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"I don't know how you did it. I don't know how you got through to them, but you did."

I glance towards the hallway at the sound of Minnie's tired voice, surprised to find her up this early as I return my attention back to the food I'm preparing this morning. We're halfway through the week at this point, and I'd begun to wonder if they were going to sort things out. I had hardly been around yesterday at all to find out, and I wasn't about to bring it up with Kook when I know how much he's got on his mind these days.

"What're you doing up so early? You should be asleep right now." I counter calmly as she nears me. She just moves to hop up on the counter beside the stove where I'm cooking at the moment, her slipper clad feet swinging ever so lightly in the air.

"I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind." Minnie mumbles tiredly before yawning. I give her a tiny sad smile, feeling bad that she's struggling to sleep when we both know how much she needs it these days.

"Jimin asked me yesterday."

I frown as I look over at her curiously, wondering what he could've asked her about. She's not looking at me though, playing with her hands in her lap, a nervous habit she developed years ago. It only causes my frown to deepen, moving to stand directly in front of her so that I can take her hands in mine.

"What'd he ask you, Minnie?" I question softly, knowing she wants to talk about it. She wouldn't have brought it up if she didn't, but whatever it is has clearly knocked enough nerves into her to the point of losing sleep over it, something that worries me. She doesn't lose sleep over much these days anymore.

"Asked if I'd be his girlfriend." Her voice is rough, tears forming in her eyes, still refusing to look up at me. There's fear flooding her voice, frustration joining in as she pouts in attempt to keep her lips from trembling.

"I-I knew it was coming... I've tried. I've tried really hard, Yoora. I've been trying to give him a chance and to let him in, but... fuck, I don't know if I'm ready for this. I don't know if I can do that." She breaks down crying at this, gaze finally snapping up to look at me in honesty. She's completely and entirely terrified, and I know it's her past that's haunted her all night long, her past that's kept her awake all night.

"Hey, Minnie, honey, calm down. It's okay. It's okay, Minnie. It's alright." It's all I bother to say for the moment, knowing she needs to calm down before she'll be able to hear anything else. I reach out and rub her upper arms gently, knowing just how much comfort she finds in the action, and she's soon grounded enough again to calm down and no longer be sobbing.

"I'm so scared, Yoora, I'm so scared. I know he's not, I know he's not like the kids from school, but fuck, I can't help but be worried that it'll turn out the same way. I can't, I don't want to go through that again. I can't do it, Yoora." Minnie breathes out, rubbing her hands over her face roughly. I give her a small smile when her hands finally drop limply to her lap once more, taking her hands in mine gently.

"You know I would never let anything bad happen to you, Minnie. He's a good person, honey. You don't have to worry so much. You've seen the kind of person he is over these last few weeks, and you know as well as I do, how much I've kept up with my brother's band since they debuted. He's not like those kids in school, Minnie, he's not going to make some joke out of you. You know I'd never let something like that happen to you, honey. It's gonna be okay, Minnie. He makes you happy doesn't he?" I murmur, rubbing the pads of my thumbs over the back of her hands. She sniffles, knowing fully well where I'm going with this as she huffs and gives me a nod.

"He treats you well, too, doesn't he?" Another nod.

"And he's not shown any signs at all of being anything like those immature assholes, right?" She shakes her head, a small pout planted on her lips at this point.

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