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Minsae POV

I stare in the direction of the front door worriedly, Yoora and Eunha having just left to meet with our manager. I can only hope the man has come to a reasonable conclusion and that Eunha won't give Yoora too much shit on the way there, knowing she doesn't have much of grip left on sanity. It worries me to no end that she's had herself locked in the dance room since Saturday, worries me that when she finally exits so that she can shower that she can't even bring herself to have enough self trust not to do something we both know she ultimately doesn't want to.


My head snaps back to the group of people sat in the living room with me, worry still on my face as I look over towards Taehyung, having recognized his voice easily. I just sigh as I curl into Jimin's side, Yoongi having come and taken a seat on the couch on the other side of him earlier.

"What's up, Tae?" I mumble, deciding the distraction probably wouldn't be a bad thing for me right now. She's out of the dance room, off to have her meeting with Sihyun which is an enormous step for her, meaning that we're finally going to be able to get her back on the right track soon enough. She's going to be okay, and I know that, and it's the only thing that's settling me enough to have any sort of conversation with the others at this point.

"Why were you calling Jihyun by the name Yoora on Friday at the school?" His expression is serious but his words have my blood running cold, realization sinking as to what I've done. I have no doubt my face falls at the question, and I can feel my heartbeat picking up, but I force myself to slowly shake my head in response.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Tae." I breathe out, and I can feel Jimin looking down at me, can feel the worry seeping off of him and Yoongi, can feel the confusion flooding the rest of the room. Taehyung doesn't seem confused in the slightest though, rather appearing somewhat frustrated by my denial as he gives me a light glare.

"You do too. Why the fuck were you calling her by that name?" Taehyung growls slowly, anger beginning to grow. It's now that I can see the resemblance he has to the man I've never met, to the man that's haunted Yoora her entire life. His anger is scary and threatening, however, as I recall the fact that he's been completely oblivious to the fact that he's been living with his baby sister for the last month now, recall the fact that he'd left her high and dry when they were both still so little, the way he'd left and never looked back, the threatening demeanor no longer scares me but rather pisses me off.

It's a terrifying feeling, having suffered my own great deal of bullying in the past, but I find that it also makes sense in a way. It's why Eunha's behavior towards Yoora has always pissed me off to no end, why I've always stood up for Yoora against the bitch, and I feel as though I'm beginning to find myself in a similar position now with Taehyung despite the fact that his anger is most certainly directed towards myself. I have an idea that I know what's driving his anger, and that thought alone is enough to smother the fear within me enough to have my posture tightening as I sit upright and return his glare.

"Why the fuck does that name bother you so much, Taehyung? Confusion would certainly be understandable, but that name almost seems to piss you off." I sneer, feeling the ugly adrenaline beginning to pump through my veins at a rate enough to have me passing out if this were all to suddenly deflate. His anger only grows in response, and there's a triumphant smirk forming on my lips at his reaction.

"I want to know why the fuck you were using that name, goddamn it. This isn't about me." Taehyung snaps, tone venomous. It's something that should shake me to my core, but I find myself laughing coldly with a grin spreading across my face, knowing he and I both know just why it is that name bothers him so much.

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