Storm Brewing

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  Addie awoke in the very spot she collapsed the night before. The encounter with that Ninja was no dream... Just like the previous times. They were stiff and sore from the awkward sleeping position, but the sleep was needed for sure. Silently, Addie got up, checked her belongings, and began the walk back to the main city. For the next few days, Addie and the Ninja fought whenever they would see each-other. It was always on sight, and though Addie appeared to have superior combat skills, the Ninja would always retreat once he realized he was losing. It didn't matter where they were or who saw them, the two would always duel if one spotted the other. This...started to draw folks' attention...

  Stubbing his cigar, the cowboy rewatched the footage of a fight downtown. Fights broke out in the city all the time, that wasn't anything new. Now, a swordfight between a ninja and someone who appeared to have supernatural powers? That was interesting. "Normally," he started, seeming to speak to someone behind him, "This wouldn't be my problem. But with all the Null Sector and Talon shit goin' on lately, I'd rather be safe than sorry." "You? Being safe? Did you hit your head, Cassidy? Are you alright?" A blonde, Swiss woman, callsign "Mercy" teased before speaking again, "But I do agree. These two are awfully suspicious--and are definitely putting lives at risk by fighting in such a heavily populated area!" "I was thinkin' of goin' out there and checkin' it out myself... But maybe I should bring some folks with me?" The cowboy, Cassidy continued, seemingly ignoring the woman's previous comment. "Take Tracer! She's been dying to get back into the action, you know," Mercy suggested, checking a clipboard after. "Mm...yeah, maybe. And Genji's pretty reliable too, of course..." Cassidy thought aloud. He shouldn't need more than two others, he figured, so he'd let them know later. For now, though? He'd just have to keep an eye on the situation.

  Back in the city, it'd been about two weeks since Addie's arrival. She was something of a... Hot topic. City folk were wary of them and the Ninja that showed his face occasionally--but nobody knew who was in the wrong. Many were convinced the fights were simply staged and paid no mind, while others saw them as entertainment. Addie had no energy nor desire to correct them, and preferred to keep her distance, especially now. Addie's cash had run dry, and it'd been a few days since they'd last eaten, running low on water too. She saved her energy specifically for fights with the mysterious Ninja, which had begun happening at the same time lately (adding onto the "staged" theory by passersby). Today, however, was different.

  A cowboy, a cyborg, and a Brit walk into a city... An oddly empty city. "I heard that these fights between the two have been happening on a schedule lately!" The British woman, Tracer exclaimed. "That explains why it's so...empty. I assume the people around here have learned the schedule, and clear out accordingly," the Japanese cyborg, Genji replied as he kept his guard up. "On the slim chance these fights ain't fake, these folks're smart to get lost. Seems they both got good aim, but neither of the two manage to hit each other, ever." Cassidy added, his hand on the holster of his pistol. "In my honest opinion, I don't think it's fake. The way the brown-haired one yells... They want him dead," Genji commented. "I'm really surprised the police haven't gotten involved yet! Well, actually... No, I'm not," Tracer said shrugging. "Dead ahead, look alive," Cassidy said, picking up the pace a bit. Standing in the middle of a vacant street was Addie. It was nearly time to duel... This had to be it, they were losing hope & genuinely didn't want to go on like this. "Hey there, you." A voice caught her off guard & they whipped her head around to face it. Before her stood three people: A man dressed like a cowboy, a young woman with short brown hair, and... Could it be, one of those robots? Addie scanned the three strangers curiously. They definitely weren't police. "What? I don't want trouble," they eventually answered. "Well, it's a bit too late for that now ain't it? We just wanna talk to ya," Cassidy said, holding his arms out at his side as a show of peace. "I don't like talking. Leave me alone," was the response from Addie. "Hey, c'mon now love! We're not gonna hurt you, okay? We don't even have to go anywhere, we can talk right here!" Tracer reasoned in a comforting voice with a cheerful smile on her lips, taking a step closer. Genji remained silent, observing. "I don't have time for this," Addie thought, their expression changing from irritation to anger. "It's not me who should be worried about getting hurt. If you take one more step..." the young adult threatened, summoning their Hydro Sword. The latter three exchanged glances and nodded. This person was up to no good and thusly should be subdued. Little did they know, Addie was a force to be reckoned with.

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