And more bad news

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Receiver's POV

What was he doing here? Taurus just found us. And I'm not sure what he wants. What did he think that he was going to be getting out of it? I really wasn't sure, but I just knew that deep down he just was not supposed to be here. Taurus really did not need to be here with us right now. And I'm absolutely certain that my brother definitely wouldn't approve of what he was doing right now. Just how did he actually figure out where we were? I don't think I had ever told him where we were during any of the conversations I had had with him. And I wasn't really sure if I would be able to trust him currently. Yes he's the doctor, but he has been a little bit of kind of a jerk when it comes to Sek. And I'm not sure if he and I could actually have a civilized conversation without him turning around and trying to get angry at me or something.

Well regardless of whether or not he was actually angry, I couldn't afford risking that. I knew Taurus. He was known to be pretty damn unpredictable. And if Bay Bay is beginning to get sick, if he is indeed getting ready to go into regeneration, I didn't want him under any additional stress right now.

I was gonna have my own mental breakdown already from the level of stress that I was already under at the moment. And I just couldn't imagine exactly the level of stress that Basil potentially could end up being under.

I really don't know what was going on with Taurus. I understood that we were all under stress right now, but really what could he possibly gain from saying something like that to me, ? Only thing that he would succeed in doing would be severing the relationship that he and I had at the current moment in time.

I remember the conversation that we just had with each other. It really wasn't that long ago though. Taurus said that I was gonna end up losing Bay Bay.

"I'm sorry. I'm not here looking for trouble with you, but I am however here to tell you that well... your Bay Bay is going to have to go through regeneration pretty soon here," yeah that was the first fucking thing that he had actually fucking told me. Not wanting to believe a word of what he was saying though, I had shook my head.
"You lie, Taurus!" I say. I had not wanted to believe what he was telling me had been real. How could it be real? I just simply refused to believe that it could be real. I didn't want it to be.
Taurus sighed. "Sorry. I'm so very sorry my love. And I just wish that it weren't true," he had told me and I had not wanted to believe it. I just couldn't imagine what My life would be like without my Bay Bay being a major part of it.

Still I was trying to come to terms with it. A little part of me didn't want to believe what he was saying. And I'm still desperately trying to convince myself that maybe, just maybe he was just jealous of what I had with Bay Bay.

Yeah that just had to be it, because I refuse to believe anything else. Bay Bay is mine. And we're going to be happy and together forever. And not even somebody like that jealous little bastard Taurus was going to succeed in getting in the way of that...

Taurus's POV

I didn't understand why she wasn't able to trust me right now. I mean I knew that she was upset with me right now but still... Why couldn't she find it in her heart to be able to trust me? Did she not know how much I loved her?

I only wanted to protect her okay? I really wasn't even trying to do anything to hurt her. Only thing that is going on with me right now is that simply, I just don't want her to get hurt. I really don't want to see her in pain. I just couldn't bear the thought of having to see her in pain like that.

I just want to see her happy. Is that really such a fucking crime? And now everybody was just over here giving me a bunch of shit for it.

I really don't know what to do here. I mean should I just go ahead and leave well enough alone then? Apparently I'm not much of help right now anyways. So should I just stick to my own business then? Seriously what the hell am I supposed to do? I really don't know what to fucking do.

"You lie. Taurus I really don't know why you're trying to start shit with me right now, but come on. It's not My fucking fault that I'm in love with Bay Bay and I'm not in love with you anymore okay? The time between you and me, that's over for us Taurus!"
I just couldn't imagine my life without the receiver as being a part of it. And now she was over here actually trying to tell me that it was over between us and that she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore. Please just make it make sense! "What? I love you so much why would you want to just throw that away?"
"I just got done fucking telling you, Taurus. I don't fucking love you anymore. I love somebody else now. I love him. My Bay Bay."

I didn't want to believe that what was happening right now between us was even real. She just couldn't be trying to leave me right now. She couldn't!
"What... Baby what can I do to get you to stay?" I'm sounding pretty damn desperate right now but right now, I really don't give a fuck.
"Sorry. You really can't do anything to save this relationship."

And that was the last thing that she said to me. That's when she had left me after that.

I really didn't know what to do after that. I didn't know what to do because the pain in both of my hearts was just simply unbearable and I felt I really couldn't take it. I just couldn't handle it and to be honest? I felt like I was actually on the verge of passing out.

I felt so stupid for what I had done. And now I'm going to have to pay the price. This was all my own doing. This is indeed all my fault and I deserve every bit of this.

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