Thay Arrives

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Receiver's POV

There was a loud banging on the door. And I was really terrified that something was going to happen now.

"I don't care what you do to me. I'm not going to let you hurt the Dalek!" I heard Basil say.
"Well either you let me have Dalek Sek or... I can take your little girlfriend home with me and I'll just have fun with her instead," I can hear a Dalek tell Bay Bay. Thay? Was that Dalek Thay?
"Oh no I won't let you touch Receiver either. As I said I don't care what you do to me." Bay Bay repeated.
"Ok I'll Go ahead and take your little girlfriend then, Doctor." The Dalek says.

Oh my God... Oh God what the hell am I going to fucking do? I'm not sure if I can really help you Bay Bay.

How fucking worthless was I! I'm not even able to do anything to help Basil right now. And I'm unable to really move and do anything because I felt frozen with fear. And there was a really huge possibility I might lose Basil. Oh my God Crowley where the fuck are you right now?

I knew that I would have to be quiet if I was going to find Crowley. But I'm going to have to talk to him right away. And The sooner I do it, the sooner I can get it over with and the sooner I can have him helping me out. I know that Crowley's got romantic feelings for me, so I can use that to my advantage. Was it a selfish thing for me to do? Yeah it probably was but right now, I really didn't give a flying fuck. Sek's in danger right now and I did say that I would do anything to save his life. Even if I had to take advantage of Crowley a little bit in the process. He'd understand completely I mean... Crowley's a motherfucking demon for crying out loud! Wasn't he taking advantage of the situation all the time to get what he wanted all the time?

Oh yeah Crowley's going to forgive me eventually. And he probably won't even get upset about having to help me out. As I just said, I know that he is deeply in love with me and I love him as well. I... Just had not told him quite yet though. And now definitely wasn't the time for me to be confessing feelings. I'd need to wait just a little while longer for that.

I found Crowley and he was just settling into his new room. I feel really rude doing this but I have to talk to him now.

"Hi. Sorry Crowley but I really need to talk to you about something," I explained.
"Yes?" Crowley asked, making my pussy wet with his signature smirk.

Oh my God I'm in trouble.

"Oh I... What are you doing here at The Red door? And I don't understand how the hell you even found us Crowley. The Red door, it's supposed to be a very top secret place so... Why the hell are you even here?" And there we go. Now Crowley wasn't going to be thinking that I wanted him to fuck me or something. And hopefully I actually did a fucking good job of making him believe that I didn't actually have feelings for him. Even though I do. Oh my God I really do have deep feelings for him and... And I just really wish now that he knew. Oh that would just make everything so much fucking easier!

Crowley sighs. If he is hurting and feeling rejected because of me, he's really good at hiding it. "Don't Go spreading it around, would you? I came here and I came here to be with you guys for a while because I love you okay? And I figured you guys could use the extra help. So I decided that I would come here to stay with you guys for a while and possibly provide my assistance for you." He says.
"Oh ok thanks." That's all that I could actually manage to say to him? You fucking kidding me? Oh now he's not going to want to be with me! Yes really fucking great job there, Receiver. You fucking stupid dumbass!

But Crowley surprised me with what he said to me next. "Oh anything for you."

Oh lord. Crowley was really in love with me?

"Oh Crowley, you really love me?" I asked.
"Oh yes. Aziraphale... he chose to go back to heaven."

I'm excited now. But I knew that I had to be careful though. I knew that Crowley could change his mind like a woman changes her clothing. I really needed to be on my guard. We all really need to be careful right now. And I knew that we couldn't just go around willy-nilly. We have to be very careful about what we are doing.

Crowley's POV

I didn't really know what was going on right now. And who's Thay anyways? I don't know who that is. Are they a friend of the receiver I didn't know? And I'm not sure if it was okay for me to be able to ask...
"Crowley you okay?" Receiver asked me.
"Yes sorry about that. Just thinking about stuff I guess... Oh ok Receiver who's Thay?" Do I really feel bad for asking her this question? I wasn't really sure.
Receiver sighed. "Thay is Dalek Sek's murderer."

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