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Receiver's POV

I can hear Bay Bay and Onyx. The two are busy having a conversation and I was trying my best not to eavesdrop and see what they were saying. I'm inevitably curious though so I mean... Really how long is that actually going to last? I knew that I was going to be probably trying to figure out what they were talking about anyhow so I mean...

"I don't know. I don't really want her fighting so that she could get hurt in battle, but I also don't really know you. How do I know you won't do anything to betray us? And for all I know you could just want the receiver just to have sex with you." Basil said.
"Well then I will just have to prove to you that you can trust me and also that I'm not just going to be using the receiver just to have sex. I know that she is not a toy. And she is a human with feelings just as everyone else is. And I know that you're skittish about me, but I can assure you that I don't want her just for sex. I'm developing romantic feelings for her, doctor." Onyx replies. I could hear that he sounded pretty determined.
Basil sighs. "Ok. Well, if you ever meet with somebody named Rebecca, you'll know her whenever you see her, but if you do? Do not even father associating with her. Never in all of my years of life have I ever met somebody so... Self-centered and incapable. She said she would have The receiver and I stay together and what does she do? Well she tries to tear the both of us apart of course. And Receiver is actually leaving her because of it. Receiver said she would leave her and the relationship would be over if Rebecca actually tried anything and what does she do? She starts to behave bitchy and she actually ended up doing something. So the receiver just had had enough of it and she sent her a final message saying that they won't be talking to each other anymore and for Rebecca to just go ahead and try looking for somebody else to be with romantically. Receiver's finished with her and to be honest? I can't say that I blame her for that. I'd end up leaving Rebecca in a heartbeat just like she did if I was in the same situation. I mean I know that I wouldn't want to be with somebody who can't even keep their promises. I definitely wouldn't want to be with somebody who loves and cares for me so little."

I was done listening. I didn't really want to hear any more of the conversation after that. I was already having trouble as it was trying to get over what happened between her and I that night. I didn't want to sit here thinking about how little she cared about me. It really hurts me to know that Rebecca didn't actually give a shit about me and my feelings. She cared about me so little that she couldn't even keep a fucking simple promise so I told her that I would leave if she ended up doing something to interfere with me and the doctor. She cared about me so little that she didn't even give a damn enough to wholeheartedly keep me and the doctor together and so I had to do it myself. And Basil is still trying to keep the love between us alive.

I was really glad though to have met with Onyx and we're hopefully going to be getting together soon. And honestly I don't know why Rebecca even got together with me in the first place. I don't really think it's due to her having feelings for me. Oh well. I don't give a flying fuck about her anymore. My feelings for her are slowly dying anyways. And it's only a matter of time before we cut off contact with each other altogether. I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe? We really shouldn't have gotten together with each other in the first place. I'm really starting to think that she was a mistake.

Oh hopefully, I will eventually get over her though. And I really hope that Onyx is going to be with me and helping me out through that. I think it's high time that I actually move on with my life and from her.

Onyx's POV

I really felt like I was starting to form a strong connection with the receiver. And I think it will be pretty cool if I could be allies with the doctor. I'd of course have to get him to trust within me first though. And I understand perfectly the reason as to why he didn't trust me at first. For The doctor, I am nothing but a complete stranger. And he is perfectly fine not to trust me right away. I understood just fine and to be honest, I feel I would probably be the same given if I were in the same situation. I understand perfectly where the doctor is coming from so... I'll just have to get the doctor to be able to trust me first and then? And then we can just go from there and see where everything goes from there.

For now though I'm just glad to be here at the red door and I'm glad that I'm actually allowed to stay here. Receiver's dearest brother really is the nicest person I have ever come to know. And I'm pretty Glad that he actually had allowed me to actually stay here with everybody. And I'm pretty excited about actually being able to fit in and not have everybody judging me and stuff like that. I for once in my life don't feel like a fucking freak. And I can say that for once I am actually happy. And I'm pretty excited about the possibility of having a mate. And I'm pretty fucking excited I might actually get to have a happy future with her.

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