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Looking my reflection over the next morning, I'm still hidden in the bathroom as I take in the sight, hating the relief that floods me at the sight of the chin length haircut that my hair is now styled in. Minnie had booked me a hair appointment last night, knowing I'd need the time before today's press conference to come to terms with it, to come to terms with the familiarity of it. It's a much more mature and professional cut than the one I wore when I had first started with the company, having received a true haircut as opposed to the impromptu rushed cuts I'd perform on myself with the kitchen scissors throughout my childhood.

"Yoora? Baby, you okay in there? You're supposed to be heading out on stage soon, babe." Yoongi calls out with a knock from the other side of the door. I take a deep breath at the warning call, tucking my hair behind my ears before forcing my gaze away from the mirror and heading over to the door to open it. Yoongi's still stood on the other side in wait, Minnie being the only other person in the room that's on their feet as she watches in my direction worriedly.

"I'm okay. I'm ready to head out on stage whenever everyone else is." I mumble softly, not wanting to think about the memories that the short cut drives to the forefront of my head. He just gives me a small smile, pecking my lips lightly before reaching out wrapping an arm around my shoulders, leading me away from the bathroom and further into the spacious dressing room we'd been provided. I just look around at the other girls, watching as they all stand with small encouraging smiles, nodding as they begin heading towards the door. Eunha just rolls her eyes at me, having avoided me and everyone else since the meeting earlier this week. It makes me nervous for how this is going to go, but I can only hope Eunha and Taehyung both will be able to control themselves.

The guys hang back since they're not supposed to come out until we've addressed the matter of what happened at the interview the other weekend, and it only makes me more nervous about the fact that it simply gives him extra time to stew. I just reach up and ruffle my hair in attempt to not think about him, not wanting to make this press conference more miserable than it's already going to be.

When we reach the stage, there's a multitude of extra chairs, each one with a name tag so that we all know where we're sitting and who's sitting by who for when the guys come out on stage as well. As we climb the stairs and walk behind the table and chairs, I find that Hoseok is meant to sit closest to the set of stairs we'd just entered from, Jin next and then Nari since the two of them are together, then Namjoon and then Soojin, then my brother followed by Dohyun, and then it's supposed to be Jimin then Minnie then Jungkook then Yoongi then me, and sadly Eunha beside of myself. I don't miss the way Eunha scoffs at the fact that she's been assigned to be at my side, and it only worries me more for how this is going to go.

The six of us take our seats as they've been assigned, all of us except for Dohyun who moves to sit beside of Minnie, stealing Jungkook's seat presumably so that she won't have to sit beside my brother. I purse my lips at the sight, hating that the two of them are fighting like they are all because of me. She actually broke up with him yesterday, no doubt the reason she doesn't want to be sat beside him, and I can only hope that things between the thirteen of us can begin calming down eventually. I know realistically that I don't believe it will, part of why I'm frustratingly more comfortable with my new short hair, but I want to have hope that it can get better sooner than I'm worried for.

My mind is taken off the situation between the two bands when our mediator takes the stand at the far left corner of the stage, effectively silencing the crowd of fans and reporters that have managed to fill every single seat within the room. All of us turn our attention to the lady as well, nodding when she looks over to me for confirmation that we're ready to begin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to thank you all for attending today's press conference! There are a few different topics on today's agenda, but Jihyun will be leading us through each item as they come up. The girls are prepared to answer any questions that arise today, so we ask that you all remain courteous and handle asking questions in an organized fashion to assist us in keeping things running smoothly today. Jihyun, would you like to get us started?" The woman begins, looking over to me once more as she finishes speaking. I watch as she turns her mic off, not wanting all of the mics up here to cause an interference before turning mine on so that I can get this going.

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