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"Solbi, why don't you come up here to solve this equation?"

It takes all the strength driven by anger within me to drag my body to a stand at Mr. Kwon's instructions, the same shit I've been doing since the second day of classes when I discovered just what kind of games exactly this bastard likes to play and gets away with. I don't say anything as I step out from behind the table I'd been sat behind, glancing over in the direction of the girl he'd just called upon, watching as she gulps and nods silently at me before returning her attention to the front of the class as I head in that direction.

"Koo Jihyun, when the fuck are you going to learn your own goddamn name! You're not the only one in this classroom that needs to learn!" Kwon thunders from in front of me, grabbing me by the collar of my uniform shirt so that he can toss me towards the white board at the front of the class. I've soon got a searing pain flooding my head as it makes contact with the stand where the markers for the board sit, and I hardly hear the sound of it crashing to the floor with my body as I collapse to the ground. I just grit my teeth at the pain, swallowing down the feeling of the way my stomach churns, lifting my head up with as much of a glare as I can muster at the man whilst waiting for my vision to clear.

"I will not allow you to abuse and insult the others in this classroom as you do with me. I will say this every fucking day until you're put where you belong. No one else will suffer by your hand after me." I growl before spitting out the blood that's collected in my mouth, watching it as it lands satisfyingly on his shoes. I'm soon receiving a swift kick to my rib cage for having talked back, and before I even have a chance to react, he's lifting me up into the air with his hands wrapped tightly around my throat. There's a murderous look in his eyes as he glares at me, but it doesn't stop my smirk from forming, the bell ringing to dismiss us for the day just seconds later.

I don't squirm in the air, don't claw at his hands and wrists, I don't do any of it, not wanting to provide him with the satisfaction as I glance behind him towards the others and barely manage to nod my head for them to get the hell out of here already. I already know Jungkook will be waiting for me just outside of the classroom, allowing me to refocus my attention on the man still trying to choke me, waiting for what I know is to come. It's just as my vision begins to blur and darken once more that he's throwing me to the ground and walking off away from me, and there's no bracing for the impact of the floor when my body hits it, forcing myself to suppress the groan that wants desperately to be released from the pain.

I just lay there for a moment, struggling to bring oxygen back into my body. The moment I feel that I've enough to move though, I'm quickly dragging myself back up onto my feet, developing a headache from how tightly my jaw is clenched in pain as I stalk towards my desk so that I can slide my notebook into my bag and toss it over my shoulder.

"You will meet your demise. I'm last person you should've fucked with. I'll put you away for good. It's just a matter of time." I threaten as I look back at the bastard sitting at the front of the room, dragging my aching body out of the classroom seconds later. Sure enough, Jungkook is stood next to the door with his bag over his shoulder, matching my stride easily as I walk away from the classroom that's become more like home than I ever thought I'd have to face again.

"I don't get why you do this to yourself, Ji. I don't get why you don't just go to Sihyun already and get this sorted out. There's no way you don't have enough evidence by now." Jungkook mutters, still very much against the promise he's begrudgingly kept all this time. I just heave a sigh at the fact that he's bringing this up again, shaking my head as we make our way to my locker.

It's been graffitied to hell and back by now, everyone that isn't in our class hating my guts and writing as much shitty stuff on there as they can manage to fit. Surprisingly, my cover's not been blown somehow, so all of the hate is solely centered around the fact that everyone sees me walking with Jungkook in the morning and at the end of the day. The inside of it is a whole different story though, having begun receiving notes and letters from the kids in our class, mentioning what I've been doing and going through. I've been collecting every single one I get, knowing they'll only be more evidence, more nails in the coffin that I've been working to create for our teacher.

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