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Receiver's POV

We arrived at the Red Door. And I was really happy to see that my baby Bay Bay was there. At least I don't have to be all alone and bored. I'd rather be with Basil anyway. So I'm ok with this. But I just wasn't sure what Bay Bay was thinking now.
"Ah. And who do we have here?" Asked Bay Bay.
"Davros. Kidding. Bay Bay it's okay it's just me. And also my brother Alexx." I replied.
"Oh my God. Oh I really didn't think that I would ever see you again! I mean I thought that I actually lost you, baby Gallifrey. I... I..."
"I know Bay Bay. I know. You don't need to be so worried now. It's okay Bay Bay I'm okay now."
"There someone else with you?" Basil asked.
"Oh no. Yeah I'm sorry about this. Yes Basil I'd like to introduce you to Receiver's mate. Uh... Well I mean maybe," Alexx says.

Oh ok thanks for letting Basil know that I was keeping around a huge tentacle monster because I loved the way his cock felt inside me and also I was thinking about being with him. Yeah. Yeah thank you again for that Alexx.

"Name?" Basil demanded.
"Sorry Basil. He doesn't have one," Alexx explained.
"What? Well then I Don't really know how I feel about the receiver being with somebody without a name. I'd like the creatures to have a name to them..." Basil replied feeling somewhat uncomfortable by this whole situation and to be honest I really couldn't blame him.
"Yeah. Sorry about that. I know how awkward this must feel for you. But I'm sure that Receiver's going to have a name picked out for him pretty soon. He can't be without a name forever." Alexx desperately tried to reassure Bay Bay but I wasn't really sure if it was actually working though. I didn't really think that it was. I could still sense that Bay Bay was still feeling pretty uneasy and uncomfortable by this whole situation. And once again I just couldn't blame him because I would probably feel the same way if somebody I didn't know came and made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe. And this made me feel very bad for Basil.

Then came my intrusive thoughts... Like, when would exactly be a good time for me to tell Basil that I was madly in love with his former friend or whatever they are, Missy?

Oh God.

He wasn't really going to be too happy about that one... Bay Bay didn't get along with Missy. I don't really know what happened between the both of them, but I just know that the two of them just have kind of a weird and complicated love-hate relationship between each other. The doctor is trying to make things right with the master again, but the master doesn't seem to really want to and blamed the doctor for what happened between the two of them. Oh yeah. Like I said. It's really complicated.

"What are you thinking?" Basil asked breaking me out of my own thoughts.
I just shook my head clearing my thoughts. I'm not going to be able to Tell him about her quite yet. And I'm not sure if I can even ever be able to tell him, but I know that I would have to at some point so I decided it would probably be best to tell him after everything settled down at least just a little bit. "Oh well it's not really much of anything. Please don't worry about it Bay Bay." I try my best to reassure him. Did he actually believe me though is the question.

"Oh by the way I think... I think I actually found a name for my new potential mate. I think I might call him Onyx."
"Ah okay. I really do think that I enjoy that name by the way. Good." Basil said.
"I'll have to agree with you on this one, doctor. I really do think that I also like that name as well. Onyx."

Okay that's good. And now I didn't have to worry about the doctor pressuring me about what I was thinking of right now. And I'm now free to have my own thoughts of Missy.

Basil's POV

I was still pretty nervous. What with everything going on right now I mean... But I'm glad that she actually found someone else to be with her as well. Even though I had thought that this was pretty weird timing for it. Tensions were high and I had no idea myself when the Daleks were going to be trying to strike against us again. And we all needed to get ready and needed all the help that we could get right now. Yes. Yes this could actually end up being a really good thing for us.

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