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 ((Warning: This part contains mention of religious trauma. Reader discretion is advised.))

  Addie and Zenyatta spent the night with 'Sifu' and his unnamed pupil. The young man seemed pleased to talk with someone around his age after spending so much time in solitude. "What were you doing so far away from your teacher, anyway?" Addie couldn't help but ask, unable to fathom being that far away from Zenyatta. "Oh, um... I was out looking at bugs," he admitted, chuckling nervously. "All that trouble over a bug?" Addie replied, raising a brow, "You know what? I can't blame you. I also frequently put myself in situations over pests..." "Really? Say, why are you out here, anyway?" The young man asked, tilting his head. "Well... It's a long story. Are you sure you wanna hear it?" "Yes! Then I'll tell you mine! Sifu says that the more I normalize it, the easier it'll be to heal!" "Our teachers are similar in that aspect," Addie replied, then retelling their story. "Wow, Addie... That's so sad... I'm so sorry about your brother." "That's okay," Addie replied, "I wanna make him proud, so I'm healing to the best of my ability... So I can help people." "Well, you helped me! I'd say you're doing a good job!" The young man replied with a smile, to which Addie nodded. She snuck a glance at his bandaged ankle, noticing that his wound was still bleeding beneath it. Otherwise, he seemed fine. "So, what about you?" She asked after, crossing their legs on the pillow she was sat on. "Oh! Right... Let's see," the young man began, "So, I don't have a name because it has... Really bad memories for me. My parents were, um... Well, they were really into... Religion." Addie nodded, listening. "They'd always drill into my head how I'd go to hell, y'know, if I... Were 'bad'," he continued, looking down. "But 'bad' was kinda ambiguous. I was always freaking out overing being good enough." "That sucks," Addie said, "I'm sorry you went through all that." "That's not even the worst of it," the young man continued, "I had a...close friend. He got really, really sick one day. The village he lived at...didn't have great medical care, so my parents told me to pray for him. That God would heal him." "He... Didn't make it, did he?" Addie asked slowly, followed by the young man shaking his head slowly. He sniffled a bit, wearing a sad smile. "I ran away after. I found Sifu out here... And I've been here ever since. That was... Two or three years ago now, I think." "I'm glad you're healing from your trauma. If nobody's told you," Addie began, "I'm proud of you." Hearing this, the young man picked up his head, wearing a surprised expression. "W-well, gee... Um, thank you, Addie! You're doing great, too!" "Aw, thank you," Addie responded with a light smile. She then picked up the raccoon kit who'd been sleeping on her lap as he awoke, getting him situated with a bottle of kitten formula that the clinic had given Zenyatta. "So, what's his name?" The young man asked, gesturing. "Oh, uh... That's a good question," Addie replied, taking a look at the kit. "Mm... Kintsugi." "Did you come up with that on the spot?! It suits him well!" "I did. I guess some things come naturally," Addie stated, putting the newly named raccoon back down. "Addie... C-can you help me think of a name for myself?" The young man asked shyly after mustering up some courage. "Hm? You want me to do it? Uh... Sure," Addie replied, taking a long look at the boy before them. "Hm... You look like a... Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?" She said, clearly distracted. "Wh-wha--?! Um, uh... Th-thank you... N-no, nobody's ever said that before..." The young man replied, blushing. Addie only laughed a bit at this, nodding. "What do you think of Porter?" She asked after. "Mm... I like it, but I dunno..." "I got nothin' else right now. I'll think on it!" Hearing Addie say this, the young man nodded. "Well, I'm pretty tired... I'm gonna turn in, okay? Sifu set out sleeping mats for you and your teacher, I hope they're comfortable!" "Mm, okay. Goodnight, then. Sleep well," Addie replied, giving a small wave. The young man waved back, heading off after. Addie then joined up with Zenyatta, who was having a conversation with 'Sifu'. "Yes, my pupil's bedtime is around now. I'll likely be along as well," 'Sifu' stated, standing up, "There's plenty of pillows and blankets for you two. Sleep well." "Thank you for hosting us," Zenyatta said, "We are very grateful." "And I'm grateful for you two saving my pupil's life, so if there's anything you need, please ask," 'Sifu' continued. "Thank you very much," Addie said, watching him take his leave. Now, Zenyatta and Addie decided to get some rest as well.

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