficult for me to want to be seen by anyone.

"You don't seem overly thrilled about your hair." She murmurs as she makes her way over to where I'm seated on the floor in the center of the room. I play with my lip ring at the comment, shrugging as I continue to try and come to terms with what it is.

"It looks too much like when I got here. What if that's all it takes for them to recognize me?" I mumble, raking a hand through my hair as I avert my attention back to the older girl. Minnie gives me a soft smile, taking a seat beside me before wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"If they didn't recognize you yesterday, I don't a little change in your hair is going to do the trick. It's longer than when you got here, and I have a feeling you didn't have most of these piercings or tattoos back when they left either." She comforts, being mindful not to say what I know she wants to.

She's not too much more comfortable or confident in us having moved into a house with them than I am, though for completely different reasons. I know she wants to tell me that I can relax, that I don't have anything to worry about with them. The guys all seem nice enough and I know neither of us missed the interest the guys had in our band. We both want to throw it out there, want to tell each other that we don't have to be so guarded and cautious, that we can trust the seven of them. Unfortunately, we know each other's backgrounds enough to know better than to do something as stupid as that.

I can see in her eyes that she wants to say it, though the expression she wears tells us both that she knows better.

"What're you working on in here?" Minnie asks lightly, deciding to change the topic to something far less worrisome than the previous one. I offer her a grateful smile at the change, looking down at the notebook that I've got sat in front of me. She knows it's the one that I write in, but that never means much since we both know it's ninety percent of what I do in my spare time. It's what keeps my sanity from draining entirely.

"It's comeback season and I start classes tomorrow again. It's time for full albums this round, so I've been trying to sift through what I already have written to see how I can assign things. I don't mind if everything I've written already is for me or not, but I need songs for everyone at this point, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to see if any of it can withstand minor alterations to tailor it for someone else." I explain, taking a deep breath as I return my attention to the writing in front of myself. She nods lightly at this, reaching out to turn my book so that she's able to read it more easily.

"Want me to take care of dinner tonight so that you can focus on this? You'll have to face the others eventually, but it wouldn't hurt to give you time to accept it first. Plus, you'll have more time to get some of this done before you lose a bunch of time to school again." Minnie offers casually, returning her gaze to me.

I hum in thought at the option, hand subconsciously reaching up to play with my lip ring as I consider it. I'd certainly appreciate the break in needing to take care of everyone else, appreciate the extra time to focus on work before I know all hell will break loose tomorrow, but it's also in my nature and position to be taking care of everyone else. I know she isn't nearly as comfortable with the others as she's managed to let on, far less than the rest of the band, and I'd feel terribly about subjecting her to that when I understand fully how she feels and why it is she feels that way.

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