When he takes a liking...

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Sek's POV

"These humans will be like me. Prepare them for hybridization!" I ordered my Daleks. I still had seen the other girl who was with the doctor. And I'm wondering if she is mated to him.

And if she's mated...

I couldn't afford getting angry right now. I could not afford feeling... Whatever this was right now. I had to stick to the plan. I had to above all keep it away from my brothers. I just couldn't afford being distracted. I couldn't let them anywhere near her!

I had to protect her.

But...? Was that what I was really feeling? I'm not really sure. I'm just not sure what exactly is going on with me right now. I'm just still so new to these different emotions, but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy it. I loved it in fact. And I'm really excited about being able to actually feel everything I felt.

Including... Love.

I didn't care about the other human girls as the pig slaves tried to take her away. I even ignored her as she tried to protest. I wasn't interested in what was going on at the moment. I was rather interested in the other human woman who was hiding. The doctor had already taken her to the tardis, but I wanted to meet with her. I felt I really needed to.

And I felt... Something I just couldn't really explain. Just what exactly would I be feeling right now? I just knew that it was a lot stronger than feeling love, but... I couldn't put a name to what exactly it was. What was it?

Receiver's POV

I'm not going to talk to him! I don't want to talk with Orion. Yes. I'm well aware of how he was just trying to protect me, but still. I actually wanted to meet with Sek. And yet part of me just couldn't really be mad at him for doing what he's doing. I understood he probably didn't understand my perspective. It's not like I could really tell him though. And I'm not really allowed to say anything to Sek. Even though I knew that he would die.

So with that in mind, I knew that I had to really think fast. I had to come up with a plan to try to essentially prevent him from dying. I didn't care about breaking the rules. I didn't care about causing a fucking paradox. I would do whatever it took to save Sek's life.

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