Upcoming threat of the Daleks 

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Greyette's POV

After meeting with Sek I am going to try to help protect him for my baby girl. But I'm just going to have to get some more information about the Daleks. I'm not sure what exactly they are... And what they want with Sek. And I just don't want to have to see my baby girl being upset because her beloved died because of me. I would never be able to forgive myself and I know she wouldn't be able to forgive me.

I decided that I was going to speak with the doctor Taurus. I'd see if he can do anything for me. I'm really nervous to talk to him though.

I know what a tardis actually looks like, so I found him sitting alone in his. "Hi. Taurus I need to talk to you. Can we please talk?"
"Yes. Everything ok?" Taurus asked.
"oh uh yeah. I'm just wondering about your enemies... The Daleks. What could you tell me about them?" I ask.
"Oh. Sorry but I'm just not in the mood for conversation right now," Taurus replied. And I'm not sure what to think. I thought that he was going to talk to me?
"I'm sorry. What? Taurus..."
"I'm sorry but I don't want to have any Conversation about those bloody Daleks!" Taurus snapped at me.
"I'm sorry. Fine!" I didn't say anything else to him. I didn't see the point. I just walked out of his tardis without another word.

I don't know what to do right now, but it seemed I was probably going to have to talk with someone else. I didn't want to worry the receiver and I didn't want to interrupt her right now. I knew she was spending time with Sek. And I'm not going to go interrupting that. I'm beginning to feel stressed out though. I really fucking needed to talk to somebody! I didn't care who. I knew that Taurus wasn't going to be able to help me out. Either that or he just simply didn't want to. And anyhow, I knew that I needed to talk to somebody and fast. I was painfully aware of the fact that time was running out.
"You said that you needed information on the Daleks?" I heard somebody call out to me. I didn't recognize the voice of who it was.
"Yes? And Who are you exactly?"
And The person finally revealed themselves. It was an old man with silver hair and blue eyes. "I'm The doctor, but you may call me Basil."

Three words.

What the fuck?!

Basil's POV

"First I'll just go ahead and tell you right now... They're coming. The Daleks are coming for you guys and I have come to help you."
"Wait just slow down! I don't even know who the fuck you are! Now you're telling me about these Daleks like you actually know what the hell is going on?" The female alien practically squealed at me.
"oh but I do know of what's going on right now," I reply calmly.
"And how?" The female practically demanded to know.
"I just told you! I'm the doctor." I say.
"Yeah ok. I'm Greyette. I... thank you for telling me what's going on. I'm looking for... Protection for Dalek Sek. I'm pretty sure that those other Daleks ..."
"Plan on betraying him, turning against him and then murdering him?" I asked her.
"How'd you know that?" Greyette gasped.
"Because I have already lived through and seen his future. And I know that what we are about to do might end up causing a paradox, but for her... I would do anything."

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