Down to Business

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  That following day, Addie remembered they were to meet Cassidy in the training room. After eating breakfast, that's where they went. This room was filled with sandbags and training bots, as well as weights and other equipment fit for working out. "Mornin' to ya. Did you sleep okay?" "Like a rock, actually. So yeah," Addie replied to Cassidy, cracking a small smile. "Great. I wanted to introduce ya to yer new training partner, Angelo," the cowboy said, gesturing to a young man around Addie's age. He had brown skin and bleached hair, and as he noticed he was being introduced, he waved quickly. "Good morning, Addie! I heard about you from Dr. Zeigler!" "Are you... Canadian?" Addie asked, furrowing a brow. "Yes, how'd you know?" Angelo asked back in response, raising a brow and donning a clueless smile. "Oh, it's nothing. I guess I just recognized your accent. Anyway, cool, to meet you Angelo," Addie replied with a nod. The two shook hands, and upon doing this, Angelo recoiled a bit. "Your hands are so cold! Are you all right?" the young man asked, concerned. "Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. I think it's just my powers that do that. Sorry," Addie responded with a light chuckle. "Alright. Now that you two know each other, I want you get some training done together. Angelo is also training to be an EMT, so I figured putting you two together would save us some time and effort," Cassidy explained, taking a seat nearby. "Oh! I can teach you basic medical stuff, like wrapping up wounds, CPR... The works!" Angelo suggested, seeming thrilled to have someone to train with. "Yeah, sure, I actually don't know much about physically patching people up. My powers can heal, so I don't really worry about it. But I suppose being an EMT would mean needing to know this kinda thing anyway, so feel free to teach me about it," Addie agreed. With that, Angelo taught the young adult everything that Mercy had taught him before, occasionally explaining how he'd been training under the doctor as well. Addie thought that Angelo was bright and had a lot going for him... And looked forward to working alongside him. It was somewhat comforting to be placed with someone around their own age to work with, and this drove Addie to really do her best while showing Cassidy what she was capable of. After all, the sooner they could be on their own again, the better.

  Besides learning basic medical protocol with Angelo, Addie also showed off their combat skills. Of course, Cassidy had already seen them, but it was easier to show off the extent of their abilities in a controlled environment. Cassidy put a lot of emphasis on wanting a medic with combat experience, and Addie soon discovered that this was because Angelo didn't fight. "So that's why Cass wanted me to train with Angelo," Addie thought, "He teaches me basic medical stuff, and I teach him basic combat stuff. I guess he was right, opportunities for the both of us." "You're really good at fighting," Angelo stated abruptly, "I think I'd be too nervous in a real scenario..." "Nah, you'd do fine. You like fighting long range, right? That would also be good for healing, too. Staying hidden while supporting your allies and keeping your enemies away from them," Addie replied, "And besides, you have great aim with that...sniper thing." "Thanks for saying that, Addie... If you really think I'm capable of it, then I'll make you proud!" Angelo said with a smile and nod. "How 'bow you two take a break for now? Get some water, maybe eat somethin'... But before that, I do wanna talk to you, Addie," Cassidy said as he made his way over. "Oh! In that case, I'll get us waters and maybe make something to eat! Meet me in the dining hall, okay? See you soon!" Angelo called, heading off. Addie waved in Angelo's direction before turning to face Cassidy. "So. What'cha think?" The cowboy asked simply. "About what? Angelo? ...He's nice," Addie answered slowly. "That's good to know, but I meant how you'd feel 'bout being an EMT alongside him. He's gonna need some help, so I wanna make sure you can handle it," Cassidy explained. "Oh. Yeah, I'm in. He has potential and is obviously a compassionate person, I can tell he'll be easy to work with," Addie responded with a nonchalant tone, as if this was obvious. Cassidy made a face at the young adult--she was strange. "What's with the face, Cowboy? Am I coming off too strong?" Addie asked in a somewhat teasing tone. "You're weird, Gremmy," Cassidy eventually said, "Someone so hellbent on killing a guy, but has no issue helping others..." "What did you call me? 'Gremmy'? Why??" Addie asked with an utterly confused expression--seemingly ignoring Cassidy's previous remark. "Oh. Short for 'Gremlin'. Because you're small and weird," the cowboy explained. Addie couldn't think of a response to this, so they just shrugged it off. "Don't get used to calling me that," she said simply, heading off after.

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