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  Rationally, Addie wanted to get as far away from the city as possible. Talon frequented it, and they didn't want to cause any extra trouble for Overwatch by lingering. The area near the ravine could be a good place to go... But it was extremely far on foot. For now, she decided to hang around the outskirts, since it was dark and they had no set plan. The day's events lingered in Addie's mind... What if she were just more adamant from the start about Mercy doing more tests? Or... Better yet, what if she just listened to what the doctor said in the start? Now, everything had fallen apart, and Addie was practically right back where they started. With the newfound realization that she alone was the only one to blame for everything, Addie felt lost. Still, they didn't want to completely throw in the towel yet. First thing's fist: she needed to find a good place to spend the night without going too far... The park would work nicely.

  "You might've failed bringing them back to me," Moira began, "But if what Akande says is true, this likely sparked disarray for the team... I doubt that little medic will stick around with them knowing her secret now." "So, what?" Reaper replied, not really caring about what the doctor was going on about but still lending an ear--in case it involved him. "So," Moira continued, "They've probably ran off. This would mean they are vulnerable to a follow-up--and may even agree without a fight. She is powerless, and currently has no allies to help them. Getting her now should be easy." "Ah. So, this ended up working out better," Reaper replied, understanding the scientist's point now. "Indeed. I've sent Clio to see if our target is out. If she is, I'll send some agents to get them," Moira explained, glancing at the radar which showed the cat-like omnic's location. She was scouring the city, currently, with no luck. To Moira, it was only a matter of time before she got her way. Listening in, Sombra figured she should warn Addie of the incoming Talon agents... She couldn't stand the thought of Addie being taken advantage of again--especially while more vulnerable this time. Sneaking out, she headed to their typical meeting spot on a whim, practically hoping for a miracle...

  "Sorry to order something right before you close," Addie began, paying the human worker currently running the coffee bar, "I guess I didn't realize the time." "Nah, we're usually open now, it's not your fault! I just didn't see anyone and decided to close early--but it's no big deal! Here's your chai!" The worker replied, handing the latte over. "Thank you. Have a good night," Addie said, giving a small bow of their head before making her way over to a table and bench. After sitting, they watched the worker close up shop and take off on his bike. Now, Addie was alone in the completely vacant park. ...Or so she thought. "Addie," Sombra started quickly, "You're in danger." "CHRIST-- Sombra!! You almost made me drop my cha-- What do you mean?" Sombra sat across from the latter, wearing a serious expression. "I really shouldn't be doing this, but I've kinda taken a liking to you... So, I'm warning you," she explained, "Talon's looking for you. They know you've ran away from Overwatch. You don't have to trust me, but I'm warning you for your own good." Addie silently processed the latter's words. After a moment, they spoke, "So... What do I do? What do you the best move here?" "Don't let your guard down. I have no idea where they are, but Moira did send someone to find you. Don't worry, it's not me," Sombra replied, "Honestly, I think you should go back and really talk through what happened." "I can't," Addie began, "I left my keycard and phone at base. I don't have any intention on going back, I need to solve this on my own." Hearing this, Sombra sighed a bit. So stubborn... "Suit yourself. I'll see if I can find you some help in case of an emergency. For tonight, you're probably safe here, though." "I appreciate you looking out for me... But honestly, I think I deserve whatever's coming," Addie said, staring at their cup. Sombra quickly swatted Addie against the head and scolded them, "Ay, don't be stupid. Sigma would be sad if you let yourself get hurt... And you have plenty of friends at Overwatch who care about you." Addie looked at Sombra, briefly touching the swatted area on their head before sighing. Was Sombra right? Regardless, they didn't want to return yet... "Take care. I've gotta go before Moira gets suspicious," Sombra said, waving and vanishing. "Bye, Sombra," Addie called, watching as she faded. This chai would give them a bit of energy to find a good spot to hold out until morning... So, they sipped it slowly, standing up and taking a walk around after.

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