desperately seeking immortality...

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Receiver's POV

Oh my Bay Bay whatever is the matter?

He is acting so strangely and I just... I don't understand the reasoning as to why. I mean I don't recall the two of us getting into an argument. And I don't think that I have said or done anything to make him upset with me. So I'm not sure what exactly happened with him.

And as of now, he is refusing to open up and talk to me. Oh my. Just what the living hell could have transpired between the two of us in such a short time to allow the doctor to be this way? Perhaps this was all because of those rotten fucking Daleks. Yeah that's probably what's going on. Because oh my God! I just... It just fucking had to be! And I simply just refuse anything else but that. Everything really has been really weird lately since Thay came by the other day.

Oh and I almost forgot! The worst part about all this? I haven't heard from my brother Alexx for a while now. And I'm going crazy right now just because of it. I'm very worried that something may have happened to him.

I try, but try as I might? I just can't stop the thoughts from invading my mind. And My dragon is able to feel my stress that I'm feeling so I mean... That's not any better for the both of us. And Plus, she is also busy with taking care of her hatchlings. Just beautifully watching over all of them and making sure that they are safe. Well All except for Hellfire, who is curled up in the lap of Bay Bay.

Oh my God I don't know what to do right now...

What the hell am I supposed to do? And how the fuck am I supposed to protect Dalek Sek fucking still?

Oh my God I don't know what to do...

Oh what do I do now? I just feel so fucking stressed out right now! Oh my God I just really need to talk to somebody.

I went to find somebody... I mean anybody. I'd even talk with Taurus right now I mean if I really had to. Right now I don't care really. Like I said literally I will talk to anybody right now because I really need to talk to someone. Sek's in danger right now and I really don't know what to fucking do for him. And I'm really scared to fucking lose him.

"I have an idea," Basil said all of a sudden.
"Oh my God Basil come on! You fucking scared the hell out of me! But what's your idea? You care to let me know or are you just going to keep it for yourself?"
"Don't get snippy with me. I was really about to tell you. So I was thinking that maybe... We could use that magical dragon of yours... With the magical orange wish making things? I do sincerely apologize I haven't... Ever heard of or seen anything like those before." Bay Bay confessed, suddenly going from being hard and angry with me to all of a sudden being a little embarrassed.
"Oh my come on now! Bay Bay come on it's okay! I don't blame you for not knowing what they are. You don't know about them because well I mean... The aliens who deal with them are different from well... From the other time Lords. Y'all haven't ever gotten the chance to meet with each other and honestly? I really don't think that you actually ever will..." And I really don't think that they would actually get the chance to meet with each other and also? I mean even if they had, who's to say that the Saiyans actually would be okay with the time Lords and vice versa? I mean I know the doctor is the doctor, but...

"I uh... Well I was thinking that maybe we could..."
"Have the wish granting dragon give you immortality so that you don't have to worry about ever having to regenerate and reincarnate into another reincarnation?"
"Oh well, could you really? I mean would that actually be possible?" Bay Bay seemed really excited by this imminent possibility.
"Oh yeah umm... I mean we could at least try?" I said, still feeling cautious about the whole thing. I wasn't really sure if asking the dragon to make Dalek Sek and Bay Bay immortal actually would be able to work. But I think that I'm still going to try. At least I'd give it a shot. I'd do anything and I mean anything to keep Sek and Basil.
"Oh and... Try not to forget about Orion," Basil just had to remind me.

Basil's POV

After everything going on these past couple weeks, hearing that I wouldn't ever have to possibly regenerate again... I knew that I couldn't necessarily hold my breath about it, but I was still a little excited about it and nonetheless. One less thing that I had to stress out about.
"So how are we going to get the magical wish granting orbs?"
"I'll need to ask my... My mother and father." Receiver says.

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